Is there really any point to studying a science if you aren't some 130+ IQ genius
Is there really any point to studying a science if you aren't some 130+ IQ genius
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money, you need to do something at the end of the day unless you win the lotto. if you like the kind of work why not? you still assist people with 130+ iq. and you never know you may figure something out, though you probably need more than 105 for that.
I'm only a 115 iq brainlet, but thankfully not as low as 105
Dont worry about iq op just do something that u are good at/enjoy.
Ive got a pretty high iq but i live rent free at home and make 20 an hr. Theres more to life than lamborghinis.
Italians are fags anyway
Even a caveman can do it brush up on algebra
>Tfw 115 brainlet that is too smart to stand 100s but can't hang with 130s
Why live?
I ask myself that every day
is there even a good way to measure qi correctly online?
>is there any way to measure dick correctly online?
>tfw 145 """""""'genius"""""""""""
This is the feeling right here. My IQ is 140 and I'm dumb as living shit. Barely got though basic college trig
why would you want to measure dick?
I feel you user
>tfw 140
>tfw when I still think I'm dumb as shit
Are you me?
I'm 130 and in college trig. Starting to rethink my EE major.
there are so many geniuses here im jealous of not being part of the high society
Most successful academics are below 130, and no wonder. Individual genius is not the only factor to success, progressing science is a collaborative endeavour, as is building civilisation.
In fact the 120-130 range seems to be a general sweet spot, the intellectual nerve centre and lynchpin of civilisation. One reason is the fact that there is a widely recognised communication barrier across large differences in IQ, as the mutual ability to empathise with how the other side thinks diminishes. Over two standard deviations (30 points), communication is very difficult.
The 120-130 IQ people can readily communicate with the average person, AND can understand (with effort) and make use of the brilliant contributions of the very few extremely gifted individuals. They're often better equipped to delegate the application of those contributions, and can pool their efforts more easily as they are more numerous.
there's no point to anything, OP
This is the first time Veeky Forums has ever improved my self esteem.
It feels weird and I don't like it.
>tfw 115
>tfw just 5 off
>tfw low IQ but math is piss-easy
>effect of differences in IQ on communication
You were reading the same article I was reading. Nice to see someone else talking about it.
Very good post.
I agree with this user
How can I test my IQ?
I tried this one test once and it was some math bullshit I had never learned...
Don't worry you're probably just
>smart but lazy
It's from another thread, I'm 130 and the test had me at 125 so it's fairly accurate
Popped 115, Guess im avg.
>so it's fairly accurate
don't think so laddie, I scored 140 on it.
But I don't want to be a successful academic or collaborate with people, I want to be a self-made groundbreaking genius admired by all.
And the 100s can't stand the 85s but are too dumb to hang around with the 115s.
And the 130s are too dumb to hang with the 145s.
And the 145s can't stand the 130's but are too dumb to hang with the 160s.
who cares? everyone has problems
100 is average (that's how tests are calibarated), never seen anyone admitting he's
This is an advice thread.
Those of below average intelligence have no reason to do these tests and brag about the results. That's an activity largely limited to mid-wits who having no real achievements to speak of, cling to the slightly above-average intelligence they were born with (and are wasting) as a core pillar of their self-esteem.
It says my IQ is 125 but my life is a clusterfuck though.
>Your IQ was measured to 135, which is equivalent to the 99 percentile.
This test is a bullshit Im afraid.
wow it's almost like basic pattern recognition abilities don't correlate to actual intelligence or work ethic
When I was like 10 I've gone through a few hours long screening due to awful and grammar-error-stuffed writing. Guys there checked my IQ, memory (and its distibution), "spatial thinking", "emotional development" any many more. Point I'm trying to make is, IQ became kinda social construct. It really takes in account only a small segment of total intelligence, but society needs non-judgemental values to compare. In the same manner as Mount Everest is neither the most beautiful, nor hardest so it should not be times more popular than any other peak - but number gives our ego something, what nobody can contradict.
Internet tests are bullshit mate
this is actually a legit mensa test though
Where the fuck is this coming from? Is this some bullshit you're pulling out of your ass or is there a study for this.
It's a long-established concept, quantitated since the advent of IQ measurement, most firmly established in/through pedagogy. Peer groups, no matter their specific average IQ, seem to have a span of up to 30 IQ.
was doing well up until about 15-18 question in, then i gave up and clicked finish. result: 106 IQ. whatever, i guess.
>self-made groundbreaking genius
Those usually aren't people with high IQ's though.
If you wanna be an innovate CEO 300k a day fucking bitches every week, you don't need to be that high.
You need to learn to be creative.
Thats the problem with science, it became a career with quotas to fill
>Ability to solve a timed test with logical and geometrical problems
>Intelligence as a whole
yeah im this retard and i dont see how its reflective of my intelligence. im not saying im smart -- i typically test in the 70th-80th percentile on standardized tests -- but analyzing geometric pattern recognition provides a laughably incomplete view of overall human intelligence.
Science is simple.
It's a method.
It's math and checking your biases that are hard.
Pretty much all Science Orgs have come under fire for biases, and much of Scientific history turned out to be wrong due to biases.
We always believe "we've got our shit straight now... no biases at all..." but every year we're proved wrong.
About 50% of what is reported to be science is bullshit, supported by circular reporting.
I'll add to that the fact that rigour in the application of the scientific method not being particularly interesting in itself often makes the more intelligent merely succeed in being wrong in a cleverer way.
Smug jews say that if you are not smart book smart, then you are a filthy goy and deserve to die.
Street people say that if you are too much of a bookworm, you lack
street smart usually means being able to apply previous knowledge and take decisions fast enough in context, its just like science but for normal life. But street smart people also make unusual "genious" usage of previous knowledge in situations never seen before.
IE: Nespresso and every fancy brand ever: "lets just sell dumb shit by packaging and marketing for smart snobby people"
The person that is capable of applying this logic effectively, its the true god of science without needing to be a geometric mathgod autist
*you lack street smartness
Too bad it didn't take my age into account, 13
1. You need to be 18 to post here.
2. IQ declines with age
In truth there is no point to anything.
>tfw there are brainlets all around me
I know it's immature but this is how I feel as well.
Most of science is fucking memorizing and luck, don't let anyone tell you differently.
In fact, computers will be handling most of it soon, and god knows that aren't "intelligent."
>listening to an internet IQ test
did Veeky Forums suddenly become retarded?
You know what mensa is right?
How are physical ones any different?
Yes the majority of online IQ tests are bullshit but not all. Mensa is THE standard.
>everyone on Veeky Forums gets 130 in this test
>clicking randomly results in an IQ of 100 (tried multiple times, always somewhere close to 100)
>clicking the wrong answers on purpose results in an IQ of 91
Doesn't sound legit desu
It's not only immature, but also a sure sign of insecurity.
>umh smart
>bro dunnnt worry ur smart eim 150iq i got from
>oh yeah bruv im smart and stuff just cant do things that are required at my lvl
rather be mature and insecure than immature and confident
140 master race reporting
>Veeky Forums
>defining something as "mature"/"inmature"
It would be more accurate to define them as "insecure behavior" or "self-destructive personality".