So, Veeky Forums, what is the superior engineering degree?
So, Veeky Forums, what is the superior engineering degree?
me fucking your mom's cunt, that degree.
Knowing that engineers only do it for the money, the one that has the highest average salary.
Therefore petroleum engineering.
Or the one with the most job openings, which is probably civil engineering.
So civil engineering if you are average, petroleum engineering if you are a genius.
Civil engineers are idiots that don't even know how to make a road in a straight line. Chemical engineering master race.
Systems, useful for every project. And all you do is model shit in MATLAB. For good enough pay. Feels good, pepes.
Civil Engineers don't do roads, they plan cities.
Nice fake degree you have there.
Only Veeky Forums fakes would make such an amature mistake.
Civil Engineers are the only billionaires in the STEM club that make all of their money from their job [no investments needed].
Mechanical engineering is the best
Petroleum engineering is a pseudo-science.
It's identical to dowsing.
>muh tubes
From the numerous shitposts I've read either chemical or nuclear, probably chemical.
>t. Physicist
Civil is the only one seeing any significant job growth.
Mechs will always be needed.
>what is BME?
inb4 meme degree
My engineering dept offers applied math. That's a poetry good program at our school, especially of you are interested in computational models and numerics.
EE is a good choice. Mech E is good too.
Why does it matter OP, they're all solid choices.
Don't forget that Civil jobs are widely transitional and can lead to numerous different job opportunities
Is BME a good choice? I'm about to go into college for pre med but I'm considering it. Last time I asked on this board I got "the nigger of engineering"
I asked the same question on here last year thinking of BME and I was told that if you have an interest in something pertaining to a form of engineering, go into that field. If you just want money from it and you're skilled/gifted in mathematics/science you should go into the field with the best pay at the time. Take into consideration that salaries vary and change but whichever form makes you happy, makes you happy. Also never listen to someone on the internet telling you that they make more money than you and you're stupid for going into a different field than them
That's because it is. Modern genetic engineering is more easily described by math than biology. BME is shit and you'll end up just like all the other premed retard undergrads
There is nothing superior without any specified criteria.
Take an actual Engineering degree. Otherwise you might as well take some generic Science degree, you're not best exploiting the whole P.Eng legal designation with BME.
Financial engineering :^)
Also Biotech, you learn how to program systems AND get prepped for the one of the most needed degrees in the future.
Do you think that petroleum engineering is future proof? I know almost nothing on the subject but with people looking for other energy sources don't you think the demand for people with petroleum engineering degrees wil soon shrink?
it's a horrible choice. most of your classmates will be premed retards and you will be getting a watered down engineering degree
choose mechanical and emphasize on biomechanics
its already shrinking la...