Anyone else rich off crypto that also takes steroids? a 12 week test cycle will only set you back 0.03btc

Anyone else rich off crypto that also takes steroids? a 12 week test cycle will only set you back 0.03btc
Veeky Forums + Veeky Forums = ultimate patrician

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How does one get steroids

Steroids are degenerate

Steroids.... Fattening yourself up for the slaughter like a good cow.

Lol at you beta cucks

No roids but I am built like a brick shithouse.
Also my cryoto gains are as yoked as a 90lb ladyboy. Fuck I wish I were better at investing.

Lmao at streroids.. ruining yoir hormone and endocrine system for fast gains that dont last when you come off...

Cmon mate jist lift heavy and eat
... gaining muscle is not hard

Ginving yourself cancer and shortening your dick to impress woman. Thats like the IRL version of buying high and selling low.

Best drug ive ever had.

Now im fat because of an accident and cant lift my own dick

I should be more specific and not generalise all steroids. I understand that most are liver toxic and have many adverse side effects, I only use testosterone which is already a naturally occuring hormone in the body. With a proper post cycle therapy there is little to no adverse side effects. Tren and other anabolics are a whole different story though.

This is what you deserve for steroid usage user, I'm sorry.

You are actually retarded then.
I hope you kys you waste of space

Then why didn't you just say test? I have less of a problem with that but it's still degenerate, Going to the gym and working for your gains is so much more satisfying.

Why don't you try eating healthy and exercising?
Give it a solid six month effort, without the hormones. Bruh, you will feel much stronger.

Steroids are scary, I'd rather make slow natural gains.

Not rich yet but have the capital to get rich now

What u wanna know OP

Shouldve specified i apologize. I have hypergonadism so my natty test is already low. The quality of life vs adverse side effects outway staying natural for me. Life changing stuff really...

Veeky Forums is great. Do kratom. Do steroids. Buncha overcompensating fucks influencing naive shut ins.

Nah just shortens your balls really

I lifted 3 years natural before roids. I hit my natural plateau

Yes, yes it is hard. Natural bodybuilding is a meme.

>lifting the iron jew

>ruining yoir hormone and endocrine system for fast gains that dont last when you come off
lmao you are dumb as fuck. only dumbass niggers, teens, and indians fuck up cycles and thus their endocrine systems using modern drugs. if you do your dosages and timings correctly and follow-up with post-cycle treatment there are almost 0 of the negative effects from roiding. no ball shrinking. no bitch tits (gyno). and you won't deflate when you stop megadosing like a dumb shitskin.

run HCG all cycle for juicy large nutts

Well now I feel bad lol, glad you're getting help.

How do steroids make sense outside of a competition context, considering the gains don't last?

Theres no need to be like that user. Where I live you can buy steriods in the pharmacy. I guess you live in a nanny country and have very little understanding on the subject. But thats ok normie
>kiss of death

Thats good, but there is always room for improvement. Always.
Your going to mess up your liver and your hard earned gains.

>Now im fat because of an accident and cant lift my own dick
did you go to snap city?

How do I get started on a cycle and keep my hair with it ? My dad is completely bald. Will fin be just enough? I’ve only been natty training about 8 months and I think I have average testosterone. I’m getting stronger in the gym (2pl8 bench, 3pl8 squat) yet still look mostly dyel in a t shirt. I only weigh 165 @ 5’11

Pretty much all of the stories and sensationalist articles you read on the news about performance enhancing drugs are from idiots who were doing too much, taking the wrong things or weren't doing the post cycle treatments. I think I might hop on in a few years with some base test for a bit to test the waters

>intramuscular testosterone injection
>messing up liver
pick one user

Oh thats cool user, very projectofied you fat fuck.
Hows that roid liver treating you? Kidneys? I bet your a picture of health.

>quality of life
Life really turned around after testosterone
>Finally laid after 3 years incel post hs
>So much more attention from women
>Life feels like a porn set
>4 rounds of sex a night
3 years later
>Tons of leadership experience
>Was president of a frat (not even joking)
Would recommend to anyone with over 100 iq

How old are you user?
You have a genetic predisposition to high DHT which is responsible for male baldness. Roiding speeds that up, it's likely that you'll go bald too

HAHA no. I had a motorbike accident, 1.5 years ago. Guess what the doctors give me now? Yep steriods for the pain

Come at me cunt! Ill still break your neck by looking at you

what age did you first hop on user?

Your blood still gets filtered.

Look, all i'm saying is its hard, but natural strength > roid strength. Taking the easy way out is fine for some, not for all. Taking extra test is fine but i'm not 50 years old.

get on avodart, don't fuck around with your hair it's unironically way more important than getting ripped

Yeh i'm sure chief.
Heres your (you)

The secret is: Don't come off
nandrolone and boldenone are "natural" in the human body. trace amounts exist

hbu user?

Veeky Forums here. liftin natty is the biggest mistake you'll ever make, unless youre a fat powerlifter. do you even lift neet dyel?

post pic then faggor,
bet you're not even 7% of Zyzz physique with the face of scooby, you nerd

tfw zyzz ran 2g tren /week year round
Likely winstrol as well in this photo

>Going to the gym and working for your gains is so much more satisfying.
you still have to work hard when you're roiding. arguably, you work even harder because 1) the roids increase your work capacity and 2) you know you're on them so you push yourself harder psychologically

next shit-talking from the dyel beta?

I’m 19. My hairline is already beginning to recede but it’s nothing noticeable to normies yet. I am controlling it now with nizoral and castor oil until I inevitability will have to get on fin when I’m probably like 22. I have quite a bit of money though so I’m not worried since I can easily get a hair transplant if anything starts looking too bad. I think I have high dht because my arms, chest and back are hairy and I can grow facial hair easily. My grandpa didn’t lose any hair until his late 50s however my dad began receding in his mid twenties and looked like a bald cuck by his 30s. All I’m hoping is there is a way to avoid looking like a bald beta cuck, preferably without losing my hair. I will probably research test cycles and hop on one while taking fin and use hair transplant to fix anything up. If all else fails, I’ll roid until Jason stathem or Johnny sins mode

Also 20, I had issues with hypergonadism like a mentioned earlier since i was 16. Blood tests were ranging from 280-350ng/dl free testosterone. No doctor wanted to prescribe me shit (ausfag) because i was at the very bottom of the ((((normal)))) range 250-1100 so i began to self medicate

Your best bet is a hair transplant, elevated testosterone from a cycle will only rapidly speed up the process. Also, i'd probably avoid roiding at 19 as you haven't fully finished developing. Wait till 20 at the very earliest. 21 is ideal.

>All I’m hoping is there is a way to avoid looking like a bald beta cuck
assuming you're not below 5'8'',
>buzz it weekly
>roid a little but do not overdo it to make it look like you're compensating
>embrace the bald badass look
if you're below 5'8'' and bald then i'm sorry

Tell us why faggot

>post on website that regularly host cp

pick one

wtf is wrong with you user just get on fin right now. i've an oldfag and have literally seen hundreds of youngfags say this exact same shit and then suddenly they're fucking NW3 diffuse and taking all sort of dangerous shit to maintain their shitty remnants of hair when the entire thing could have been easily avoided by taking fin right when they started noticing hair loss.

enjoy your tiny dick

not steroids but

if chainlink makes me a millionaire I'll probably give a few rounds of this a try, aiming for a 9x7 meatbat desu

Just finished bulking 21% bf, used to be 13%. Cutting with -600 cal a day. I have this bloated muscle for now i just wanna die. Hoping in 5 months i would be back to 13% bf.

Fin along with minoxidil 5% foam. Every. Single. Day.
i do it, suffered from MPB, went for a transplant and now following religiously. no matter what anybody says, hair on your head gives you confidence for sure

I know my nigga but I’m honestly scared, not even of the sides, but the fact that my wrists are only 7 inches while my dad and grandpa have chad wrists that are big, thick, and manly with veins on them(probably from working construction) while they also looked like skinny fags in pics when they were like 19-20. they obviously thickened up near the end of their puberty or even after the age of 25 and I don’t know how dht affects this so I’m scared surpressing it will make me have women wrists and not meet my true potential

Check out platelet-rich plasma therapy

Also consider that MPB isn't seen in populations with non-western diets, but when individuals from those populations come to America they frequently go bald.

Some reasons for this:
>Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
>Excess carbohydrate intake (leads to inflammation)
>Subclinical autoimmune reactions
And the biggest factor in MPB:
>loss of vascularization of the scalp

DHT is heralded as the boogeyman for hair loss, when it really can only take effect when a poor diet is adopted. Arnold blasted heavy doses of steroids for decades and didn't lose a single hair until he stopped eating clean.

Lmk if I ought to go more in depth on any of these points

No it isn't

Nofap and strength training will make you look you are on roids

7 inch wrists are ideal user

Im really really scared of death. I never want to die, ever. Otherwise I would be all over roids

lol get out ottermode

that's too expensive, mate

enanthate at 500 with nolva pct shouldn't cost more than 200 usd for a 12 week cycle

ottermode is fine.... you ever worry you may be overcompensating for insecurities and have body dysmorphia?

Only deaths I'm aware of are people who abused steroids AND other drugs as well

elaborate on the test experience mate. Dosage? How long were you on?

i did one cycle and yeah you feel like a god on cycle but goddamn did I hate pinning.

The thought of pinning again just makes me want to stay away.

tell me more about the loss of vascularisation

Phatest gainz in the graveyard is what counts.

>>Life feels like a porn set
rounds of sex a night
>>Tons of leadership experience
>>Was president of a frat (not even joking)
sounds too larpy

did you ever try subq with slin pins?

Most bodybuilders are insecure as fuck.

Was fucking endless roasties worth the ball shrinkage side effects bro?

Thanks user for your post! I’ve already looked into PRP treatments and will try it out sometime in the future if I decide I don’t want to get on fin. I already am eating fairly clean, count all my macros, and do intermittent fasting. Will try to cut more carbs out. And as far as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which ones would you say lead to MPB? I take 5% lugol’s iodine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, astaxanthin, vit C every single day and iron once in a while
I also do scalp muscle exercises before bed to ensure vascularization and dermaroll every week.

Is there a specific diet you recommend??

I never ran more than 12 weeks so I didn't get much ball shrinkage. I also had a gf at the time so I was only fucking 1 roastie

I've done tren and all I can say don't do that shit unless you're getting paid for your body, even then not worth it. Coming off it is worse than heroin, ice, what ever. Complete mental battle and fucks you for months upon months

Darting it in is far less painful than sliding the pin in slowly
Source: Me being an idiot for 2 years

yeah my buddy on tren says he's never coming off again

fuck that shit

again try subq and if you're not allergic (some people are unfortunately) you'll never want to go back

meh, I think its only worth it to roid if you compete or you're over 6'2.

Natty does take forever but there ARE long term effects to roids..even the safest shit like a simple test cycle

Says rhe faggot with shriveled balls who is going through puberty again like a little bitch boy 13 year old Lmao

>there ARE long term effects to roids..even the safest shit like a simple test cycle
such as?

I don't understand the insult... are you saying you would not want to go through puberty again with the knowledge you have now? and while looking jacked as fuck?

Been on test for 3 years anywhere from 200mg to 600mg /week. Esters E, C and Prop.

I'll do cycles of Deca or Tren on top for maximal gains

>Stopped being beta
>Got confidence
>30lbs heavier than when natty
>Might sound gay but men love me, dudes always wanna bro out w me
Have a gf now, but when I was on the market it seemed like women fell into my lap
Was 12% body fat at the time, I wouldn't expect anywhere near as many chicks above 15%. So stay lean fellas

Test prop gives me pip if I pin it shallow :/

I'm on a gram of test a week and 3iu daily bluetops.

Assuming you’re not on prescribed trt, what do you do when you need to travel domestically and internationally with test?

>tfw zyzz died of steroid overdose.

He should of saw that coming.

it would be so weird to see his decomposed body and say, yea thats rich piana

>steroid overdose
no such thing. he did die of a drug overdose, yes, but the autopsy wasn't public so we can only speculate what killed him

How are the effects, also how old are you?

>tfw no matter how ripped or chad-esque you get you'll end up trying to look like an anime character

Seems about right

... and yet you wear a shirt in a swimming pool

Pin a long ester and travel without it. Haven't had to be gone for over a week w/ plane travel

If driving bring preloaded syringes along

I'm almost 28. Been on/off since 18. Effects are great, usually cruise at 150mg/week but haven't blasted in 4 years so bumped it up. Test + proper ancillaries is the best in terms of health and results if your just a normal dude trying to get bigger, nothing wrong with a little hgh or some orals tbol dbol, anavar etc but at the end of the day no need for non ifbb pros to touch harder shit like tren slin diuretics etc. Eh maybe tren but seen too many guys (pussies) mentally lose it on tren so don't recommend it.

Don't blast/cruise or go over 500mg test for over 12 months unless your okay with the gamble of shaving 10-20 years off your life. Always get my blood work done, keep e2 in check, blabla. Horny 24/7 eat whatever I want I'm a mogan what else can you ask for? Prob will die before 40.

cruise for life, you hormones start to go down when you hit 30 anyway.
basic test is cheaper than food, and better than any drug other you can buy.

>Prob will die before 40
shit dude what makes you say that if you're only cruising at 150? you got a bad ticker already?


Ironically alters your body at a DNA level and studies now show even people who do one short cycle of testosterone/anabolic steroids have permanent increased muscle strength and protein synthesis. Ive gone 4-5 years off juice, sitting on my ass, eating shit, being lazy, literally TRYING to get weak/skinny and it just wasn't possible.

Sure I wasn't on cycle huge but there are some permanent physical changes... Positive and negative. People aren't very educated, even have some MD endos out there who made me wonder how they graduated high school let alone fucking practicing such a core field of medicine.

>basic test is cheaper than food
yep. this. I remember before steroids I used to spend more on protein powder and such haha I don't buy any of that dumb shit anymore
Essentially the follicles get starved of nutrients. Rogaine works to stimulate blood flow but doesn't make blood vessels regrow. Rogaine sucks because it reduces collagen synthesis. I've noticed ppl using rogaine have a rubbery quality of skin to their face or something. Can't quite put my finger on it but they look old

"Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis"

>sounds too larpy
It's not like this all happened at once
Got chix for first 6 months
Then got a long term gf
Then made gains in leadership experience, which are significant because I used to be painfully shy

fair enough dude just hard to tell around here