How sure is Veeky Forums about it's positions

Would you rather be a $300k/yr "wagecuck" and never be able to touch crypto, or yourself with $5k in the bank and your current knowledge of crypto?

Well Veeky Forums?

Are u retarded?

The 5k would have to be upped to minimum 300k for this to be a debate u fuckng retard

i will never be wagecuck even if crypto disappears into thin air

Wagecuck for 10 years and retire vs having a chance of retiring in crypto after 2-3 years. I'll take the 10 every time. This is a dumb question

This, I don't think I can go back, but I will try to make what I can while this thing is running.

>thinking you can retire after 10 years at $300k salary in the highest tax bracket

You might be the dumb one, user.

Sounds like you're bad at trading

You will be homeless

Why would anyone ever wagecuck when there are infinite ways to make money by yourself? I never understood this.

both options sound pretty shit for anyone who isnt a late adopter

take wagecuck job and work like 5 hours a week and live frugally, not even a question.

Work 1 month and invest 20k lol

2014? Then ill take the

2018? Time will tell

>Thinks there will be a problem retiring after 10 years on 300K/ann.
>What is an IRA

It's genuinely funny how little actual investment knowledge crypto idiots have

Actual 300K a year wage cuck (over 40 airline pilot)

Have 74K in CC, down from 130 in Dec tho.

Both jobs suck.

Dude I’m no where near retiring at that income. There’s things called a house, wife, kids who need college tuition and cars.

Life goes hard mode when you pass 35.

Name one other than flipping internet money.

maybe if taking the 5k would send me back to some point in time between 2009 and 2017 that would be a good option otherwise wagecucking would be better

even taxed at 50% thats still 150k in your pocket. spend 50, save 100, is a million in the bank after 10 yrs. Invest that at 8% return, you have 80k a year in perpetuity.

Livin' the dream!!!

being a wagie isn't that bad if you get the right position. I'm pretty /comfy/ here in IT. Talk to cute girls, fix their laptops, maintain servers, hide in office browsing the chans when I get sick of normies.

That said, if I'd probably need at least 10-15k minimum to permanently stop wageslaving. Maybe you guys are better than me and could lambo with only 5k, but I sure can't.

I have 50k in cryptos and Im still wagecucking
get on my level you fags

The debate from what I gather is that would you rather have a shot as you are with what you have at crypto or just have a high paying wagecuck job and never worry about that.

>tfw I'm gonna lose all my wagecucking savings when it crashes

I swear to god if 401k fags beat me.

$300k/yr in the US is either going to be a highly specialized profession requiring shit tons of school (like medicine), very very senior lead developer in a high cost of living area like SF, or masters/MBA/law holder who has grinded for likely 10+ years post school to get partner or director/executive at Fortune 500.

In short, it requires a fuckton of work to get to $300k so by the time you are making that money your life as you know it will be radically changed, with kids, bad knees, no energy, minimal free time because your job is so important you can't be the one to "call in sick"

gl anons

>not having a trust fund
fucikng dsgusting

i make $225k/year and i just diddle in excel for a large corporation. learn excel boys.

ill take the 300k

It's better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.

5k, any day.

God I hate that phrase. That LEGO video is dead on.

I am wagecucking then