I'm one of the transfer developers working for NANO...

I'm one of the transfer developers working for NANO. The project is falling to pieces due to internal errors in relation to the verification protocol. Sell now while you have the chance you'll see a huge down turn by tomorrow.


wow shit just sold 100k thabks

trips say nano goes to $50 and you are liar


thank you sir

Dubs say nano will tank

I shit in your mums vikramjit mouth you dog

LOL i will never understand FUD like this... what does this person get from someone selling NANO?

What do you stand to gain pajeet? tell the truth for once in your street-shitting life

Guess this is the nail in the coffin, I've been riding ven since $3 and I guess this is where I'm finally off, thanks for the tip devbro, even if you're larping I was close to getting out, its just the natural cycle and there has been a lot of upper-level fud lately, later cucks I;m gonna cash out 20% and buy a Land Rover

Nano to $1000 EOY
Charlie lee has spoken

Anyone else ridden this long enough to get connected? This ties in all too well with everything going on their telegram and a whatsapp chat I am in with the devs.... they are getting too cagey for my taste

How do you mean?

Don't forget the kernel leak which led to triple spending on kucoin.

thats not fucking real...like that didnt happen

jesus you people are fucking untrustworthy pajeets

The kernel leak was real. I have insider info that it was actually a false flag done by Shapiro, he's still accumulating.
Dubbed operation popcorn.

I heard no one likes shapiro on the team, apparently it's his history. I'll just say not his first time he's doing stuff like this.
The kernel protocol loophole is unfortunate, I like the coin but just no luck for them.

you guys are fucking NUTS

you literally just fabricate shit as you go along

Nice FUD but you can shove it where the sun dont shine


They can buy it.

>t. redditors

wow. well you're very convincing sir. I will sell and tell all of my friends.


>1 post by this ID

can confirm I'm the founder of NANO