Let's Talk Bananas

I've only tried Cavendish and Reds. I like reds a lot, I find them to be sweeter and creamier than Cavendish. But they're 3x the cost, and hard to find around here, unfortunately.

I wish I could try Blue Javas. I know some of you posters are from Hawaii. Please tell me about them.

They probably taste like shit desu.


To be honest. What the fuck.

Wow dude get with the times baka desu

guys i just want to talk about bananas

i'm haxx0ring your computer and stealing all your cookies!


smfh tbqh famalam

Ssdd another banana thread. Ck is the same garbage over and over and over..../rant/
All bananas make decent dildos

op is a roody-poo candy-arse.

reminder that plantains will go extinct soon.


Why is that?

they're all clones, and there's some disease going around fucking them up.

Oh shid. I guess that's what happens with no genetic diversity.

I want to fuck those bananas

I lived in Hawaii for 15 years and never saw a blue banana.

you guys realize we can just crispr the bananas/plantains etc now, right

we live in a different world than we did 10 years ago. they can literally just remove the genes that make teh banana vulneralbe to the blight, or add new genes that make it defeat the blight.

Tried Manzano bananas for the first time recently. They are pretty decent, but I think I prefer the more plain tasting Cavendish.

>buy red bananas
>they literally never get ripe
>after an entire fucking month realize they are finally ripe
>not worth the wait
>go rotten extremely quickly after that

Ninos are a meme. Only good bananas are regular, manzanos, and plantains.

The United States buys more bananas than any other fruit. Not buy a short shot but by a long shot.

baka desu senpai

We could, but it would take ten years of R&D to get modified bananas onto store shelves. And the method by which growers cultivate new trees would still open up bananas to disease because they would all still be clones.

I'm not in a position to know what's best for the banana industry, but it seems like making several different varieties of disease/pest resistant bananas beforehand might be a good idea now that the technology is there.

I hope not, fried ripe plantains are the fucking best.