Are traps a good investment? What offers a higher ROI? Women or traps?
Are traps a good investment? What offers a higher ROI? Women or traps?
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Don't traps fall apart after 35?
>dumb roastie ex wife wants to get back at me
>decides to start to condition our young son into being a trap
kys faggit
What in the fuck dude, you can't let that happen to your son, do something you fucking soy
I'll take care of his son when he's a woman.
You tell me. Does this 34 yo trap look like a good invesment? I think so.
they already fell apart mentally
>That jaw
>that shit ton of makeup
Yh not bad looking (with a shit ton of makeup) but what’s in her pants?
I once carried a drunk passed out girl from a party to her apa so I could hopefully bang her. However, on the trip there I couldn't help but notice that she either had a very very meaty vagina or a decently sized flaccid cock. She wound up throwi up everywh when we got back and I didn't have the heart to fuck her but I did get a little blowjob for my troubles. I said I had to go and she/he begged me to stay and pulled me in by my pants waist. I did not bust a nut because the mental block that she had just thrown up was getting to me.
thats where the return on investment will cum
cool story bro
w h at th e fu ck
you're not serious
>unironically buying women
i'm investing all my crypto dosh in a personal harem of Thai ladyboys
fuck lambos
That's a very ugly one tho
Nah you're just a fag.
Yeah in that pic looks ok but the other one eeww
wow that picture looks disgusting
Thank you for reinforcing my sexuality
Women are for children
In terms of investment potential, dont most traps end up killing themselves later in life due to the fact its mental illness and they grow into old men, very identifiably men in drag? This happens even in the progressive states where being gay is the norm, Scandinavia and co.
So its a poor investment not going to yield much return beyond the short term, and the chances of contracting something in the short term is high considering the amount of sexual partners gays and traps have on average
so in short
Traps are gay and so are you queers
In the long term, women. They actually have a chance to age gracefully, show me one good looking 40+ trap
Children are the ultimate ROI.
You can't know until you have one.
>implying i give a shit
I am busting a nut into the next ladyboy I see whether it’s gay or not, homo
True femininity right here
I actually have a TS Girlfriend, best relationship sofar.
more info needed
>is being gay a good investment
No. Enjoy your life ending diseases. It won't be pretty.
I actually went out with a few times with a trap, totally feminine, only 4'11, creamy skin, she modeled for me and we jerked off together but she never let me touch her. Eventually she started asking for money everytime I picked her up, it was literally a trap to use me. I blew her off afterwards.
It worked
god wish that were me
Traps give ROI faster but depreciate just as fast but women ROI takes longer but depreciate slow as well. And pop out a x2 multiple depreciation after they pop out a child.
In conclusion, women for long term and traps for short term.
Traps are fucking boss.
Above the knee rack pulls.
You get some mad fkn gains
short term risks include much higher chance of sexually contracted disease though
that and the fact its a fucking man in a dress and you're a fag for wanting cock
pretty simple bro
you are right they have a short shelf age.
everyone in this thread is a nasty faggot with aids
only if they have a good career like being in the army. pic related
Women are the better investment. However, you must do your research before you invest.
Your investment will yield you children, who you will grow into assets. As you age you will need someone to look after you in your old age, this is your return, in both the woman and the children she got you.
Do your homework, check out her friends, if they are shit, then so is she. Does she have a bunch of xbfs who are in or were in jail? DId all of her xbfs beat her? If so she may be the cause of that....not that I approve of hitting a woman, but sometimes I understand.
Now a Trap will be busted by 30, 40 if you are lucky. A trap will never give you children. Finally, its fucking a guy. No matter how passable he is, he still has a cock so that makes you a faggot.
>tfw being a footfag makes you practically immune to traps because 99% of them have really gross blocky manfeet
Feels good man. Even when the facedar fails me feetdar picks up the slack. I've only been totally fooled like twice.
>dat ass
Any proof that it's a trap, I wan't to believe it's not.
t. /lgbt/
That board is cancer, don't go
Trannies are only appealable in porn/pictures, irl they are gross and you notice their manly features a lot more than their feminine features
So you're gonna turn it around on your wife and fuck your new daughter, right?
So they're like real women.
I can't image traps after 35. Women after 30 don't even need to exist.
Yeh... Sadly all too true.
I want to believe all the anime... But I work as an artist and see a lot of "traps" at some shows. Really really ugly in person almost every time. Could still maybe fuck some but damn after like age 30, 25 even just looks like a haggard dude.
Actual women are a shit investment most of the time too though. Depreciating asset.
fucking gaijin
i've seen this one happen too many times
a really disgusting look dick iirc
I have fantasies about being bullied by angry Veeky Forums anons when their crypto investments start to fail and being a sex slave. It's nice.
Mmm take a look at that man's ass everybody. A Man's bottom. And look at his manly feet in those red socks.
we need to apologize to japan