Is carl sagan a meme?

is carl sagan a meme?

Depends on your outlook on the world

He was a drug addict.

this he was just a degenerate, spewing new age astronomy BS

no better than Terrence McKenna

He unironically believed in aliens.

If you dont you're just an idiot

you're an idiot

We can define Sagan as the black science man or the michio naruto kaku of the 90s


reddit cancer really love this word

My IQ test disagrees.

They are cool for liking science basically

>is carl sagan a meme?
This use of the word "meme" is a meme.

"ironic" =\= "facetious"

>My IQ test disagrees.
Did you take your test in crayon?
There are an estimated 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy, which doesn't seem unusually large or small by comparison to other galaxies.
There are an estimated 100-200 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
That means the number of stars in the observable universe has about 22 decimals.
So the only rational expectation is we must be the only place life exists?

I assume your outlook on this is probably based on emotional shortcomings, not inferior cognitive skills, so "retard" isn't the word I'm looking for...
...but it will have to do.

He knew about the ET presence but joined the cover-up for fortune & fame.

He just was the science nigger from the era

Unlike "black science man" he was an actual scientist, everyone just focuses on his work on SETI. Most of the robotic missions flown by NASA during the 1960's and 70's had his contributions to them in some way, my dad actually worked with him on the Mariner 1 mission.

A hero and a real human being

>Literally the exact opposite since he helped science and society
Fuck off /pol/.

>the universe is yuuuuuuuuuuuuge
So what? You are jumping to baseless conclusions only because of an infantile "I want 2 beleive". The set of real numbers is also huge, in fact even infinite, yet there is exactly one number having the value 3.

Look up for the drake equation on google, is true that is outdate, but anyway it gives an idea. A differet question is if we ever will be able to contact them (poor people from SETI).

He is the champion of Reddit so yes.

>Earth has been here for 4.6 billion years
>that's about 1.7 trillion sunrises (for any given point on the surface)
>but we can't assume it will come up tomorrow, that would be stupid

>T. Eternal /pol/ hater

And don't forget his work on nuclear winter


I think he is preserved. He is a meme because now everything is a meme but he is not only a meme, he is a great scientist really passionnate.

He's like Neil deDegrasse Tyson level 2

>The set of real numbers is also huge, in fact even infinite, yet there is exactly one number having the value 3.
This is an unfathomably stupid statement and I got baited hard.

For good reason.

You niggers don't believe in science.