What's your ideal career?
What's your career plan?
Where are you right now?
Where will you be next year?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What's your ideal career?
Research Scientist at Google/DeepMind/OpenAI
>What's your career plan?
Get a MSc and then see if I can get a good research job and perhaps do a part-time PhD
>Where are you right now?
Finishing my undergrad in like a month
>Where will you be next year?
Starting my MSc in machine learning
>What's your ideal career?
Research chemist in a big company which has strong R&D departments
Consulting in McKinsey/Bain/BCG (if I'm bored of benchwork and if I am good enough to be hired...)
>What's your career plan?
PhD, then maybe PostDoc if I am good enough to go in a top-notch research group, then research in the industry or consulting
>Where are you right now?
End of my MSc in chemistry
>Where will you be next year?
I will start a PhD in September
>What's your ideal career?
Research Scientist at Google/DeepMind/OpenAI
>What's your career plan?
Get a PhD in AI and solve the problem of Intelligence
>Where are you right now?
Starting my MSc in my machine learning in September
>Where will you be next year?
Hopefully not in the dumpster FeelsBadMan.jpg
Hey back off that's my career. Where are you doing your MSc? I accepted at Imperial
I hope my country implements UBI. My ideal career is to spend 12 hours a day in VR.
Sorry mate, it's my childhood dream to build an army of robots to take over the world. I got accepted into University of Alberta. Will try hard to get into Richard Sutton Lab :^)
>What's your ideal career?
Civil engineer in the United States
>What's your career plan?
Get my engineering Bsc in the UK while interning in the US during summers ultimately trying to get a job in the US
>Where are you right now?
A NEET who does physics in his spare time
>Where will you be next year?
At university
Why not Toronto/Hinton's lab? In any case, I'll solve general artificial intelligence before y'all and then open source it and watch the show develop.
Not him but Sutton is basically the founder of reinforcement learning. Like 50% of people at Deepmind are his PhD students
>What's your ideal career?
Writer and i dabble in philosophy and visual mathematics
>What's your career plan?
Keep writing till i write something that sells
>Where are you right now?
Writing something i think might sell
>Where will you be next year?
Hopefully rolling in money as the next JK
>what's your ideal career
owner of my own watchmaking company
>what's your career plan
1.start at a company like rolex, swatch group, cartier. R&D and supply chain will be my main focus.
2.Build relationships with people with different sets of competences
3.leave to start my own business and bring some of those people with me
>Where are you right now
End of double master's degree (EE/microengineering)
>Where will you be next year
hopefully in one of the aforementionned companies, or a similar one.
Because University of Alberta was the only choice that I had at the time without waiting 1 year before starting MSc and Reinforcement Learning in UoA is top-notch.
> solve general artificial intelligence
Great, prepare for a Turing Award and possibly a Field Medal. Every man can dream.
Fair point, though from what I seen on LinkedIn, lots of DM guys are from UCL/Cambridge
>prepare for a Turing Award and possibly a Field Medal.
Born ready. You'll hear back from me in about 30 years
>visual mathematics
bump for inspiration
>What's your ideal career?
>What's your career plan?
No idea and I don't have one.
>Where are you right now?
Finished my M.Sc last year, now I'm working in middle management.
>Where will you be next year?
Somewhere in or around Cambodia, going travelling around the world next year with my gf and a couple of friends.
>What's your ideal career?
R&D for big petroleum/plastics companies working on thermophysical modelling and polymer material science. Also owning my own small manufacturing company eventually.
>What's your career plan?
Pray that the oil price rises before I graduate.
>Where are you right now?
Just finishing up my masters, get three quality publications out.
>Where will you be next year?
Unemployed probably.
>get three quality publications out.
The fuck, how? Where?
Not that guy, but a masters thesis needs to be a large body of original research, provided it's done to a good degree of quality squeezing at least one publication out of it should be easy.
Yeah but not 3.
Also master's degrees in UK are one year :/
I technically only need one to graduate, but in solving my original problem I also made a lot of publishable discoveries in fields related to my original work. I'm not funded for the other two, but it's impressed my adviser to no end so I'll see it through since I don't have any offers or time to do a PhD anyway.
I've been here for almost a year now.
Movie director seems neat.
Damn man you're a riot. Give us some advice to be you
Good luck with those units, you can get away with metric in school, but it won't help you in civil engineering in the US.
>What's your ideal career?
I'm 100% set on this right now. I want to work on scientific and mathematical software.
>What's your career plan?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this but I guess graduate with my degree in mathematics and then start applying for jobs in computational science labs. After that climb the ladder.
>Where are you right now?
Currently a student of mathematics which is not much but I am also a part timer working on financial software. Hopefully that work experience will carry me and allow me to make the job from finance to science.
>Where will you be next year?
Literally in the same position but I suppose with a longer resume and better pay.
I used to care a bit about being a professor of mathematics but then I found out that my PhD professors make much less than my dad who is only a BEng so now that I can see clearly that industry is the only way to go I can focus on that.
To sum it up, I want to be an industry mathematician.
>to work on scientific and mathematical software.
What does that mean? Develop stuff like scikit and Matlab? Or do you mean work *with* scientific software? To do what?
If you want to be me all you need to do is work 10 hours a day, seven days per week including public holidays.
Here's some better advice: don't be me, enjoy life and work on sending out CVs to actually get employed.
>work 10 hours a day, seven days per week including public holidays.
How can you even do that without burning out? If I work 8h/day for 10 days, the 11th day I can barely get anything done. I thought it's human nature to need breaks
>Develop stuff like scikit and Matlab?
This would be good but I am more interested in doing simulations.
For what I can see, big aerospace companies have entire teams working on these so there is a market I can target, but I wouldn't want to reduce myself to only one industry.
> do you mean work *with* scientific software?
I mean exclusively develop, I really don't care about doing any kind of applied work to find actual answers, I just want to do general work in the tools that others may use.
To specify now that I see how my words could be confused, I also develop financial software, not use financial software myself.
> What's your ideal career?
Game Developer / Lead Architect for games
> What's your career plan?
Founding my own studio and just making games.
> Where are you right now?
Working full time as a Web Dev for some Medical company while working on my games on the side. I absolutely have no free time. I want out of this place, so I dedicate my entire time on game dev.
> Where will you be next year?
Probably still working as a webdev for my company... Pay is real good tho.
Maybe contributing to open-source scientific kits could benefit your resume (e.g. github.com
Why don't you have time for a PhD?
>What's your ideal career?
academia or whatever will allow me to research and teach about behavioral ecology in the post-university future
>What's your career plan?
get masters, work in conservation management or environmental consulting for a few years, go on a vision quest and decide what to do my PhD in
>Where are you right now?
seasonal field job starts in a week
>Where will you be next year?
masters program starting in September
>What's your ideal career
Applied Mathematician or some line of work in industry that requires something research level. But really I just want a fulfilling job
>What's your career plan?
Studying for a return to academia, already talked with former professors and keep in touch.
>Where are you right now?
>Graduated 4 months ago with a BA in Math, 3.85 GPA with a Comp Sci minor. Working in web dev for an insurance company, it's soul crushing, but I am able to pay my undergraduate loans off and I had to get orthodontics, so I have to bide my time until then.
>Where will you be next year?
I'm essentially teaching myself graduate school at the moment, hopefully at my pace in a year I'll be through C* algebras but that depends which topics I jump around to.
>Pay is real good tho.
How much and what city if you don't mind sharing?
>What's your ideal career?
National Lab researcher or Professor
>What's your career plan?
Do a PhD in Computational Science Engineering
>Where are you right now?
Graduating with a bachelors in Math and CS next week. Suma cum laude.
>Where will you be next year?
In a PhD program
I actually never considered this before, it is a really good idea, thank you.
I'll bookmark the link and see some Saturday what I can jump into.
You could also check out the national labs. LLNL and ORNL certainly have people working on that.
Sleep 8 hours and workout for 2 hours every morning, try to maintain a decent diet as far as possible. As long as you maintain your health you don't need any "breaks" other than sleep.
I need to be registered for a minimum of 3 years here and if I go to another university I'd have to start a project from scratch.
I need money fast and stipends/TAships don't pay well.
Unfortunately I'm not from any big country like the US.
I'm primarily hoping that the science 'industry' grows bigger in my country in the next 2 - 4 years because I do not think travel is for me.
Ideal: Aerodynamic engineer at Lockheed or Boeing.
Unfortunately, it's hard to find schools that offer that degree. Settled for EE, will try for the same companies.
Now, I'm knocking out 200- level classes at a community college. Year from now, will be a junior at a university.
Wtf your uni doesn't accept students from other places?
What do you need the money for if you don't mind responding?
I work in Burbank. Get paid 45 shekels. That's all I'm willing to disburse info.
I get that. It's hard for me to travel with my girlfriend of 3 years wanting to stay in Georgia.
But you should know that they have quite a few foreign nationals working at the labs. I've interned at LLNL and they have lots of Indians, Germans, Greeks, and more. Could be a great opportunity.
>letting your gf holding you back
No it does (most of my department is actually foreign students), you need to be registered for a minimum after STARTING your PhD.
So if I started it now, despite the fact that I have the coursework covered and would only need ~1-2 years to have enough original research for my PhD thesis I couldn't actually get my degree untill after the minimum period.
>What do you need the money for if you don't mind responding?
It's hard to explain. I don't have any debt. It's just all my friends who went straight into industry are getting married, buying houses or otherwise moving on with their life while I feel stuck as a poorfag student.
What really got to me is when I met up with one of the girls in my graduating class the other day who used to have an obvious intense crush on me, but during our date it she looked down at me.
It's tough to be a male without money in this world and I'm not getting any younger. I pretty much went from being one of the most respected people in my graduating class to one of the least.
My reasons might sound stupid, but I really wish I went straight into industry now.
There is no one holding me back from travelling, I just kinda like where I live.
Hint: Geographically small tropical country, population: 3 million
Big city life sounds kinda like shit compared to this.
Still, I know and speak perfect english and have my passport so if my perspective changes or I get a crazy opportunity then I'd take it.
LLNL and ORNL are not in big cities. But perhaps your definition of big city is different.
But I agree that living in a big city is shit.
Yeah but I love her, ya know?
I'm still starting a CSE PhD at a top 10 school next year. So I'm doing okay.
It's Georgia Tech. Already pretty much gave it away
What's your ideal career?
Nothing. Just traveling the world and doing math.
What's your career plan?
I don't have one
Where are you right now?
Where will you be next year?
Still Undergrad. Also an internship at somewhere not to be named.
Neat user
What kind of seasonable job is it
>What's your ideal career?
>What's your career plan?
Hope to get selected for Mars One.
>Where are you right now?
Waiting and playing vidya.
>Where will you be next year?
Waiting and playing vidya.
>What's your ideal career?
>What's your career plan?
Expand my professional network
Develop a software solution for companies
Sell the solution
>Where are you right now?
Postdoc working on industry projects
>Where will you be next year?
Finishing the postdoc. Going solo, or joining a consultancy
You sound like a normalfag with normalfag necessities.
I wish I was like you.
>It's hard to explain
It's called peer pressure.
> I pretty much went from being one of the most respected people in my graduating class to one of the least.
I'm not really following. It sounds like you did a BSc, and now you're in your first year of your MSc at which you've been doing great. What's wrong? Do you just regret doing your MSc? You're still under 25 no?
why do you need a postdoc do be an entrepreneur lol
I don't, but I get access to people and data. Acceptable pay, low requirements on scientific output, so I can do my own things several hours per day.
in what world is postdoc acceptable pay? how much do you make?
It's not really peer pressure so much as constant malaise.
>You're still under 25 no?
I'm 23. That doesn't sound old, but most girls my age are not still single, there's usually something wrong with the ones that are.
>What's wrong?
There are people my age working in service/cleaners etc. earning more than I do. I spent 5 years investing into one of the worst professional job markets in the modern economy. My best prospects for the future is a slightly higher stipend and ego boosts from the few old men that actually understand my work.
As much as I love the work I also need to eat at some point.
>>I'm 23. That doesn't sound old, but most girls my age are not still single, there's usually something wrong with the ones that are.
Are you asian or something? Most people at 23 still fuck around on Tinder, especially boys
Why are asians different? Just curious
Western european. I actually don't know anyone promiscuous, I assumed it was a hollywood thing. I've been on tinder once all the girls were ugly bimbos I don't see the point.
>Western european
>I actually don't know anyone promiscuous,
This is either a lie or impressive self deception.
>all the girls were ugly bimbos I don't see the point
Imma go with the latter.
Just cultural differences and different system of values. At least from my experience, the asian girls I've dated always brought up marriage sooner than I found necessary, and were always using other asian friends as examples.
>I assumed it was a hollywood thing
lol. Maybe try OKCupid, but make sure you can handle rejection
$60k p.a. somewhere in Europe
You two are assuming quite a lot about my sex life and romantic history, but lets just pretend for a second I have no interest in fucking random bimbos and actually want a partner who isn't retarded to the point of being a chore to maintain.
>Math and CS double major
>tech support
>What's your ideal career?
Be a musician who can support himself off his music.
>What's your career plan?
Work in tech to support me as I fuck around with music.
>Where are you right now?
Finishing my Math and Comp Sci double major.
>Where will you be next year?
Doing my masters or working.
I said work in tech to support myself.
Not tech support.
lol ok sorry user.
why do you wanna do a masters though? it doesn't really help in software engineering
Before taxes. Which are like 40% of that.
>What's your ideal career?
Being a badass TIG welder.
>What's your career plan?
Gitting gud at TIG welding.
>Where are you right now?
At welding school.
>Where will you be next year?
At a welding shop.
I'm a simple man.
Helps with job opportunities a little, and it'll help smooth the bridge if I ever have gaps in employment due to my interests outside of work.
Atleast they'll know I'm not an undedicated cuck.
>tfw i need to make money so i can't pursue a phd
More images like this?
>ideal career?
Senior scientist / principal scientist in industry
>career plan?
Finish a PhD at a UC and go to the east coast for work.
>where are you right now?
Just graduated B.Sc. Biochemistry, preparing to start PhD in the fall for inorganic chem/materials
>where will you be next year?
Starting a PhD in materials/inorganic chem
>What's your ideal career?
I don't think I ever figured that out. Though if I had to guess probably being a code monkey.
>What's your career plan?
Right now it's to move up to some government regulatory department
>Where are you right now?
Working in the regulatory department of a perfume company
>Where will you be next year?
Either back in school for computer engineering or comp sci or working as a regulator at some pharma/ environmental/ chemical company.
Worse comes to I'd either kill myself or go back to bench work. The later is obviously the worst choice.
What do I need to study to research life extention? Is it too late to go to university if I'm already 21 years old? I didnt wanted to make a new thread and this one seemed related
>What's your ideal career?
Running a green energy company with technical background.
>What's your career plan?
Hopefully work in the private sector for a few years after my BS then go to grad school.
>Where are you now? && >Where will you be next year?
Getting an undergrad in Energy&Enviro policy.
When I was 18 I tried college and got 3 straight semesters of all F's
I started again at 21 and in the fall I'm transferring to UCLA as a physics major
One of the better physics schools in the entire world
You can do it
What do electric and magnetic fields have to do with aerodynamics, other than vector calculus?
here, that really gives me hope, user. I did something very similar and really needed to hear something like that. Thank you. so glad there's hope yet...
planes are not just big metal cans that are thrown in the air.
The quantity of electronics and software is enormous.
>mfw no one in this thread will achieve their dreams
Molecular biology is the best. If not that, biochemistry. If not those, biophysics.
you're retarded
delusional AND bitter wow
>What's your ideal career?
Research biogerontology/ life extension.
>What's your career plan?
Get SENS internship, acquire PhD, open to suggestions
>Where are you right now?
lowly freshman B.biotechnology
>Where will you be next year?
second year
What do you guys think?
>What's your ideal career?
Research Scientist and Entrepreneur
>What's your career plan?
Get BMLSc, and a PhD
>Where are you right now?
Learning property investment from my mother, and in the process for applying for university. Doing a small health science course, and correspondence science subjects.
>Where will you be next year?
At university doing my undergraduate degree
One can only try.
>What's your ideal career?
Research in industry (quant finance, etc) where I get paid mad stacks rather than be a cuck for some professor.
>What's your career plan?
Get BS, MS and PhD if I can at a good school
>Where are you right now?
A relatively high ranking university that is screwing me over with its (somewhat) good justification in treating its undergraduate population as a bunch of retards.
>Where will you be next year?
Same place.
>What's your ideal career?
Hoverbike magnate
>What's your career plan?
Study something vocational at university, use loan to build hoverbike, if it flops fall back on vocational degree.
>Where are you right now?
Building drone prototype, baiting Veeky Forums because bored and a long wait for funding.
>Where will you be next year?
Hopefully doing the degree and raking in $$$ with my hoverbike prototype on kickstarter
>A relatively high ranking university that is screwing me over with its (somewhat) good justification in treating its undergraduate population as a bunch of retards.
What's happening?
How do you workout for 2 hours in the morning? Do you just wake up at 7 and workout until 9? What do you do as part of your workout?
>What's your ideal career?
Smoke weed all day/Self employed
>What's your career plan?
Go to uni, go travelling in Europe, end up back in Estonia
>Where are you right now?
>Where will you be next year?
In uni or travelling Europe(if I don't get in uni)