>be Veeky Forums on plane
>do math next to qt3.14 blonde
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nothing surprising there desu.
This is what happens when you do math away from your garage.
I would say that it's because he's not an attractive white male, but it's mostly because he's an unsociable cunt.
My last flight went like this:
>Revising some analytical work on a thermite model for a project on a defence industry research grant.
>Scribble some modifications in my research logbook.
>qt asks me if I actually understand any of that.
>"Apparantly not since it doesn't work" (it was, obviously)
>Chatted for a while, got a bit flirty.
>Testosterone boost helped me to gain a few insights on my work.
>Got her contact details.
>Flight was both enjoyable and productive.
>All it took was giving more than a shitty one worded reply to a friendly reply.
>woman is afraid of dark skinned man and doesn't understand the difference between differential equations and Arabic
This is why women need to stay at home. They're literal large children. If she had a man with her, she might not have become so hysterical. Men are the more rational, adult sex.
I'm willing to bet it was a fucking ODE too, not that economists play with SPDEs sometimes, but based on the topic of his working paper it's problably not too complex.
I shouldn't have to fear arrest for being curt towards other people.
Yes, you should, civilization relies on proper communication whether you like or not.
If you can't be a functioning adult if you can't talk to people properly.
Your ancestors relied on being friendly to complete strangers who didn't even speak the same language to trade, advance and survive. You can handle not being a fucking autist to normies, it doesn't take that much energy to be friendly (as we can see from the article far less than consequences of neglect anyway).
No, I really shouldn't. You know, what with the law being the way it is and what not. Suck a dick, buddy.
Oh shut the fuck up. I'm a fedora edgelord who hates talking to normies myself, but when i go to the nieghborhood park I don't wear my trenchcoat and tell the cops (when they inevitably show up) that "hurr it's a free country durr".
>literally designing bombs mid-flight
Welcome to every no-fly list ever.
And he wasn't charged so what's your problem?
The law sets limits on your freedom, it doesn't tell you what to do with your freedom.
You can sit in a basement jacking off until you starve or some other retarded shit, just don't bitch about it when people don't like you when you do.
Do Americans really small talk a lot to strangers on planes? I thought this shit only happens on Hollywood.
Funny story, our research group is actually black listed at the moment due to a completely unrelated misunderstanding.
But yeah I doubt even other chemical engineers would know what my work is just from my notes alone. It just looks like random math scribblings without context which is why I feel comfortable working on it in public.
What does your culture do? Just thousand yard stare in front of you for the entire duration of the flight?
Not just Americans, but people from everywhere do this m8. Not everyone is autistic you know.
Britbong here. Everyone just puts on their inflight headphones and zone out in their own little world. Unless they are in a family in which case they do occasionally talk to each other. But never have I seen people, let alone girls talk to strangers sitting beside them,
I'd say every Western/African culture. Arabs and Asians west of Japan are usually cunts. Latins are somewhere in the middle, I find you usually need to initiate but then they're great companie.
In my experience the most sociable people are Germans quite contrary to their stereotype.
>And he wasn't charged so what's your problem?
He was falsely imprisoned.
That's not imprisonment...do you also bitch when you are pulled over in a roadblock? These things are nessecary to keep society functioning, stop complaining.
Do you people even go on frequent flights or are you basing your opinion based on that one time college field trip you went on with your class?
I'd say this is pretty accurate. Talking to strangers isn't something people do on short or even long flights unless they are literally boomers who don't know how to use the in flight entertainment
>forbidden from leaving
>not imprisonment
Yeah, sure
I'm forbidden from trespassing or murdering people. Fuck guess I'm imprisoned.
>leaving an area is the same as entering someone else's property and killing someone
I see
>Everyone just puts on their inflight headphones and zone out in their own little world.
Well most people do that soon after take off, but there is at least some occasional small talk during boarding.
I only travel internationally 1-2 times and another 2-3 nationally per semester. I've had interactionless flights, but there's usually some random small talk which can often lead to long conversations. In any case most people will at least smile when you brush past them and be friendly in general, unlike the autist in the OP.
Well fine, this user already hit the nail on the head with regards to the closest equivalence. Law enforcement has the right to temporarily detain you for suspicious behaviour and for extremely good reasons.
Just because you decide being anti-social should be acceptable doesn't mean society feels the same way, it's your own fault for being that retarded.
>In any case most people will at least smile when you brush past them and be friendly in general, unlike the autist in the OP.
The article makes it sound much more like he gently and politely made it clear that he was working and not interested in small talk. Respecting that is ALSO part of social expectations.
Are we reading the same article or do we have different definitions of the word "curtly"?
>i cant go on brivat groperdy guess i am of prisoned :DDDDDD
Cut the shit, you know exactly what he meant. There's a pretty strong argument against arbitrarily (and it was arbitrary) detaining somebody and then interrogating them, the 4th Amendment states no such thing can happen without "due process." This was interpreted for a long time as, "you specifically need permission to lock somebody up," until the government just decided moonshiners were such a threat to society that the constitution was more or less an obstacle and laws were just guidelines. (except when prosecuting, then they were weapons)
Oh and about your earlier post?
>The law sets limits on your freedom, it doesn't tell you what to do with your freedom.
Yeah, there's a growing disparity between the law the government follows and the law the people follow. 1st and 2nd Amendment activists have pointed out that the government can, and often does, just up and decides to do whatever the fuck it wants and it's why both groups dig in their heels and refuse to "compromise" anymore. This is a very big problem, the country was built on the idea that secret tribunals, arbitrary detainment, disarming the population, and actively restricting speech or shaming people into self-censorship are abhorrent practices. These things are happening right now, we have a lot of severely broken institutions in this country and detaining somebody for being anti-social is absolutely terrible and so are you for handwaving it away. Did you know that being detained puts you "in the system" and it can, and always is, used against you elsewhere? Yeah, two things are wrong there and neither are the fault of the shut-in with his notepad.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather be detained for 2 hours than lose 20+ years of investment. If it saves hundreds lives it's not too high a price to endure a little flight delay.
Maybe we do? Or maybe we have different expectations regarding politeness.
As I understand it, a curt reply is one that tersely answers the question in a neutral tone, without giving the slightest disrespect or offense, but also quite clearly not expanding on the topic or giving any opening for further chat. Where I'm from, that's a polite signal of not being interested in a discussion.
>He was doing diff eq on the plane
Also listen I agree the women is obviously in the wrong.
However, now we are getting back to the key point; COMMUNICATION.
A simple "no" was interpreted by this particular broad as "fuckoff infidel" because of his appearance and, we suspect, his tone. This guy was in the right and yet the connotation of his actions still carried graved misconceptions.
If you want to be a cunt fine, at least fucking groom yourself if you look like an Arab. If you want to look shit, then you're going to have to communicate and be friendlier to people if you don't want them to not treat you with fear and suspicion.
This should not be difficult, you don't need to be a psych major to understand basic social norms, there's enough fucking stupid people on the planet and you don't need to contribute to that pool just because you feel being smarter means you can ignore normies. Even stupid people will always have some measure of power.
>I don't know about you, but I'd rather be detained for 2 hours than lose 20+ years of investment. If it saves hundreds lives it's not too high a price to endure a little flight delay.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind being pulled aside and questioned if there was something I did that was so bizarre it alarmed other people that badly. Something that was such a monumental fuckup that people were convinced I would do them harm, if I did that I think I'd expect to be questioned. Writing on my notepad? Being a dick? No, that doesn't count, there is a pretty broad line between that and "acting suspicious, as in the manner of a man eager to blow up the plane we are on" so in short: fuck your investment.
Common sense should prevail here, there's an alarming lack of it in the world and maybe it's just the frustrations of an aging man but I don't remember people being this absurdly stupid two decades ago.
>maybe it's just the frustrations of an aging man but I don't remember people being this absurdly stupid two decades ago.
They were. You just didn't have an internet ready to spam you with stories every time people were absurdly stupid somewhere in the world. Selective reporting, yo.
Fair enough, but the world has changed whether you like it or not, you can either adapt or you can start yet another goddamned protest movement.
I for one think this a backburner issue considering how many more important things are broken at the moment.
I'm pretty sure that poster comes from a time where you could bring a gun on a plane.
>maybe it's just the frustrations of an aging man but I don't remember people being this absurdly stupid two decades ago
you have to admit, its gotten better.
three or four or more decades ago they'd do the same thing, under the pretense of ''we suspected he was a communist spy''
>you will never live in the good old days of McCarthyism
All you had to do was hate on commie scum every now and then and people leave you alone.
> His seatmate, a blond-haired, 30-something woman sporting flip-flops and a red tote bag, looked him over. >That Something she’d seen had been her seatmate’scryptic notes, scrawled in a script she didn’t recognize. Maybe it was code, or someforeign lettering, possibly the details of a plot to destroy the dozens of innocent lives aboard American Airlines Flight 3950. She may havefelt it her duty to alert the authorities just to be safe.
>He laughed because thosescribbles weren’t Arabic, or another foreign language, or even some special secretterrorist code.They were math.
>That’s right: He’s Italian, not Middle Eastern, or whatever heritage usually gets ethnicallyprofiled on flights these days.
How fucked is your basic education system when a person can't tell math from a foreign language and can't tell Italian from a Middle Easterner?
Seriously it wasn't just the woman, it was the flight attendant and the pilot too. It took homeland security coming in to verify basic shit like ethnicity and math?
The flight crew obviously didn't look at the guy's notepad, they have to act on flags or they lose their jobs.
Fugg... I finally finished my alternating series test proof on a plane last week.
Thank god I'm white
This story really rustled my jimjams.
Not because of any ethnic profiling or anything, but because some fucking stacy bitch could very well have gotten an innocent man imprisoned.
Fucking attention whore normie bitch got mad that even fucking mathematics was more interesting than her, and her first course of action was to ruin the mans life.
>how fucked is your basic education system when one person out of millions is a retard?
Fine then, lets give them the benefit of doubt and say they never saw the note pad.
So you're telling me the flight crew who on a daily basis see, meet, greet, serve and fly passengers both nationally and internationally can not tell the difference between an Italian man and a Middle Easterner man?
>You just didn't have an internet ready to spam you with stories
Well, as pointed out, in my time things were just different. (I don't remember being able to bring a gun on a plane though, but I didn't fly much before 1997) I remember when Ruby Ridge and the OKC bombing happened, people were afraid of things but they weren't so absurdly terrified of everything.
Maybe it's because society has gone from coldly accepting that a nuclear war would mean mass annihilation of so many people to now, a world of uncertainty and easily hurt feelings. It's just impossible to describe the mood back then.
>you can either adapt or you can start yet another goddamned protest movement.
2nd Amendment exists for a reason, it isn't hunting.
>I for one think this a backburner issue considering how many more important things are broken
That's just it, this is a symptom of a greater problem in the government. Sure, there isn't some interesting conspiracy led by evil people to "control us all" but there doesn't have to be, it's just people with good intentions laying the groundwork for an awful shit sandwich later on. That's why I'm refusing to "adapt" as you put it, fuck that, "adapting" is just a synonym for appeasement and I'm not going to willfully enable bad behavior.
>you have to admit, its gotten better.
Yeah, aside from things like "black lives matter" things really have gotten much better, I can remember a time when actual, bold-faced racism was still existed. I was too young to ever experience McCarthyism and even the Vietnam War was before my time but I do remember the 80's quite well. A lot of people have forgotten the strife that was going on in the Middle East at the time, I think people now have a little bit better understanding than we did back then. I can personally think of a few things that might have pissed off the locals back in 1990.
Not that I ever cared, I'm a dirty, perverted old man now and I've mellowed with age.
>someone doesn't want to talk with me
>he must be a terrorist
Classic white people.
>eager to blow up the plane we are on
Algebraic geometers aren't allowed in airports for this reason.
>private company
>you have to play by their rules
>people get uppity when they get kicked off
Plane people are the worst.
>Testosterone boost helped me to gain a few insights on my work.
Testosterone is not a magic hormone, it didn't do shit for you that day. What helped was taking your mind off the problem, not thinking a problem then coming back to it is a legit way to solve a problem, I'm fairly certain that there's been a few papers published on it.
if this had happened to a white guy Veeky Forums would be sperging. But because he is asian its all a big joke.
>he is asian
I see what you did there.
Call 'em "She", user~
The Middle-East is in Asia.
All he did was do some math on a plane and a woman lied about feeling sick, and then told security she didn't feel comfortable being on the plane because he wouldn't talk to her. She delayed the flight for four hours and refused to get back on because she's a retard.
Like anyone is obligated to tell some dumb blonde bimbo you're doing differential equations.
To be fair, the thumbnail made me think OP posted a picture of Anno.
Taiwan and Bhutan are pretty though and their west of Japan...
Yep /thread
It's mostly Hollywood user
Source: I fly frequently
Typical white bitch
Or maybe the shitskin shouldn't be flying on planes with humans
But ofc people paying for segregation into 1st class is a-ok, segregation by race is not, fucking marxists
Shut up poltard.
>next to qt3.14 blonde
It was more likely some fatass american broad whose ass spreads over the single seat she's booked.
>american education
>normie bitch
as much as you wish to place the blame on "normies" (you cringey fuck), you should blame your education system, or lack thereof
this is your country now, 300+ million idiots
>people paying for segregation into 1st class is a-ok, segregation by race is not, fucking marxists
You know, Marx was against class segregation more than anything else, and didn't cared about identity politics.
>women are anti-intellectual and want to holocaust all nerds
Nothing new here.
>doing math
Seems legit.
Contrary to what the race obsessed leftists want you to believe all credible threats are acted upon, not just mudslimes.
probably because islam isn't a race...
Listen user. There are only three races on this planet: cumskins, shitskins and gooks.
That's how the good young lady in the OP deduced that this perfidious wog was a no good shitskin hellbent on bombing us all.
But the guy was an Italian...
Wog refers to mediterranean olive shitskins.
wew fuck off peasant
You do realize that Marxists wouldn't take issue with segregation by race, but very much are bothered by segregation by financial standing, right?
Oh so it's not okay to call football soccer but it's okay to call a middle-eastern man asian is that it? Well as an actual asian fuck you too.
>Italian shitskin detected
You didn't ACTUALLY believe you were white did you? Oh wow, I'm so sorry user.
>glorious Austrian empire
>not white
The middle east is LITERALLY on the Asian continent, how can a shitskin be anything but Asian?
> austrian
> not white
negroid pls
>look like an Arab
? Are you looking at the same man that I am?
And for that matter,
>look like an Arab
>it's okay to be baselessly accused of being a terrorist
Don't mind this thorium is the future
> Austrian empire
> great
Pretty bad when people remember the death of your empire better than the life.
>If you don't want to talk to people you gotta follow MY ARBITRARY RULES or else you should have the cops called on you
I don't see why any smart person would choose to live in America. Europe:
>much better and more art
>much more beautiful cities
>deep and diverse cultures
>smarter and better informed people on average
>better looking people on average
>loads of languages, still everyone speaks English
America is Europe for plebs.
So it's his fault being branded a terrorist because he wasn't communicative? Fuck off.
You forgot
>Occasional terrorist attack mixed in with the weather forecast
Yes, American school shootings are so much better
Similar thing happened to me on the subway
>be reading some papers on topological excitations
>dumb whore opposite me asks to see my papers
>already distracted by her disgusting voice, so I comply
>"hurr I don't understand this"
>"yeah I don't expct you to"
>tear the papers from her hand
>trying to pick up where I left off
Another time is when I'm working on something alone in Starbucks
>some bimbo sits at the sofa next to me
>after a while asks what I'm doing
>"just doodling some random shit"
>essentially told her to fuck off
>she doesn't get it
> thought I was an artist and asked to see the shit I'm writing
>"oh sure let me just stop whatever I'm doing just so that some random bitch can look at what I'm doing"
>she leaves
>peace and quiet returns
See now this guy might be an asshole, but he's obviously white and attractive so he can get away with this shit.
b-b-but m-muh gunz
>Funny story, our research group is actually black listed at the moment due to a completely unrelated misunderstanding.
"It's only plastic explosives, it's safe to fly with as I don't have any blasting caps on me!"
Why are physicists such pricks all the time?
I do this all the time and I'm not ""white"" by /pol/ standards, I'm Italian and average looking.
I already look like a prick though so it's not surprising.
We don't have time for normies' shit faggot.
>Yes, American school shootings are so much better
Oh you mean the rare shootings that happen in "gun free zones" and all the victims are intentionally disarmed? Those shootings? The ones that are so fucking rare that being struck by lightning is twice as likely to happen before that? Or are you talking about the "mass shootings" that include gang violence which makes up 80% of all firearm "incidents" in the United States?
Please elaborate further, I'd like to know all about the uninformed opinions about shit that happens in a country some retard knows nothing about.
funny story but this is shit tier journalism.
gr8 b8/8