$1000 EOY
$1000 EOY
Other urls found in this thread:
Best FUD i ever seen
Thanks Sold 100k
This is bad and you look bad. See a shrink.
Oh my fucking god
I think I want to sell my stack now, I can't risk getting associated with this fat autistic screeching cunt.
Fuck, I knew cryptos were run by kids
...i'm out
Are we finally witnessing the death of this scam?
unironically sold 100k
Fact that the price doesn’t change shows this doesn’t work
I honestly want to sell now
jesus fucking Christ this shit is going to ruin the coin
dropped my LINK at the curb. thanks OP
this is actually giving me anxiety
OP take this video down
yeah, i'm out. i figured i would still hold, just to see how it turned out with swift creating there own coin. But fuck this
This is the type of "person" who posts in ChainLink threads asking if they are going to make it with their stack of
Loved it OP, keep them coming.
I don't advocate suicide but OP should seriously consider it.
>t. this is what the average node operator for the future of fintech looks like
MODS delete please because this is a kid. No way is he 18.
Love it OP! Oscar worthy
And boy are you in shape!
nice jake paul poster
Just sold my stack
was fun while it lasted
I've been memed, can't believe I bought 1200 of these stupid links based on a stupid white paper and Veeky Forums posts. Actually all of Veeky Forums is just like that retarded child. I need to get away from this place.
>spend $3/post to convince people to buy a $0.60 shitcoin
Seeing what other biz readers looks like disgusts me and makes me disappointed with myself.
Thank you, based AssBlaster! Price singularity here we go!
genius level fud to get people to sell so you can accumulate
well done op
Why did you make your little brother do this, OP?
Fucking hell, the length that you faggots would go to just to FUD Chainlink. It's truly something else.
>this is the type of person telling us to buy LINK
Coins today have started going up and the only thing this piece of shit is doing is going down. Yeah I'm fucking out and moving that money to 0x or something.
The fucker did it.
He got me to sell my LINK stack.
just sold 100 million
LINK is the token for 14 year olds
nope, I'm spreading this shit around. i want you all to look this chubster in the face and witness what you've done.
reported for child abuse
Fuck your shitcoin.
what do i put in for additional details. this is cancer and that kid obviously has issues. holy fucking shit are these the type of people on this board my god.
Why the fuck is some kid browsing here? Holy fucking shit. Really about to sell. God be with us.
How new are you?
Honest to god considering selling my stack over this embarrassing fat nerd
about 6 minutes i came to find an educated conversation comparing xrp, mobius, and not know how i ended up here but my god. why did this kid do this? reddit said Veeky Forums shilled link as a this why oh my god.
i think this might be the end for link, if it has come to this something is fucked up. you guys need to go dark with the link memes. wait until reddit gets a hold of this.
lol, good luck
Wtf I love this kid. Fuck you cucks
this isn't even the most autistic Link related thing I've seen
Grow a fucking pair, u think they give a fuck about a kid screaming in his room... ffs.
wow. is this was autism looks like or is this something else? my god i can not believe people that post here are like this. you guys truly are the worst place on the internet. reddit is way better. this shit would not have happened.
gotta spread this on reddit/twitter to find out
report it for child abuse. reminder that this is who you are posting with 24/7. these are the people who are talking back to you telling you that you will make it. these are the people telling you to HODL.
This. I'm all in on LINK, and I'm not selling, but this needs to be seen. This is a perfect representation of the autistic shilling you faggots do on this board. I hope you all retards sell.
At least he has the merchant symbol up behind him. Can't say he's a counter semite, this kid is above average intellect for this place.
KIDS A SAVAGE, playing 4D chess with that flag.
>Veeky Forums is one person
This kid is clearly being ironic and probably has a IQ of 150. The FUD was so smart it made grown men sell the stack. Now his autistic screeching will turn into laughter after the millions he made off this FUD.
Bravo OP
This autistic kid is legit going to be a multimillionaire.
no way this kid has the self awareness to come up with this type of FUD. he has a major mental disability that this place has exaggerated his symptoms.
Wait, you pajeet faggots are still shilling LINK???
I haven't been to biz since September 2017 (been on /pol/), and everyone back thsn knew it was clearly just a Rajeet shitcoin. I cant believe there are newfags here who unironically think this is a real coin. Laughing so hard right now. Thanks for the keks biz.
He looks so retarded though. It's so hard to imagine that maybe he knows what he's doing even though it's pretty likely.
Say, what's this thread all ab
Bravo, OP. Bravo.
Tfw this genuinely autistic teenage jew holds more LINK than you
Yeah because we want to connect smart-contracts to real world data which is 1/5 of current smart contracts and will potentially be worth billions if not trillions.
Theres a difference between pajeet shilling and autistic research.
he 100% has issues. ill only be convinced if he comes out with a video tomorrow telling everyone he was just kidding and thank you for selling me your bags etc etc.but he wont bc he is actually mentally ill
>1/5 the cost of current digital agreements.
the kid in the video is the one doing the research huh? good luck.
This legit made me cry laughing. Even more so when reading the comments thinking about this dumb sperg. Fucking love this place.
No im doing the research. Hes doing world class FUD
I think he's a weird faggot that think's he's being funny. I will remind you memeposting faggots of this as often as possible
>tfw you realize that this is assblaster
This kid is a fraud and stole his flag and bit from Mordecai
Get your link sources from your favorite neighborhood rabbi, you'll probably be hearing from the Mossad soon faggot.
He has deep connects through Moishe.
What's the most used Veeky Forums approved crypto portfolio website.
I want to get on the link train while I still can
>assblaster revealed
nice just sold 100k
>we are the early adopters
This is disturbing..
You faggots need to stop with this it’s stupid. Bitcoin early adopters are long past but BLOCKCHAIN early adoption is now
Everybody please report for child abuse. This video needs to be taken off by youtubes bots. Somebody make sure to save it.
This. have you seen the video of the screeching kid? yeah id say you got memed. also take note that these are the type of people you are posting all day with and asking for opinions. this place is full of darkness and people with major issues. people here are not smart people. highly dysfunctional human beings. sell you link for xmr and just leave crypto for good. best advice i can give you. take care
Big if true
I did my part niggers. report this fat faggot
This is even better than the Cambodian tranny porn LINK fud
remove the retarded 'take care' and I approve this copypasta FUD
Nice another chainlink fudder pays autistic kid to make this video
This is probably the most disturbing thing I've seen in 8 years of Veeky Forums..
holy shit
What is the big deal with this video? I don't get it
Sir, ChainLink is not a meme. Okay?? You are mistaken. Chainlink has the most potential out of the top 100 coins. Okay?? Like I said before in another thread, it is the coin that LINKS all thecoins. it LINKS the blockchains. This is something that has so most potential. If you want to sell, go ahead. But you're not a good business man if you sell. You have to hold sir, you have to hold.
Congrats whoever did this. This is really fucked up even for Veeky Forums standards and I can't stop laughing...
This is a very serious project about open banking and smart contract oracles. Look what someone has done to this. look at this video
Was this Sergey's vision for ChainLink?
this is the craziest thing ive ever seen in my life
god bless Veeky Forums
this makes me want to market sell my entire portfolio and never come to Veeky Forums again.
Shilled by Assblaster and Sherlock. meme after meme for weeks if not months.
You'd have to be crazy not to buy at least some.
To the anons that are reporting the video. That's obviously a fucking comedian, practically making fun of your links.
You niggers can't take a joke.