This is why classical physics is best physics.
This is why classical physics is best physics
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Cosmologists don't have "no clue" , we know dark matter can't be hot via various probes and the Lyman alpha forest points to masses > 2 keV, that puts very tight constraints on warm dark matter.
I keep reading these anti matter/energy posts and wonder what they would have said when Brown suggested that Brownian motion was caused by little particles that you couldn't see, even with a microscope.
>falling for the brownian motion meme
>typical pure science wankery with no real world worth
>he just wants to sit around doing meme math all day instead of science
>great mathematician; awful scientist
>how are we supposed to do experiments with these invisible particles? nice falsifiable "theory"
Something like this, I imagine.
I have a completely unverifiable, unfalsifiable theory about unobservable things, why won't anyone take me seriously?
>Dark matter is unfalseifiable.
Lol, why do normies insist on commenting?
>unverifiable, unfalsifiable
The CMB powerspectrum, the growth of structures, the BAO amplitude, weak lensing and strong lensing. There are plenty of tests for CDM.
Classical physics is literally completely wrong about everything
Can it get a spaceship to Mars? Then I'm fine.
Do I need more precision than this? No, I'm not autistic.
It actually probably couldn't get a spaceship to Mars.
>"scientists" think air is real
>you can't smell it, taste it, see it, touch it, but it's everywhere
That's science in the middle ages
what if dark matter was quantum vibration string fields?
Yeah sure user, like you even know what the hell you just posted. Lay off the popsci memes for a day and pick up a physics book for once.
What if dark matter is composed of primordial blackholes? What if these blackholes are quantumly entangled to each other?
If curved momentum space is accurate, momentum contracts space in the direction of the vector and expands space in the opposite direction. Around a blackhole, distance is contracted. When matter falls toward a blackhole, it get's shot out as a jet of electrons which also contract space with their momentum. This jet moves through space at c, but within it c would appear to be higher than 1 - and this is what we see when we look at the jet of M87.
If we imagine entangled particles as being connected by a similar jet, suddenly the instantaneous effects lose their mystery.
Nah. Considering the boundary conditions of classical physics it's completely true as a mathemtaical framework. As a physical theory is debateable
Classical physics also needs dark matter.
That was an idea, but it has been ruled out, more or less.
If you enjoy classical ie wrong physics, then you are too stupid or brainwashed to try and push aside the veil into true reality
I have no idea what the fuck is being said here, but no. If dark matter is dark because we can't see it, it doesn't emit photons, so the concept of heat doesn't apply to it.
>push aside the veil into true reality
Not memeing but are you quoting sam hyde?
What's classical physics wrong about?
and probably entropy
...the fuck are you talking about? Heat is energy, nigga are you telling me you're made of photons just because scientists know you're 90% fat, 10% moron and weigh 350 lbs?
Fucking faggot light beings in here trying to confuse us with their photons and shit
Not much. At high speeds and small particles, classical physics doesn't hold up well, but there's a reason why engineers don't use quantum to build stuff. It just werks.
Heat is energy in transit. Through photons.
4/10 coz I responded, and because you made fun of my weight and I'm really sensitive about that senpai.
In electronics quantum matters a lot. Tunneling breakdown of diodes, thermal noise, photoelectric max wavelengths, etc.