>Great heritage
>Great STEM program
>Great STEM research
>90% White
>Great tuition cost
You can't name a better uni Veeky Forums you fucking can't.
>Great heritage
>Great STEM program
>Great STEM research
>90% White
>Great tuition cost
You can't name a better uni Veeky Forums you fucking can't.
>Great heritage
>Great STEM AND non-STEM programs
>Great STEM and non-STEM research
>95% black
>No tuition cost
at least you tried, cumskin
I got 3 superior letters for you desu:
>95% black.
TOP KEK!!!!!!
Not even the best math dept in the UI system.
WTF are you talking about?
We are #1 in math and science. We wiped our floors with MITfags.
Oh in the US. Er....
>56% male
No one is getting pussy but frat dudes. I go to a school with a similar ratio and have gotten laid 0 times. A lot of my highschool friends are in liberal arts schools with lots of girls and I have gotten laid every time I visited and went to a party. The different in thirst is huge.
>im not special
>my university is special
>i am now special
this x1000
>I go to a school with a similar ratio and have gotten laid 0 times.
Look in the mirror, there's the problem.
You forgot one thing.
>Virtually unknown outside the ghetto Chicongo suburb you're from
>90% white
You could be anything but Asian and you'd still feel like a minority
CoE is the only one filled with Asians (60%).
The rest of campus is white.
>I have never stepped outside Illinois: the post
The only colleges I've heard of is all the ivy leagues, most NY and CA schools, OSU, UNC, LSU, U of Alabama, Auburn, all Florida schools (i live in Florida), Boston College, MIT, U of Michigan, Georgia Tech, MSU, Texas A&M, U of Chicago, Rice U, Notre Dame, and U of Mississippi. I've heard a couple more like villanova and Kentucky state but only because they got far in the ncaa basketball championship.
>I'll sell you a gram for $25.
My university is 74% dudes, it's especially bad on my faculty, the fucking EEMCS.
You saying UIC is better?
Is OSU good?
What about it's sister school's STEM?
The entire UI system is pretty shitty in general desu
I visited this place for grad school. The buildings are old and dirty, the undergrads are stupid(as other grad students told me), and there are better universities in Chicago. I decided on some place else.
>The buildings are old
Wasn't the whole campus constructed in like the '60s?
UIC STEM reporting in.
70% non-white, shit professors. Worst place ever.
Eyy, uiuc fag here. Its aiight. Generally top 40 or some shit in the world, to 10 or better in the country for almost all stem degrees it seems. Plenty of research opportunities. Outside of stem it is pretty much a shithole though.
Now to get back to studying for my other 3 finals.
Better at the stuff I care about, at least.
Came here to say that and to add Caltech
I'm actually flattered to even hear you people mention those two places in a UIUC thread.
UIUC undergrads are stupid as well. Even in CS/ECE. I have not a single fucking idea how this place is a top 5 department.
Even worse is all the delusional people here that somehow think UIUC is better than Stanford and Berkeley, etc. They're looking through corn colored glasses.
As a matter of fact we lost too many of our CS admits this cycle to those very places and not enough of people enrolled in the incoming class. Just shows how we try to be selective and prestigious but end up failing because we just lack anything to back it up.
Yield rate is like 35%. And for good reason. Don't get memed by this institution
>if it's the best in the US it's the best in the world
Why are Americlaps so retarded?
UIC has a nice math department?
I was planning on applying for grad school in something sorta related.
I don't know why people think it's CS students are special, but their job placement seems to be better than most (or at least better than my school)
I graduated from here in 2007 with distinction with a double major in physics and astronomy. I'm now a 31 year old NEET who lives in his mom's basement, drinks himself to sleep every night, and shitposts on a Vietnamese mayonnaise recipe board.
I got accepted into UIC for their PhD in math. I went elsewhere. Advantages include a big department. Pure, applied, stats, and theoretical CS are all combined into one, so if you want to switch over to something more applied because you want a job, you can easily do that. I talked to a few professors, and I probably would want to work with them. Disadvantages include everything else. You probably have to TA every single semester, and undergrads are idiots. I wish I got accepted into Northwestern.
It also has the BEST GIRLS.
Good math department.
>first 3
It seems pretty well recognized, I've liked it as a grad student. The students fall into the typical pitfalls, but I've friends at other schools like MIT who have the same problems with undergrads in their field.
>90% white
unless I'm still just in culture shock vs my majority-white undergrad, I'd say there's at least enough asians to make it ~70-80%. Seems like half the campus is asian at times.
>Great tuition cost
I've known students in state who went to private colleges out of state because of UIUC's tuition costs. I never looked into it as an undergrad, so I'm not sure myself, but I think UIUC is pretty expensive for a state school.
Overall, I'm pretty happy here and enjoy the STEM atmosphere. Really isn't a lot else to do outside of campus life, but if you're into touring events STL/Chicago being nearby is nice.