
Some user posted this mini whale earlier. Anyone share similar thoughts?

Alpha here
Call me virgin I don't care
I would not fuck her
I turned down a much thinner girl with better face when I was 19
She was begging for the fuck
I ended up getting head then walked out the room to sleep
She's too...thick man
I don't think I'd even get hard unless I did a line of meth beforehand and she gobbled my dick
If it was just vanilla vaginal sex I wouldn't get hard
I understand some people need to just get a nutt off but I have never been that type
I'd rather not get laid or fap
Only 7s and above for me or no deal

Nice thumbnail saged

You sound jealous. She's just a tad bit thick for me but I would go for it if I was drunk

If you wouldn't put your dick in that and enjoy it then you're gay. Sorry man. I just call 'em like I see 'em.

wow great thread man

>tfw 150 lbs and have fucked at least 3 chicks that were over 225lbs

My dick is charge of me


I am disgusted at what some of my friends put their dicks in. I have standards, and yes that means i dont get laid as often as them, but i'd rather not fuck than fuck her.

Sry on phone and saved it Def not jealous user lol

Ehhhh depends on the dry spell for me or if I've been drinking, than my standards lower.

Larp or are you serious?
This user gets it. Sex seems a bit overrated for me and if it means fucking a mini whale. Pass

thanks man i just got fired

Kek namefagged
Free name shill . Thx

I would lick her ass hole, I don’t give a fuck if they are fat or not! Let me put my 9 inch cock up your ass you cunt of a thing slur

Dude wants to fuck a flat or a muscular ass and is not gay? That's a fuckable ass right there, all im saying.

I feel you, that shit is gross. I wouldnt be able to get it up either, and I would tell her its her own fault.

>Calls self alpha
>Never been the type to need to get a nut off

Okay bud

pussy doesn't have a face, user. plus those whales know how to blow.

>saving the thumbnail
fuck off newfaggot

post a bigger pic you faggot


>this entire thread was start just to make the thumbnail meme
advanced humor, OP

You are surely a faggot or a up themselves virgin. For real what is wrong with that, she does not look at, just a nice phat ass, I wouldn't mind that ass slapping against my hips while I fuck her from behind at all, get over yourself you 16 year old virgin.