What can I tell people I do for a living? What of I just said "well, I don't really do anything!?"
I've thought about saying "marketing" but then I'm afraid they'll dig and ask questions.
What can I tell people I do for a living? What of I just said "well, I don't really do anything!?"
I've thought about saying "marketing" but then I'm afraid they'll dig and ask questions.
Just tell them you're NEET or if you have your own place/expenses you can't possibly afford as a NEET, tell them you're on the dole.
well, I don't really do anything
well they know you live at home like a pleb so they probably wouldn't ask
are you rich or not? if not you'll have to be creative and hope nobody finds out.
I like this a lot. It's an attractive answer and it isn't really a lie. I just don't know If it will work for the girls in the apartment office. I assume if I showed them my bank account and offered 1 year lump. Sum Of rent they wouldn't ask anymore questions?
I just say I made some smart investments and live off the earnings. If they dig further I say that it is private information.
tell them your a master haxx0r and you will release their nudes if they dont suck you off
that depends, how much is in your bank account
Probably a thousand more than whatever the year of rent would be.
lol what? don't worry, no one is going to ask you about what you do because they already know you don't do anything.
99% of my networth is in crypto and I only move money to my bank account for bills or for soemthing like this.
Do you mean Year Of Rent+1000 or YOR*1000?
I'd move the year of rent + $1000 for expenses and so I don't zero out my account when I get the check from the bank.
>year of rent + $1000 for expenses
i've never seen anyone so deluded about the cost of living. quite obvious you live at home, and are likely severely disabled.
Kek. When I say expenses I mean bills I can't use my shift card to pay. Like insurance and whatnot.
I think we have very different ideas on how to handle crypto finances.
yes, we have very different ideas because you're a kid with no money and i am a successful person
I tried to do this before and they're not as receptive as you might think, at least with properties under a management company. It seems like they want consistent wagecucks, independent landlords might be more keen on the idea though.
Even if you earn more than minimum wage you're still a wagecuck. You see bitcoin/crypto as a way to make more usd for your bank account. I see it as a short term money tree and want to keep as much in crypto as possible, Taking out lump sums to pay off rent, student loan, and taxes all in one swoop.
Thats Crossed my mind. I guess renting a house wouldn't be so bad.
Marketing isn't a bad lie. Most of those jobs are obscure and sketchy as fuck anyway
"I'm retired".
Don't elaborate. Let them wonder
Cryptos for all practical purposes, for now, are commodities. So call yourself a commodities trader if not a currency trader.
just say, "i make a living off a few investments i made a while back". then talk about your hobbies/interests. how specific do you need to get here? you're not looking for a biographer.
property developer. there you go.