Hi Veeky Forums, guess most of you are in STEM.
I'm curious about MBTI type of people in STEM, and your field of study.
INTJ control engineering student here.
Statw your type and what you study/you've studied.

P. S. I know MBTI isn't absolute and always right. I'm just curious

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I never have the patience to sit through that test. Plus it seems that many of my answers would differ per circumstance or even my mood, so I can't generalise, so the results wouldn't be indicative to begin with.

Yeah, I suppose you must have your mind clear in order to make you results as objective as possible.
Yet the test isn't totally objective, of course.
You can't include all of human behaviors in 16 types

I think alot of people score intj and intp on here, but with bias in play.

>you think you are superior
what edgy teenager doesnt?
>you tend to analyze a situation and pick up on minute details
who the fuck would answer this no?
>you do not let people influence our actions
people dont want to believe shit like this about themselves

im projecting sure, but im not wrong
intj is the least common, but most self reported. too the point where personality forums consist 90% of "intj" threads

>>you think you are superior
>what edgy teenager doesnt?
Why would think I'm superior when I haven't achieved anything in life yet?

>>you tend to analyze a situation and pick up on minute details
>who the fuck would answer this no?
>>you do not let people influence our actions
>people dont want to believe shit like this about themselves
sure, but anybody with a slight hint of self-awareness who thinks for a few seconds about this question should realise that they are influenced at least to some degree.
Why would people want to lie to themselves?

It's been a while since I did one of these tests, iirc the result was kind of like
I 80 % vs E 20 %
N 60 & vs S 40 %
F 80 % vs T 20 %
P 60 % vs J 40 %

Because people think that just by virtue of them being them, they are better. Humans don't like to be self-deprecating.

I never remember the initials just that I got the same as the engi

Everyone? Sounds narcissistic to me.

Just reading the descriptions of the types should give you an idea.

I did the test and got INTP-T.
I study mathematics.

I guess I am but not in the way that is usually portrayed as questioning. I don't look at the sky and ask 'why' like some autist popscientists would have you believe they do, it is just that when I see a good question I like to answer it.

I guess this is true but in a trivial manner. Studying mathematics has just naturally made me innovative, there is no way around that. However, I would consider myself naturally slightly creative.

Sure, I don't shy away from abstract thinking, If I did then I wouldn't be where I am today.


Natural Priducts chemist


>tfw most people in STEM are T

anyone else INFP m-masterrace here?

comp sci



ISTP but very close to INTP
Informatics engineer

Score INTJ 99 percent of the time but most recent one was INTP.

> implying he did the test at least 100 times

>implying you know the probability distribution of test scores

OP here.
You're totally right.
I think that mbti test must be taken knowing nothing about it, about, types and functions and everything. Just: here some questions for you, answer them.
INTJ is one of the coolest types, so you just influence your own answers in order to score INTJ.

Plus, many people who score INTJ are just "omg I'm a mastermind omgomg let me look for more masterminds so we can conquer the world"

only implying that he did the test at least 67 times
assuming that he is rounding to nearest whole number
yes i'm serious

That's quite shitty, because S and N don't exclude each other, same happens with J and P. The only thing I know for sure is that I am T, in the rest I guess I'm pretty balanced or maybe this is based on absurd generalizations instead of concrete situations so this personality type system is flawed.

INFJ is supposed to be the rarest. I scored that once. I also took the test a year later, answered completely honestly (like I did the first time) and scored ESTP - polar opposite.

>Veeky Forums

You guys really buy into this personality test shit? I thought this was the "smart" board.

Man your analysis of this has me laughing my ass off right now

Just curious!
As I already told, I know this test is basically bullshit. Of course there no science in it and I suppose you can even refer to it as pseudoscience.
Yet I still find it useful when you want to better understand someone

>Yet I still find it useful when you want to better understand someone

Honestly, I disagree. If anything, a test like this complicates getting to know someone because you're going to automatically make assumptions about them based on whichever one of 16 types they fall into. Humans are WAY more complex than that.

Like I said, some days I can honestly qualify/see myself as ESTP. Other days, INFJ. It's all dependent upon context and situation.

>based on absurd generalizations instead of concrete situations so this personality type system is flawed.
it is

You're completely right about everything, but about assumptions. When I use to make assumptions based on mbti scores, they're usually right. Not every time, of course, but most of times, about 85% of times, it is.


>P. S. I know MBTI isn't absolute and always right. I'm just curious

MBTI is a horoscope for pseudo-intellectuals who crave some form of acknowledgement that they don't get from the work they would be capable of, were they actually intellectuals.

Theoretical Physics

I(N/S)TJ Physics

ENTP electrical engineering student reporting in.



INFP Physics
kek. INFP a shit for STEM. Or for living in general.

Love your definition!

MBTI is pseudo-pop-science

I know, I know!

You know that's funny because if you look at the cognitive functions, you see that they are quite similar.
Ni > Fe > Ti > Se
Se > Ti > Fe > Ni
The order is reversed, but both types use the same fundamental thought processes.

INTP, Computer Science.
Lots of freedom when it comes to programming, plus the job opportunities are definitely there.

INTP, Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Neuroscience PhD program
Do I belong here?

Clin. Psych dude here, completely agree with your definition. It's more horoscope-eque and many people with fleeting interest in psych and an inward focus who really desire to know more about themselves gravitate to this. If you guys want the legitimate gold standard for personality, take the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) It is used in many psych settings, and consists of around ~450 questions. It is complicated to analyze correctly and requires someone with psych training well into a masters or ideally doctoral program.

ENTP. Linguistics is a science.


INTP, but EXTREMELY close to INFP. Not really STEM, but currently in med school for pathology.

Medicine, more so neurology or neurosurgery.

>> INTJ astrophysicist masterrace
>> tfw no qt ENFP gf

muh nigga

MBTI is a waste of time.

Biotech undergrad
Honestly, MBTI is bullshit but can be somewhat fun. Kind of a guilty pleasure

>tfw INTJ
>checked the graph of most compatible personality types
>tfw realize all of my closest friends are ESFPs and ENFPs
>tfw MBTI was so spot on

that's what I was implying with my stutter breh

MBTI is just astrology with a sciencey taste to it

I always behave differently every day anyway, so if I took the test 16 times on separate days I would probably get every result.

INTJ Applied maths


Pure Math/Computer Science

INTJ / INTP (0-5 value for J/P, so alternates when I take the test). Values for N and T are always >80% and I is usually ~20%

Computer Science / Mathematics double major

INTJ surgeon

Mathematics and chemistry, but I did some work in a student run $5 million fixed income group. I always get something with NT in the middle by like 80-90%. I generally get I and P, but depending on how I answer the questions I may get either an E or I and a P or J.

INTJ Telecom engineer

ISTP computer scientist

INTJ. Medicine.

INTP Environmental Engineer

INTJ Actuarial Science

Computer Science

Last time I took it I was a ISTJ.

Just finished my Mechanical Engineering degree.


Recording studio "engineer" as we're called

I come here for the meme science and hella jokes

Also I produce weird electronic music sometimes

Isn't MBTI zodiac tear personality woo?

excuse me, the actual abundances are:
Fe > Ni > Ti > Se

ISTP, Chemistry.

This is a science board. Please shitpost these astrology threads on /x/. Thanks, bye.

which kind of linguistics?


Experimental Physics

Fuck off with this pseudoscience bullshit.


INFP math

infps do not belong in stem desu

Pure Math grad student, specializing in Arithmetic Geometry

>Pure Math grad student, specializing in Arithmetic Geometry
Hey, me too. INTP here, though.

Gender Studies/ Native American studies double major


>tfw I fell for the EE meme


I feel like I stick out pretty hard from most engineers, especially other electricals, but in a good way.

You just spend too much time judging and not enough time perceiving f a m

INTP Ecology



I understand your point, but maybe just try hanging out with more mature people. I gave the test to a lot of my friends, my roommates and some family members, in total around 30-40 people.
One friend of mine who studies CS is the only Intp, and I'm the only intj of that group, so maybe they are more honest about themselves.

I got between ENTP and INTJ