Anything i should know before i do CS?
Anything i should know before i do CS?
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Don't do it unless you're severely autistic.
The worst part about this is that this guy is more qualified than 99% of Veeky Forums.
>only knows 2 languages
>one of them outdated
>the other is like the comic sans of programming
Don't fall for the Java meme :^)
And yet he did webdev after graduation. Top kek.
qualified for what? autism? pretty sure this board has him beat.
You could learn it all on your own in under a year.
This. I'm an ME student that helps University of Washington CS retards with their upper division homework.
the courses are unironically geared for retards
Why's it censored?
His resume is public.
>python is outdated
>C is the comic sans of programming
yeah right
Going to Java schol? Absolutely fucking nothing.
Some serious institution? Just basic school math stuff (integration, derivation etc) and a working knowledge of at least one programming language (C, sepples, Python, whatever). I don't think anyone expects you to know linear algebra, formal logic or group theory when you're just out of school.
ME? Machine Engineering? Because you don't need to go to college to learn how to sit in front of a CAD machine all day...
those are his favorite languages, not the only ones he knows. reading comprehension.
do pure maths instead
Take 'em words. 69'em.
Fuck off webdev brainlet
gr8 b8 m8
Banks use Java
Banks have lots of money
Do Java
Ur gay
Its OP, i want some serious fucking answers. Does CS consist of mainly mathematics, programming or what?
CS is fundamentally an extension of mathematics. If you want to be good at CS, you must become good at math. You will notice that about half of the classes in a university CS program are math classes.
In contrast, there might be 2 classes total strictly about programming, and another about software engineering that directly relates to programming. A 4 year program is not intended to turn you into a code monkey. In fact, a CIS or MIS program typically has more true 'programming' classes, since it is of value to those students to learn many languages.
Should i take CS or Software Engineering?
ME < EE < RE
If there was an objectively right answer then the wrong one wouldn't exist in the first place. It depends on what you want to do.
Listen to this guy CS courses expect you to already know how to program unless you're taking a course specifically to learn it. Your first year introductory classes will probably be focused on programming. Later courses are heavily involved in math and CS theory.
My CS program had software engineering courses if you wanted to take them. I don't see how you could be a good software engineer without any knowledge of CS theory, especially related to algorithms.
This guy also has published research, he collaborates with top proffesors from a CS top institution (U washington). Indeed he's more qualified than the vast majority of this "science" shithole...
Its computer science. Who fucking cares?
mechanical engineering < electrical engineering < retrovirual engineering???? < computer engineering < ceec?????
Post your resumé faggot.
Yes, don't. Do anything else, you're going to take difficult math courses and beat your head against a wall using cutting edge hardware and incomplete and buggy software.
Just do mechanical engineering and be happy.
I didnt take any high level physics classes in hs tho and plus i want to be a SE
goddamn I could never do web development. too many normies, too many bootcamp kiddies, too many fucktards.
and the pay sucks for webdevs anyway
>discrete math, calculus I, elementary linear algebra
I'm more qualified and responsible for 60% of the posts on Veeky Forums
That's the good thing about CS: you don't need to know anything.
I'm getting an associate degree in CS from a community college [spoiler]yes laugh at me [/spoiler]and plan to transfer
should I transfer and keep doing CS or do something else that's related ?
The minimum math requirements for computer science at my school is Calculus 2 and Discrete Math 2.
I fucking suck at math so I find Calculus pretty hard even though it's mostly just memorizing formulas, but how easy or hard discrete math is depends heavily on who your professor is.
CS majors are in high demand OP. dont listen to these retards.
what is not in demand is chem/bio/physics at the Bachelors level, not even so much at the PhD.
do engineering if you want a math intensive job in a particular science area. if you want computers, do CS.
OP here, yes i want to work with computers i heard the math in CS isnt as hard as the math in engineering