Finally hit 6 figures yesterday playing the ZCL dump. After being dirt poor my entire life I guess I qualify as just "poor" now. I got in last August with $2500, dreaming how awesome it would be to make it and at the time 100k sure seemed like it qualified. So here it is. And I feel just as bad today as I did the day before yesterday. Will it feel like this at 7 figures? How many 10s of millions do I need to feel like a human being? Yeah, I know . Nope, I'm asking my bizbros. What's wrong with me and what do I do about it?
Why am I still depressed Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
nobody cares, it's fucking Veeky Forums
get a shrink
How the fuck did you not lost money in January? Did you open a short? Just HODL eth?
depressed too but could you tell me how in the fuck you did this?
Idk bro hearing that makes me worried cuz I’ve got 60k right now and making it thru crypto is the only thing preventing me from blowing my brains out
Probably because you realise larpfolio is fake
I wonder about it too
Nice 1000% larp. You cant short ZCL. nice fucking larp weeba neeba
Because 100k isn't making it. You could literally blow it in a couple of months if you were a hedonistic idiot. And $1m isn't making it if you want to own multiple properties AND be comfortable.
Check your feelings once you pass $3m. If you still feel like shit then, as user said above, get yourself an expensive professional to work you through it.
send ETH 0xD5D9D9b8CD4C4B5942AB2783989A56De627ff079
and I will give you the secret to true happiness
Too long to explain, don't feel like typing it all out
But.... start with transferring that money to a real bank account and pulling some cash out. Let the cash sit on your lap. It'll feel more real then, leaving it on meme money has a very fake and fleeting feeling. You can wake up tomorrow and be at 80k.
He probably bought the dump and sold the bounce.
You shouldn't feel good yet. You can't live on $100k. You CAN live on $1M. That will make you feel at peace. Then you can focus on finding what you love.
Low ball the shit out of dips and sell on the bounce.
Not a larp. Pic related is how you make money on a falling knife.
I know 100k isn't making it but it seemed that way 98,500 dollars ago. I should feel a little better though I would think.
Psychiatrist. Meds.
Today is my first day trading crypto.
Please send me ETH. I want to become cool and rich like you, OP.
I've had several and either I'm too sociopathic for it to have any effect or they weren't very good.
Maybe it will work for you. I'm hoping a million will do it. I really really hope so.
Thanks for the advice. I'm thinking about cashing 20k out when I reach 120. Not long now.
Maybe I should try meds.
those are $1 trades wtf are you talking about
Try Lexapro or Zoloft user, they are SSRI
If you have real depression, they will help. Doc may try to throw all sorts of meds at you, but i've done loads of research on tons of drugs in the past. Start with either of those 2 and see how they work. Give it a month..
All those trades don't even make 1 grand
It's not real until it is cashed out. Once you have that $$ in your account and it's real, you'll feel good. Then you'll start taking care of yourself.
I'm not saying do this, but when I hit 6 figured, I cashed out like 50K. I still owe IRS, but it feels good knowing I have actual cash in my account. Takes away those day to day money worries.
Pic related. That's when ZCL was going for about $10. I can't fit more than a page of trades in a screenshot but you can see the quantities on the right column. That was several thousand dollars worth and there are pages and pages since I was going at it for a while.
You might be right. Maybe it just doesn't feel real since nothing in my real life has actually changed. I think I'll pull some out. Maybe that's what's wrong. Did the 50k really help?
How did you make it in January and February? Other than with ZCL
Thanks user, I'll give it a shot.
>11x during bear market
Nice larp faggot
In January, I bought a couple of huge dumps on RKC. I think around the 26th. Made like 25k over the course of 2 days. February was just a bunch of smaller stuff back to back. Nothing major until ZCL and ORME yesterday that put me over the top. I just have a knack for homing in on good dumps fast.
he's lying you dummy
Why does everybody say this? It's the god's honest truth. Not to get on a tangent but do the majority of traders suck so bad they can't replicate these gains in the easiest market since the dawn of civilization? If this were stocks, I might see the incredulity but this is crypto, man. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of mano a mano warfare. Like taking candy from a baby. At least so far. Hm, I kind of feel a little better now. Got some blood pumping. Thanks.
according to your OP pic, you were flat in december. that's that gives it away, the next time you want to try and larp.
Oh it gets better than that. When I started, I didn't even know what Bid and Ask meant. I was a total newb. I chased pump and dumps. I went all in on Signatum(!). I was basically flat from August (when I started) to January the 6th. I even had one spot you can see where I got so frustrated after losing some money I uninstalled blockfolio and didn't even trade for a couple of weeks. What happened in January? After trying a whole lot of different trading styles, using and discarding TA, swearing off Telegram signals groups, and on and on, I discovered a way to trade that works for me. Simple as that. Like a lightswitch, one day I couldn't trade my way out of a paper bag, the next day I dominated.
Take 3 grams of mushrooms.
what is your exposure with every trade? do you all in or ladder? what do you do when you catch a knife? do you cost average? or immediately sell at small loss? thx.
You should try meditating
Specifically Sa Ta Na Ma meditation.. Helped a ton with anxiety, guessing it will help with depression. inb4 "Pajeet!!!" Do this everyday and you will notice a difference
>what is your exposure with every trade?
No more than 1 BTC or 1/7 the daily volume of the coin whichever is lower.
>do you all in or ladder?
My first order is split in two. Where I think I am likely to get a buy and 15% below that in case it falls a bit further.
>do you cost average?
Not really. My trades very rarely last long enough to get into any calculations like that. I'll make at most 2 or 3 buys and if the trade doesn't work out then..
>or immediately sell at small loss?
I'll give it a few days to go my way. The only way I'll just sell right away is if I go in on something and then I discover some news that tells me it isn't coming back. Like a bitconnect type situation. The thing to remember is that even if something is a straight scam, there will always be some kind of bounce.
I was thinking of microdosing. Just need to find something. Maybe I'll go hunting 'shrooms.
I keep threatening myself to study some kind of mindfulness meditation. Should probably get on that. Thanks.
Lexapro changed my life user. Get yourself an appointment with a psychologist and get yourself fixed up.
Do you only trade stuff that's dumping? I'm currently trading off 2-3 std bollonger bands and having mediocre gains.
I'll add, my 1 BTC max rule is flexible. If something is just so sweet like ZCL yesterday then I will all in. You have to know when to do it though. But when an opportunity presents itself and you feel good about it, don't be afraid to go all in. That's how fortunes are made. Or so it seems.
>Lexapro changed my life user
you're on biz. maybe double your dosage?
Ignore the corny website and stuff but this is a good start. been meditating everyday for maybe four years.. It really is a refuge that I can always rely on
are you American? hope you have a good CPA
It's not so much that I only trade things that are dumping, it's that I set my buys so low that I only catch dumps if that makes sense. If I can't get a super great deal on a coin then I'm not interested. I used BB at first and always made sure to buy under the lower band and sell when I was a couple of percent in profit then I just started setting buys lower and lower. I figured if buying low works then buy even lower!
Haven't tried that. I'll check into it.
Awesome man. I appreciate it and I'll definitely check that site out.
I am and yes, I'm sure the IRS is going to love me to death.
i can definitely vouch for daily meditation.
and RE: crypto gains, I've been in OMG since August and i'm seriously considering trading once I'm in long-term capital gains territory. i started with $2500 and now it's worth $20,000. unironically believe i'll hit 6 figures this year. any tips for how to trade smart?
Nice, that's basically my strat. You looking at the 4hr chart or something lower, I guess you were day trading so something like 30 minute candles?
thanks senpai, I'll try your strat. Theres a famous daytrader in japan that only does what you do with conventional stocks and hes made himself a fortune. He actively screens for stocks that dumps hard and plays off its bounce. PPT today had an incredible play today also WTC. I think theres gonna be more opportunity for those two short-term.
And good luck with life. Deygs really do help, don't get discouraged by poor results off the first one you take. Zoloft didn't do shit for me but Wellbutrin and lexipro have been great.
will you boys be buying any WTC?
seriously though appreciate this simple but not-so-obvious strat
Money gives you options but having a number on a screen doesn't release any of those brain chemicals for me either, friend.
>You looking at the 4hr chart or something lower, I guess you were day trading so something like 30 minute candles?
I used to switch between 1 hr. and 3 and 5 minute charts then I slowly stopped with the lower time frames and stuck with the hourly. I figure if I can't see the dump with that resolution then it wasn't for me anyway.
That's cool. I've been thinking about trying my strategy in stocks. I'll look this Japanese guy up. Any links to a bio?
Well, may both of our numbers get bigger and bigger in the meantime.
the twitter panic was the que for the opportunity. i dont know about going into slow bleeds as it is right now. I think ill wait for a dump.
>I've had several and either I'm too sociopathic for it to have any effect or they weren't very good.
Probably not you. Most therapists are absolute shit.
Takashi Kotegawa (BNF Jcom-man)
OP, I identify with you a lot. Our stories are fairly similar. I don't think money the cure. Money just lets you do more things. I feel too tired most days to get up before 1PM, how is the ability to do more things going to help me when I dont feel like doing anything?
We somehow gotta find happiness in ourselves and not in our things. Idk im still figuring it out.
And like OP said , for me it clicked like a lightbulb as well. It took me over 2 years to learn how to trade. I got frustrated for way longer than OP. But It just takes practice and staring at charts all day. Eventually, something clicks and it's like you understand everything.
I also trade very similar to how OP describes it here , the buys are set so low that it aims to go long when everyone else is panic selling. I literally have this pattern on a post-it on my monitor, the top left one.
>I've had several and either I'm too sociopathic for it to have any effect or they weren't very good.
they're generally not as intelligent as they should be. I'm a firm believer that therapists should be required to have a genius-level IQ in the event that they end up treating people vastly more intelligent than themselves. It's not going to help you if they're giving you suggestions, methods, or ideas that you've already thought about on your own.
Unfortunately their occupation and society in general is based on the mediocre so the extremes (both top and bottom) are generally neglected when it comes to mental help
> Idk im still figuring it out
you're talking about "purpose" and a lot of people have different definitions of it. you could go spiritual/religious, but at the very least i think human interdependence is a big part of it. doing something that you kind of like and also helps other people can actually be fulfilling as fuck. it's still work, but if you like it and have a lot of money then it's the easiest work there is.
appreciate you traderfags sharing info. i expect to lose a little bit when i start out. do you set profit targets and stop-losses when you enter a trade? or just feel it out?
Sh*t. Congratulations!!
Careful of taxes.
Spend money wisely.
Invest for retirement.
Donate/help those who need it.
Find good friends. Good luck.
Yeah man, I get up at 1 in the afternoon every day. I hope we figure something out.
I had this suspicion lurking. Not to sound like a douche but always being the "smartest guy in the room" (I know) makes it tough finding good advice. I probably need to look a little harder. Maybe just come right out and say it. Hey, Mr./Mrs. Therapist, not to be an asshole but I have an IQ between 2 and 3 SD above the mean. Can you help me or point me to someone who can. Haha.
>do you set profit targets and stop-losses when you enter a trade? or just feel it out?
My profit target is whatever I think I can realistically get. If it dumped from 10,000 sats and I bought at 5,000 then I feel pretty good about getting close to 10. It depends on volume too though. If you make a really big buy, it can be tough getting back out at the top so you take whatever you can get sometimes. As far as stop losses, I don't use them. Crypto is so volatile and I got burned bad in the beginning when I set one at 800,000 sats on Neo and it dumped to 750k overnight only to immediately go back up. Boy was I mad when I woke up the next morning and saw it.
Thanks user.
I agree. I've noticed that a man gets his sense of worth from accomplishing something. Even if that means having to wagecuck or be a serf farmer 600 years ago, every man had a goal to work towards and achieve. Gave their lives purpose. The moment you dont have to work for anything you become complacent. I've noticed this when I was young and playing video games; I would set an extremely difficult goal and then work sometimes years towards it till I achieved it. And then the second I did, I got bored of the game.
Always profit targets and stop losses. Anything else is hoping and gambling. You never know if a coin is going to go up 50% or moon 1000%. It is easy to tell when a moon will start but difficult to feel out how high that moon will be. The most important thing; to be a successful trader you must make it almost mechanical. In the sense that you have a system in place of every trade aims to lose the same or make the same amount of money. Consistency is the most important thing to be a successful trader. The reason we sell profit targets instead of just letting it ride for however long till it starts to fall and you panic sell the 1st dip is because you need to pay yourself as you go. I have watched too many of my trades that were winners turn into losers because i held for too long and it started coming back down.
To be able to consistently stick to rules because it makes earning money in the market much more rigid and 'mechanical'. Ideally you trade every trade the same exact way, with a max loss and profit target of around the same amount. If my stop loss is x then my first profit target is 2x and I sell 1/3, another 1/3 at 2.5x and then hold the rest until either 4x or it breaks even back at the 2x price.
This type of structure lets you be wrong way more times than right and still make a profit. But only if you stick to the max loss and take profits at the targets. Especially when you get good with entries, you lose very little money
great thread about this guy
Nice. Thanks. This guy is pretty inspiring. Maybe I can find meaning in just being a good and eventually great trader. It would be cool to be an anonymous shadowy figure amassing a
quiet fortune while helping bizlets along the way.
Only true satisfaction comes from the God of the Bible OP, which tells us man is never satisfied with what he has.
Yeah the guys a legend. Him and CIS. a lot of biz anons should relate.
i love that a 2016 biz thread is crypto-free. honestly i'm getting kind of inspired to start paper trading. i'll have to stare at some bid/ask screens i guess.
here's a great article detailing CIS' strats and philosophy
I feel you op.
I have same story except started with 5k year ago and turned it to 500k
didn't feel any change
Interesting. What do you think the issue is? Not enough money yet? The anxiety of possible loss balances the euphoria of winning?
Seems to me that the happiness is from within rather than with-out. People are searching for something and most times it's the wrong thing.
Go travel the world. It's huge! Heard it helps when you see others in less situations and yet they smile.
Can you teach me?
I don't really know.
Maybe money doesn't affect us in this scale as we thought.
we always want more. I remember saying to myself I'll buy c63amg when i hit 300k but i keep delaying it. Now almost all my money just sits in the bank.
Working for the money was literally hell and took on mentally. I never gambled the money, i traded after strategy.
Some months i had over 100mil volume.
I never gained any happiness from my success
Here is a proof of my volume. You could theoretically see 289k balance on the top left corner
Happiness doesn't level off until you get to a point of around 75k annual passive income, so don't get worried about still being depressed until you get there. 100k total capital is just getting warmed up.
If you want to be successful trader. You have to act like the minority. As most traders lose. Don't fall for any of the memes. Try to arbitrage as much as you can and don't let greed take over you.
I thought on average more traders win than lose, since this isn't Vegas. Or maybe it's a few that take most of the gains and then a mass of losers? So even though money is being made overall more people lose than win.
Trading is a zero still game. For you to win somebody had to lose. For every order in the buy column is an equivalent sell.
OP, you said you started in Aug'17 but the real gains started in Dec'17 to now. What pairs did your trade?
Most traders lose and that is a fact.
Tiny minority get wealthy.
"Money made over all" does not apply to speculative instruments
Zero sum game, I meant.
>I never gained any happiness from my success
Congratulations on your success and I really hope you find happiness, user. If nothing else, we can keep striving for it.
I've heard the 75k figure before so I'll keep it in mind.
>I thought on average more traders win than lose
Unfortunately like the other poster mentioned, that isn't the case. Look up the 90/90/90 rule. 90 percent of traders lose 90 percent of their money in 90 days. Whether that holds up in crypto, I'm not sure if that holds up in crypto but I doubt many traders even here are making much money. Hodlers maybe but then your gains are limited unless you get on the right coins and even then at some point it's still trading.
At least you have money OP.
I’m on the same boat minus the money. The last 500 dollars I had were put in crypto in hopes I could gain small increments and I’m at 394 now. If it wasn’t because my total apathy I would have killed myself already.
Don't give up my man. Success in trading is just one strategy that works for you away. One day you suck and lose, the next day you stumble on something and you do nothing but win. Just persevere and it'll happen. If you have a small account just make little trades until something works.
Long time holders have gained but that's luck. In my eyes trading is skill and an art.
The market can be inflated and inefficient for long periods of time.
In the end its the bagholders that take the loss in almost all the cases.
Fuck you mate! There are so many things I would give for just the 100k. Literally all of my problems are related to money. I could fix those immediately with having plenty left to fulfill lifelong dreams like traveling the world or buying a sailboat. I wouldn't have to worry about wageslaving a soulless job I don't care for soley for the money and rather actually follow my passion.
You must not know what being dirt poor means. You sound like you never had to face financial hardship.
No it isn't, the world economy is growing per capita, so all things being average we're all winning. Of course that's not how it plays out since some people fuck up at trading, but the economy is not a zero sum game.
It's interesting because our methods are so different.
My strategy is mostly arbitrage, buying dips by following 1min chart. And taking advantage of mistakes of others.
I'm liquid cash 99,9% of the time. Minute after buying im usually out.
My trading size is usually 100k
Like this is how new icos can be funded without sucking the air out of the rest of the crypto market, because there is new money coming in from the outside economy that is always growing. Yeah the crypto market cap goes up and down lately, but in the long term it's going up, and that's because the planet's economy is not a zero sum game, so subsets of that economy, namely the crypto market, are also not zero sum games, because they draw wealth from the larger economy to grow.
>I discovered a way to trade that works for me
And this is?
You are missing the point. Cryptos are speculative, they don't create wealth.
Even if the global gdp is rising it does not guarantee that money from that will flow into crypto.
Prices can be inflated for long periods of time if nobody wants to sell at loss.
If a disaster happens everyone holding crypto would lose almost everything.
The markets are not liquid compared to the size of it.
Thats the biggest problem with this cult.
Not to be presumptuous but I think I understand where you're coming from. Listen, I grew up in rural South Carolina and my dad worked as a laborer bringing home something like $200 a week to feed a family. I wore hand me downs and no-name shoes that got me laughed at. I didn't have shit. But even that is vast riches compared to somebody in the third world and I'll never understand what it means to be truly hungry or poor. However, depression is something else. It's a thing you're born with and I hoped making money would cure it but I'm starting to think that isn't the case. As small as a 100k stack is to some other bizraelis, I'd give it all and never make another dime if I knew I'd have lifelong peace. And I hope you make it and sail all over the world.
>And this is?
I pore over charts all day long looking for dips and I set buys at insultingly low prices. From time to time I get filled. Then I sell the inevitable bounce. Wash rinse repeat. I probably win 19/20 times because I utterly refuse to buy at a price that is anything other than an insult to the seller.
Do you use sell limits after buying? Or do you wait for the bounce first or how do you go about selling to take profit?
Ok so just to clarify
>look for massive dip
>buy below dip
>sell bounce
So say Coin drops from 1000 sats to 680 sats, you set the buy how much lower? Do you use any indicators or just go off price decrease?
Thanks for replying btw.
What % gain you aim for when doing this per trade? I’ve done this for the past days, limit order and limit sell immediately after and althought it works the gains are insignificant so-to-say. I tend to not go over 1% of what sats I paid for.
If you watch charts all day for months you can predict when a coin stops crashing or dipping. The market becomes predictable at some times.
This is the problem I have too. I can rarely make it worth while trading that way.
>how do you go about selling to take profit?
I just look at where the price was before the dip and I try to get somewhere around there. Often I'll let little sells on the way up so if it goes up and back down I'll at least sell some of it and I can even reup if I want.
I'll usually look at the chart real quick and see what kind of dips it had in the recent past. If the chart has dipped 40% a couple of times before and it's dipping 20% now, I'll put a buy in at maybe 35% or so. Not at the extreme bottom but low enough that if the buy goes through I'm very likely to sell at a good profit. And every chart is different. For some charts, 20% is a massive dip, others it's 50%. Do what the chart tells you and look for the "story" it's telling you.
When i trade i watch the market at 1 min chart. I buy dips mostly. I sell when i can't predict the next few mins or it doesn't look good.
There is no written rule how many %. I've gotten 10%+ in some trades but most are 0-2%.
All depends how I feel about the market at a given second.
As I've said Ive got 100mil volume, it stacks up.
Goal should be to never lose money.
how did you avoid the crash? i managed to go from 1k to 45k in about three months. i felt like a literal genius until the correction hit, when i lost almost 30k in less than three weeks. that was a reality check that i wasn't managing my risk properly.
thankfully i've recovered a tad bit. but now it feels like i've totally stalled out. i'm much less confident in my ability to make good trades and can barely stand to log into binance anymore for fear of slipping up. any tips for overcoming that mental impasse?
Ok thanks man I'm going to write your strategy down and give it a try. Good luck with your depression dude, sorry that's happening to you.
Oh and I don't use any indicators ever. The price and volume tell me everything I need to know. I've messed around with bollinger bands, ema, rsi, fib retracement etc. and actually had less success than I do now. I found with indicators I tended to buy a little too high and sell a little too low for some reason. Maybe I was following the indicator rather than the chart. Or maybe I'm more in tune with the psychology underlying the prices action I'm seeing and the indicator is too much of an abstraction. Others may feel differently.
During the crash, my bitcoin stack rose faster than the price of btc went down. Basically I outran the crash. Pic related.
Stayed in cash. I actually profited the most in the crash by buying dips and selling 1 min later at small profit
The way I see it is profitable I just don’t have the capital to make it significant on top of not knowing if I’m doing it right.
If you can do a bunch of +.33% trades in a day you are getting a good profit, at least on paper.
>During the crash, my bitcoin stack rose faster than the price of btc went down. Basically I outran the crash. Pic related.
That's impressive.
What timeframe do you usually use?
The other user here uses 1min candles, how about you?
5min? 15min? 30min? 1hr? 4hr? 1day?
How do you use volume exactly? I know high volume is good usually but other than that what can it tell you?