Is there a universe out there where anime is real?
Is there a universe out there where anime is real?
It's called Japan. No fuck off gorilla posting weeabo scum.
Why are you so upset? OP's question is clearly related to science. I watched a Michio Kaku documentary where he discusses parallel universes where all possibilities occur. So, OP has a valid question.
But is there a universe where everything looks like anime as well as acts like
Is it weird that my two favorite memes to come out of Veeky Forums are baneposting and gorillaposting?
anime is real if it wasnt how would you know about it.
Ur a fagit
by thinking about anime, have i not created it? i do not believe any bits of my brain exist outside this world
#deep #italiano
Infinite universes don't garrantee anime is real in one.
There's an infinity between 1 and 2, good luck finding 3 in there though.
So, like, your brain is the universe where anime is real....
What would happen if I snorted a particularly caustic line of soda? Would there be a parallel universe where it gave me superpowers?
How do we know anime is impossible?
We don't even know how gravity works...
Everything we know could be wrong...
only one way to find out
Multiverse theories state that every single possible combination of atoms exists somewhere, sometime, no?
So a universe that fits the constraint of "real life anime" must be real
How to I travel to this universe?
No, the only things that exists are within our observable universe.
No they don't. Infinity possibilities =/= every possibility
They state that there is infinite universes, but it doesn't imply that every kind of universe exists.
There is infinite integers, but at the same time there is no integer that is equal 1/2.
Yes if you consider there too be infinite parallel universes... it's infinite so what ever you can think of will exist from something as small as a universe where non one has hair to a universe where every star has a huge gorilla orbiting it in space.
Infinite possibility gives the chance for every possibility to be present because it's infinite, true you can't get a Universe where every atom is replaced by a marble but anime world is far fetched at all.
>Infinite possibility gives the chance for every possibility to be present
No it doesn't.
No matter how many integers you will get, it will never give you chance for 1/2.
Same for universes, no matter how many you will get, you will never get every possible configuration.
If that was true, then let's say there is an universe that has such an advanced spices that has technology to travel to different universes. And they have traveled to our Earth and even though they look different, they learned our language and integrated into our society in last 10 years. Yet, I haven't seen any alien in last 10 years.
Only if there is a universe where gorillaposters are not faggots
So no
Hey Gorillafag [your new name because you're an idiot that thinks he's in intelligent].
1.) Google "Dunning Kruger Effect"
2.) Google "Reason"
3.) Google "Qualifiers"
td;dr: Dunning Kruger Effect is when stupid people think they're smart.
Reason has requirements.
The qualifier "is" means something must be axiomatic or provable; conjecture can never use "is" without identifying it as conjecture.
It's because they pretend to have autism
Take a chill pill, Phil. Just realize that anime is possible. It's all true, it's all right. You know it'll happen.
It's because they're both shitposting, and shitposting is fun
The multiverse theory has no evidence to support it.
Neither does the rest of quantum mechanics.