What is a natural, legal and scientific way I can boost my alertness and propensity to absorb greater amounts of knowledge into my neurons at an accelerated rate?
>inb4 coffee / Red Bull
Caffeine and Taurine makes me extremely sleepy desu
What is a natural, legal and scientific way I can boost my alertness and propensity to absorb greater amounts of knowledge into my neurons at an accelerated rate?
>inb4 coffee / Red Bull
Caffeine and Taurine makes me extremely sleepy desu
sleep more or better.
>he spouted the sleeping meme
Look fucktard, I sleep at 9pm and wake up at 6 am almost religiously everyday.
a script for ritalin from any non-dick psychiatrist
Adderall. It's a lot harder to get it in Europe though because psychiatrist don't give out psych meds as easily as they do in the US. I live in Italy and had to try 3 different ones to finally get a prescription. And I have legit ADHD.
maybe not legal but ephedra
>methylphenidate is natural
>sleeping 9 hours
does your body NEED 9 hours? Most people need between 7-9. That seems a bit excessive.
also; read about the power of 7. basically reading/using some piece of knowledge 7 times is when you know it and won't forget it.
>first read about something
>second research that something
>next day see that something in action
>4th ask yourself a question about it
>test yourself on that something
>6th someone asks you about that something
>7th read about it again
arbitrary shit but I've found that idea works. I applied that to my studying and it worked great.
all I'd do is
>new math concept
>practice it on whiteboard by doing problems relating to the concept a few times a day for several days
>test it
>retest after 4-5 days of not studying it at all
>relearn anything I forgot in the time spent not studying concept
then it's pretty much ingrained in me.
There's no real way to do that unfortunately (caffeine is shit tier IMO)
Microdosing LSD is the way to go if you want to ascend
Modafinil, definitely.
If you've seen Limitless, well it's kind of like that. It's a true cognition booster, not just a stimulant.
reroll: kill yourself and try again for a higher intelligence
there is nothing you can do to raise the ceiling imposed by the innate limitations of your cognitive capacity
>It's a true cognition booster
That's bollocks. I've taken Vyvanse (which is superior to adderall for learning, btw) and Modafinil. Modafinil is not even on the same wavelength.
I gained a slight increase in focus as well as wakefulness on Modafinil, but on Vyvanse I could literally absorb any information thrown at me for hours on end. Considering the exorbitant prices generic Modafinil is online it's not worth it over coffee/caffeine. Best course of action to get diagnosed with ADHD (and yes I'm aware you said 'natural', OP).
You sleep way too much fucktard
>uses anecdotes
>generalise his experiences
>on a board for scientists
>I get a good amount of sleep
What's your point?
Adderall is an amphetamine. Methylphenidate is Ritalin, sometimes known by its brand names as Focalin, Concerta, etc.
>muh natural
I bet you buy organic at the grocery store.
+1 Vyvanse train, however I have to say that arguing price as a downside of Modafinil while supporting Vyvanse doesn't make any sense. Shit's retarded and they just marked up the price by like $50 like three months ago.
There isn't a single anecdote in my post and Modafinil's inferiority to learning is well established. It's safer but that's about as far as its advantages go over traditional amphetamines (or stimulants in general).
Vyvanse is free or cheap if you are prescribed it for ADHD in Europe. Modafinil is only prescribed in cases of narcolepsy here (most of the time) which makes it hard to get through prescription.
Think of something. Do the same thought but think it quicker. Speed up your inner voice. Repeat. The only difference between smart people and dumb people is how fast they can process information. That's it. Just try to slowly speed up your brain day after day like you were excersising for to run. It really helps. Try to keep your thoughts at a fast pace.
>Caffeine and Taurine makes me extremely sleepy desu
get tested for adhd
better diet, drink more water, exercise
best post will be ignored
eat more carbs
by sucking on my dick, it'll give you some medicine that'll help
careful with the -finil stuff.
think insomnia rather than alertness.
>People thinking they can use Adderall all they want without any consequences to come
enjoy your brain diseases at 60
Also for OP: do what your body/brain is able to do and don't push the limits to where they don't belong.
L-theanine with coffee works for me.
>better diet
Poor-fag here.
Literally everytime my family had enough money to buy diverse food (more vegetables, meat, more fruits) I had a "boost" of motivation and focus. Water is the first thing you must drink every morning.
You already know exercise is good.
the foods that power the brain the best are all the cheapest
potatoes, beans, rice and other grains
your brain likes starch
fruits and veggies can be cheap too if you know where to get them
meat does literally nothing for cognitive function
if anything it worsens it
carbs and oxygen
Smoke the weed man
if anything tho you should do mushrooms
depends where you live, it's been legal here forever
weedman you say?
>Not planning to die in your twenties
>have ADD
>ritalin only makes me normal
Thanks biology
start doing physical exercises
>does your body NEED 9 hours? Most people need between 7-9. That seems a bit excessive.
Between 7 and 9 does not include 9. Veeky Forums, everybody.
just practice your thinking
keep your mind occupied by thinking about stuff, solving problems, etc
the most important thing i learned in university is that hard work and practice are just as important as intelligence
literally this.
Once i started working out regulary I found myself to be a lot smarter.
Define """""natural"""""
"between" doesn't include the borders:
between 7 and 9 is ]7;9[
>math major
>wont get a job
>die at 35 from malnutrition
>implying i care about consequences when im 60
>meat does literally nothing for cognitive function
>what is folate? what are amino acids, phenylalanine, methionine, glutamate,etc req. for synthesizing neurotransmitters?
The inclusion is implied. It's the set [7, 9] rather than (7, 9)
Yes you did.
seriously kys.
also I didn't say modafinil didn't work.
vegan detected
then take modafinil
work out, sleep well, listen to classical music, don't drink, don't smoke, eat healthy
Stroke at 55 detected
Fuck me in the ass, this is great advice. How come I hadn't thought about it before?
If you get a full nights sleep and still feel tired, you almost certainly have sleep apnea. It's surprisingly common
Barring drugs etc...
Its suffering...and not being a bitch about it...
You must push to your absolute limit...
Probably hire someone you trust to pick up the pieces if you pass out from not eating...
I've seen some shit...