Taco talk

Yo' Mexibros que onda pues? help a brother out?

This week I had some laborers working for me, I offered to buy them lunch one day from the truck and pretty much every single one of them ordered a "plato"

why order a plato when youre just going to make them into tacos anyways? Do you get more food with a plato? I dont get it? Any help?

muchas gracias

Fucking morons, I like tacos, everyone has to like tacos. Why?
Because Im the boss.

Why order the tacos when the meat and shit falls out anyways, and you end up using the tortilla to pick it up regardless?

Also, it's more filling and you get more tortillas usually.

because they want a tiny slice of dignity in their shitty lives and so order a plate of food to sit down with instead of shoveling it in like animals.

Porque cuando pedis un Plato te Dan mas carne gringo estupido

To be able to break the tortilla apart into pieces and scoop up the other shit.

Tacos would just get soggy, especially with all that shit in it.

The fuck did you just say, paco?

More food

nigga, platos are great. I don't always want to eat tacos you twat

Enjoy your meal sir, heave a great day

a taco truck on every corner is an America that has truly been made great again

PatrĂ³n, im sure youre a nice guy wishing the best for the workers.
But let them do their things, it doesnt always makes sense to interfere. So be it.

No one was giving them shit for not getting tacos just wondering the reasoning for the order.. and its good to be the boss though it did take the woman longer to make 16 platos rather than 16 burritos though and she did complain when they ordered the suadero and cabeza platos for some reason idk Gracias por su respuesta

It did look to be more food but they only got 2 tortillas each. you should work on your taco eating technique its not that difficult. Gracias por su respuesta


>eating lunch on a piece of plywood in the dirt

make sense. Gracias por su respuesta

Gracias por su respuesta

yeah thanks chad..

No one is interfering..they all got their platos del dia, I just wondered why platos..
the crew before them ordered tacos and burritos solo..no platos

Gracias por su respuesta

what a question .... mexicans eat loads of beans along with loads of tortillas not to mention as many chile peppers .... it is as usual a more economical deal that includes the filling tortillas seasoned meat with salsa and beans anything else is a uneeded luxury rice and salad blahh

That meat looks horrifyingly bland

Ordering poor minorities around is dad-tier, getting them to run a business for cheap is boss tier

Very nice of you to buy them lunch. A plate comes with rice and beans. A taco doesn't. A plate is more food and those guys usually work damn hard and eat a lot.

tortillas might get soggy if you order tacos to go

at least that's my reason when i order a plate to go

Manchildren don't like the taste of "icky vegetables". Ordering a plate lets them build their own taco without them.

Why the hell aren't you ordering double stack of steamed tortillas at your mexican joint to pick up the mess on your plate?

The problem seems to be with the customer not knowing what the fuck he's doing.

unless you count onions and cilantro tacos don't usually have any vegetables on them

My body is ready