Why didn’t you listen to him?


He gave you the path you needed for financial freedom, did you listen? He cashed out over 600 bitcoins in the first sell off, and people that showed up in December of 2017 think they’re “early adopters”? Lol.

Because i was like 13 years old at the time

I bought .5 btc in 2014 as a joke to my friends.

Aint a fuckin joke no more.

it is quite literally the newest asset class since the stock market. If you don't think we're early investors now you're fucking braindead

Not a real excuse, I was 15

I wonder how mad everyone will be if he's next to be banned from YouTube

Is his cult even as big now as the Jordan Peterson cult?

You’re early majority, you’re not an early adopter. I’m sorry you’re just not what can be considered an early adopter, the guys in this video spewing their libertarian autism were all the early adopters that we’re around during Gox and the 2013 bubble.

Who cares

You're confusing bitcoin early adopters with actually useful cryptocurrency early adopters

how can we not be early adopters if its not adopted anywhere even now?

Probably orders of magnitudes larger.

For real. Look, Japan accounts for 64% of btc volume yet only 2.3% Japanese own any.

These guys saying it's too late are just parroting what they've heard or they're stupid.

no you are not

I’m not saying it’s “too late” to do anything, I’m just telling you you’re not early to the party. Stefan was talking about Bitcoin when it was less than a dollar. There might be other coins in the future that go on Bitcoin style runs and you might be early for those, but not Bitcoin, especially when you could’ve mined 50 at a time when he made that video.

>which subreddit "organically" started this meme?

whatever dude. only like 1 site I'd ever use for buy shit from accepts crypto as form of payment. Every other shitcoin project is still in the works and isn't being used (hence isn't adopted yet)

go be retarded somewhere else. Also I have been in since 2014.


Theres a difference in not being adopted and people/businesses just not wanting to use it. Theres tons of stuff/tech waiting to be used/adopted but it isn't, and everyone in crypto is in denial that the experiment has failed

At one point I checked on of his BTC donation addresses, it has 650 BTC ingoing since 2012. Wonder how much more he got and I also wonder how much he hodlt.

I remember discussing blockchain for voting in 2013 with my network affine friends over a beer. I also just bought in June 2017. Still made 15x and I'm confident we can go another 5x in a short while.

>Why didn’t you listen to him?

because he's a cult leader with a narcissistic personality disorder and despite his pretensions a fragile and weak intellect. His cult members though have to be some of the stupidest people alive on earth

I bought shitcoins early 2017 and made killing but Im still salty that I couldn't buy bitcoin early. Registered to coinbase in 2013 but only could buy 50$ worth because I didn't have more money.

Cause I was 14 years old and hadn't even heard of this bald smug asshole.

Lol. Is this what dumb people tell themselves about people much more successful than them?

you aint seen nothing yet. You're going to want to kill yourself if you're a nocoiner in 3 years

Well of course, but bitcoin isn't the end all be all. It's literally just the beginning for blockchain, we're finally starting to see projects that will have actual use cases in the real world and not just some vaporwave nonsense that'll die off in a year or two.

This. People here get butthurt at the truth and anything that goes against them making it to NEET freedom. If you got in mid to late 2017 like me you are late to the party. Sure there are new coins being released , and we may be early to some of them. Most coins will be wiped off the market with only a decent amount of survivors. We are taking a gamble with the alts we are invested with. They may promise the best solutions to problems in the world but this whole crypto scene could end up dying with no hype. By dying I don't mean zero brainlet I mean such low volume of trading that you feel like kys

With that being said I'm still in this bitch, and hoping for the best. Just don't throw your life savings in.

Even late adopters are made a killing if they invested in ICX, NANO, OMG, ANS, XVG. Even your normie tier late adopter put money on ETH and made over 500% returns. Those 1000x returns are rare unless you hold for a couple of years. LINK might be the next 1000x but how many of us will believe and hold for years? The same was true for BTC, ETH, ANS, they had to believe and hold for 2+ years. How many millennials can afford to hold this long?

Oh look a stupid nigger

Oh look a stupid nigger

I used to watch this dude in 2015 a lot, he uses actual statistics and facts all the time and you can't ignore that.

I don't know whats with X people and being spiteful of people with a X worldview, i'm guessing it's just a personality disorder.

Christian here btw.

I like Stefan Molyneux

I thought that you'd bring an argument to the table but for some reason you didn't.