>see thread where non-engineering majors circle-jerking, talking about how gay and dumb they think engineering is
>post pic related
>no replies
It feels good when you're so right that they don't even respond.
See thread where non-engineering majors circle-jerking, talking about how gay and dumb they think engineering is
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you're an engineer from france and switzerland
webm related
Entirely correct. I'm a bioengineering major, and we learn literally everything the pure bio majors do, plus a ton of physics/math/CS.
You'd have to be an idiot or dedicated to research to want to go into pure science.
engineering major makes thread specifically about circle jerking fellow engineers and shit-talking all other majors, under the pretense that non-engineer majors were doing the same thing
Aww, it's okay if you were feeling jealous. Unfortunately you're on the wrong board - this is for science and math. You've made a clear distinction between engineering and science/math, so obviously you don't belong here.
Now please get the fuck out.
Are you mad, friend?
>implying scientists and mathematicians do science or math
>implying any physics or math major on Veeky Forums is even working in their field
While rare, there are people here that are legitimate experts in various fields [postdoc in condensed matter theory here].
P-please respond, the thread
>STM majors try to defend their circle jerking and fail
the posts
While some points in the OPs image are true: basic science majors are not going to really land you a job in that field (outside of biology), the
>hurrrr my majo rharder 'dan yours
bullshit is, well bullshit as there is no good metric. And before anyone starts, no, credit hours required are a shit metric that only retards will point to as a justification since with effort I could find a liberal arts or business degree that carries a similar credit load when everyone knows those programs have no difficulty.
engineering majors are harder than math majors which are harder than physics majors.that's practically a fact. there is no rigor in a physics major, and there is still less rigor, as well as no application in a math major.
And what are you basing this "fact" upon? What objective criteria can you point to and claim "this is indisputable evidence that engineering is harder?" You are asserting something with no support; please provide support.
>harder than physics
>harder than math
jesus you're going all out
I take it you don't have high reading comprehension?
I can post a test to check your knowledge of scientific principles and you can share the link of your results, timestamped of course.
You have offered zero counter-point, zero counter evidence.
Therefore I see no reason to continue with you if only I have something to intellectually contribute.
Your denialism is fallacious.
There is literally no rigor in physics majors and even physics majors joke about that. don't play dumb. math is for the guys who actually like rigor, and engineering is for masochists who want all of the rigor and who want to be practical with what they're learning.
all of them are needed, but engineering is just harder.
That has never been proven.
Intellectual (me):1
I am an atheist as well.
I'm just an educated atheist.
Here are my beliefs:
Empiricism, falsifiability, fallacy checking, the scientific method, the socratic method, humility, scientific consensus, etc.
I don't believe in jumping to conclusions or siding with an unproven concept and calling it proven with emotional fervor.
That's irrational.
The only rational thing is to remain neutral until something is proven true with experimentation or some form of evidence.
Presumption is never evidence.
Look, if you're still going to troll or act retarded, that's fine.
- Swear
- Ad hominem; Call people names
- Don't provide counter-arguments
- Reject realism and the scientific consensus
That's ok.
Just don't loop.
Looping is cancer.
Personal incredulity and the argument from ignorance are fallacies. You're ignorant.
You imply you have no knowledge of the other kinds, therefore they don't exist.
That is wrong irrational.
Are you serious, user? If you were to give engineering anything, you'd give that it has rigor. The actual material is not as hard as what you'll get in physics or math, but there is definitely more of it. How can you deny that?
Daily reminder that physical science/math majors are literally failed engineering majors.
As a double major in math and engr from a top 10 engineering school, you are wrong. Engineers have more required credits and work more hours HOWEVER the classes are easier than math classes. Basically engineers work longer doing a shit ton of bullshit. Also, any math major who only takes the required classes is shit. The programs are designed to be flexible to make your degree what you want unlike the mold that engineering programs force you into(which they obviously have to do).
Rigor means something different in mathematics
> Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate into their own language and forthwith it is something entirely different.
>As a double major in math and engr from a top 10 engineering school
As the ghost of Poisson, you are wrong.
I don't know which school you go to, but it's the opposite here.
Everyone is given a lot of leeway to fit their career path.
Engineers mathematicians and physicists go through the same stuff for a while. Then everyone goes for their respective fields. It makes all mathematicians and engineers know about thermodynamics and ondulatory optics, all physicists and engineers know about topology etc, and all mathematicians and physicists know some about control theory.
And I genuinely think the most brilliant people are those who can take ideas from other fields to incoporate them into their own.
>Engineering is a professional degree
Stopped reading there
Engineering degrees are professional degrees. They are accredited by ABET. You're not allowed to take the Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination and become a licensed professional engineer unless you take the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination, which you are also not allowed to take unless you are in an ABET accredited engineering undergraduate program. Non-professional degrees like physics or math do not require anything like this.
You not reading something that you don't like is idiotic.