Walk into the club with gf

>Walk into the club with gf.
>These 2 hit on your girl.


step back and observe

Dump her

break their fucking phone



knock both of them the fuck out.

tell them she FOMOd


Pump and dump.


>implying you wouldn't get fucking destroyed before you even tried that

>mfw the bogs will never run a train on me
y live

Give them what's rightfully theirs. Hand over my girlfriend and private keys.

>going to a club
>involving women in your life

>implying they won't break you in half with their minds

whos the chick?



Not to mention your anus if it tickles their fancy

Bust one more nut on her legs and slunk away.

>Now he has two phones.

Pretend to be blind so I can touch their plastic faces. I want to caress them softly

>tries to grab phone
>immediately gets swarmed by elite assassin bodyguards disguised as average nightclub goers

let them have her. it's not worth it

buy them both a beer

>Gentlemen, the price is the price.

> He sold. Pump it.
> He bought. Dump it.