I want to kill myself.
But since you die only once, I want my death to be something special. So please give me scientific suggestion for an orioriginal method of suicide. Best suggestion will be executed in public.
I want to kill myself.
But since you die only once, I want my death to be something special. So please give me scientific suggestion for an orioriginal method of suicide. Best suggestion will be executed in public.
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Get helium tank
Tie uninflated balloons around neck
Inflate balloons
Die or fly into space
don't do it in public
people already got enough problems, they don't need to have their week ruined by seeing some angsty asshole commit suicide in a flamboyant way
or better yet don't kill yourself
I really like the idea, but no reasonable amount of balloons will lift an average adult into the air.
>hurr durr just continue suffering
nah, fuck off sadist
then pursue spiritual enlightenment, my friend. not talking about anything religious, before you start tipping your fedora in my direction
Uhhh, I'm pretty sure if you got balloons big enough they should be able to lift you with ease. Your just a coward OP.
dude there's drugs and sex and occultism and shit like that you can use to escape your suffering
buy some razor wire, super glue hands to side of head, hang yourself with razor wire from somewhere where the razor wire cannot be seen. Its gonna look like you went mad and pulled your head off
>I want my death to be something special.
Get married.
Ive always found something wrong with people who are more terrified of living than dying such cowardice
imagine the universe before it ever came into existence that is what death is like
I once had a dream after a night of heavy drinking, the dream consisted of absolutely nothing, not the nothing of space I mean absolute nothingness no cognition, no anything just an empty dark void.. That must be what death is like
Those are some fucking huge balloons. Not the type of normal balloons you buy for a children's birthday.
Sex is disgusting. So are drug users. And for occultism I'm just too intellectual to fool myself that easily.
This shit is older than the internet. Lame. Boring.
If you're intellectual then why don't you do any thing with your intelligence? Learn math from online courses, ect
Shut up. I learned all kinds of shit. It's not enough to keep me alive.
Beta :)
This is very hard, if not unachievable.
Kill someone where you definitely know it will be for the better of the world.
Like Kim Jong Un or Hillary Clinton or the owner of EA
Get a weather ballon OP. They are actually quite cheap and do get an adult into space. That's how Felix Baumgartner did it
So... you just didn't have a dream
Buy enough LSD to OD with, then proceed to OD with LSD.
I just googled and the best weather balloon I could find can carry 2kg. I'll need almost 40 of them. No fucking way.
Fix a thin metal cable somewhere, stand on bridge or tall building, loop it around your neck, glue your hands to your head and jump
Ok senpai here's what you do
>hire a really fancy car, I mean REALLY fancy
> shoot at a police station
>lead a high speed chase onto a motorway or highway, whatever
>floor it and put a brick on the accelerator
>parachute out of the car while simultaneously shooting yourself
But then how did Felix Baumgartner do it?
Or better, take a massive dose of LSD - or similar substance - but not enough to kill yourself.
You might see your life and the world from a profoundly different view you can't come by in the state you are now, and maybe, just maybe allow you to come up with a way to deal with your shit - that doesn't involve ending yourself.
you can't od on lsd
if you die it's because you're tripping so hard you decide to do something dangerous
>he thinks two of the best thing in life are disgusting
no wonder you want to kill yourself.
you can be a drug user without turning into a dirty junkie. experiment a bit with them and you'll see they're worthwhile
Meme: the suicide.
You might as well piss off a Navy seal.
Why has there actually never been anyone who went out in a really cool way? Like shit jump into a Zoo and punch a fucking Lion why has nobody ever done that?
Or rape a female politician during a public speech?
Or built a giant underground rape dungeon where you keep thousands of victims who you let fight and torture each other for your amusement to just kill everyone, yourself included in the end?
>Like shit jump into a Zoo and punch a fucking Lion why has nobody ever done that?
There go my plans for tomorrow
Any other ideas?
Sure as hell you can like with any active substance.
But we're probably talking many milligrams. It's expensive, but doable.
Do some spooky shit that freaks people out
Jump into a barrel of liquid nitrogen
is OP still alive?
apparently not more than 5 people have died that way
so that would make it a good way to commit suicide, it would earn you a place in history.
>kill yourself at a trump rally
>kill yourself at a bernie/hillary rally
>kill yourself in front of the NSA hq and send a long manifesto against surveillance to all major news outlets
>kill yourself on a major college campus
>fly over to bellevue and kill yourself with me doing any of the following
OP, there's so much potential. Just be sure to name check Veeky Forums when you do it somehow, assuming you're looking to for media attention
obviously something is wrong. and yes, when you're genuinely suicidal you're well aware killing yourself is cowardly, but you don't care in that mental state. just be glad you've never been there and hope you never have to be
I overdosed on a lethal dose of a hallucinogenic research chemical, but instead of dying of seizures my body decided to just not die, I woke up sober and I am no longer suicidal. I'm also pretty amazing at problem solving now, just that I have no use for it.
10/10 would die and survive again
lol, saved my day