What is the smartest animal?

what is the smartest animal?

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Haha, just a joke. Dogs are smarter.

ayy lmaos lmaos

Says the virgin

Watch out guys, we got a male feminist over here.


>a male feminist

Also known as top cuck.

There has not been a thread discussing SJWs in a while here but from the past I remember that Veeky Forums is browsed by quite a handful of cucks.

I suggest just ignoring their pathetic sight. In like 5 years they will see their own mistakes and will feel so much hatred that they will actually become mysogynists.

ban phone users
double ban for this one


Raven, African Grey Parrot, and chimpanzees are all up there. Oh sorry this is a shitpost isn't it. Thought there might actually be interest in animal cognition but it's just misogyny all the way down. Sad!

>mentions chimps
>doesn't mention bonobos
Kanzi would be sad

Horse shoe crab

Never evolved in a million years, perfect as is

Would be viruses but they depend on hosts, making them bitches.
Also, plancton.
Perhaps SHROOMS.
Maybe Venus Flytraps because they're not Cis.
BESTEST: Dropbears


Oh, c'mon that's not that bad.
He's a kid that never learned to take the top off.
Maybe it was his first time and he was in a rush.
Who reads instructions anyway?

> horseshoe crabs are perfect
> cant do shit

It's just a specimen. I've been studying these things for years and I can't confirm this publicly yet but it appears they're close to developing language. Expect a breakthrough on this in the near future.

Who says anything is supposed to?
Science hasn't give us "meaning".
>Existentialism u unbritish bastard

If your final stage of evolution leaves you with a huge waste of weight on top of you, pathetic speed, poor predatory abilities and shitty defense, then you are a piece of shit my friend.

Prove it. Mathematically.

That species of crow in new zealand (?). Certain primates. Dolphins. Elephants.

Intelligence is relative. It really depends what you mean. This question is pointless.

It's especially bad to see image.jpg posters on the porn boards, because you know their garbage Apple shit is re-encoding the image. They upload degraded quality version, other people save, repost, garbage circulates further. I always try to track down the source anyway, but really. This nonsense is not acceptable.

Let piece of shit be defined as that which evolution leaves with a huge waste of weight on top of, pathetic speed, poor predatory abilities, and shitty defense. Let horseshoe crab be an object with these properties. Horseshoe crab is a piece of shit.

You don't understand what mathematically means so go fuck yourself I did what you asked.

number of EIP K/D over FE crabs are higher than FE crab K/D over animals that are not done evolving. If you don't understand this, you are retarded and you should stay in highschool.



I used to think Boxxy was a major cutie. Now she's mildly attractive but largely grating on the psyche.

make up bro

Being ~15 probably had something to do with it as well.

>SJW/bitch showing the limits of his/her own education, naming the most prominent examples, even though there are smarter animals

they even know to try to mate with superior humans to get better genes in the dolphin genepool

Human, by far.

google image " smartest animal " and not a single picture of humans

Well, that or whales.
I'm a fan of John C. Lilly as well.

humans arent animals

do you expect me to believe that i am related to a stupid monkey?

what's next, apes in tophats?

>humans arent animals
what are we?

The lattermost. Obvious mineral.

Are we actually silicon based- and this is just a carbon illusion ?

We are our own category.


Nib nib nib.

The steven hawking

Chimps and bonobos by far, followed by orangutangs.

Ravens, dolphins and all that are just memes. Sure, they're kinda smart, but not even close to apes.

A species of Crow in New Caledonia have a greater capacity for deductive reasoning and possibly theory of mind than any known primate.


I don't know why I capitalized Crow.

Any species smart enough to develop nations, tribes, and cultures should qualify as "smart."

Chimps have tribes and nations and they go to war with each other.

Whales, at least orcas, have tribes and cultures. They even may have different languages between different cultures.