Dreams can actually change your personality. Why is this even possible?
Dreams can actually change your personality. Why is this even possible?
Did you just watch inception? It doesn't work like that in real life.
i think it does
i had a super vivid dream last night about sucking my cats dick
>why is it even possible for a mechanism's operation to change its structure
Rather than answer your question I rephrased it in order to point out how stupid you are.
You might have tricked youself into believing this post of yours is helpful or insightful, but actually it really isn't.
I suppose it is true, in a way. I have had dreams which opened my eyes on family members (I had one in which I was being hunted down by a bounty hunter or some shit, and my grandmother sold me and my brothers out, made me realise she is a weak person outside my dreams, too) and I actually made weird advances on ladies I work with because of things they did in my dreams. Dreams have definitely left their marks on me as a person.
>tricked youself into believing this post of yours is helpful or insightful, but actually it really isn't.
Not him, but let me take a stab at it.
>Dreams can actually change your personality. Why is this even possible?
>Your personality can actually change our dreams. Why is this even remarkable?
Did you think dreams are evil spirits?
Dreams are a part of your personality to begin with.
It's really no different than saying "thoughts can change your thoughts".
Sometimes I think half the mind-upload, anti-free-will, etc posters are an AI somewhere that doesn't quite grasp what it's like to be a human.
>software can change your hardware
Are you kidding me?
That's actually what I mean. Thanks user
your software and hardware are one in the same though. your thoughts are based on the connections in your brain, but those connections are created through experiences real or imagined.
that wasn't a dream user
Biological "hardware" is hardly hardware. I would wager to say most of our brains is at an inbetween point of hardware and software, due to brain plasticity. Brain stem being hardware, more conscious parts leading into software. Stuff like your personality and memories is all software and bits, keeping with this analogy, but optical stuff is hardware (eyes and the signals they bring in and interpret) mixed with software since your doing a lot of crazy self-interpretation on everything you bring in.
>>software can change your hardware
>Are you kidding me?
Found the AI (or sperglord, whichever).
Why/how are you classifying dreams as software, but personality as hardware?
And why couldn't some thoughts change your personality?
What about your life experiences?
Do you think they can't change your personality?
dreams and personality are both software so were not talking about hardware anyway
DMT is a potent 5HT2A agonist.
Strong 5HT2A agonism causes spontaneous formation of new neural connections.
Often dreams are mixed memories of physically separate events being spontaneously rewired. Sometimes the new connections store the memories in a more compact format, degenerating longer pathways.
Sometimes the wiring turns out to be more efficient than for your good, resulting in personality changes or trauma.
Do you know how small a cat's dick is? It's not very practical to suck. Furthermore, they're barbed and it would be painful.
>it would be painful
Do I have to say it?
Anyway, of course dreams change your personality. Any action you take, or any observable actions made by others change your personality. Not by a huge amount, but basically everything changes your personality.
life is software
reality is hardware
I have tried one time when I woke up suddenly got an urge to go to school and do my things for like 2 months in a row (I was the worst piece of trash at the moment9 and I couldn't even remember my dream.
Most weird thing ever,
No, but DMT can.
In fact:
- Inhale tons of Oxytocin
- Take a few Caffeine pills
- Smoke DMT
- Take some Diphenhydramine
Figure out the dosages for yourself.
But it's like swimming in electric water that tickles you and talks to you.
software is real
i still remember it with high detail even now
the penis was initially like a cats as i was rubbing it between my thumb and index finger, but once i progressed to fellatio, it took on the likeness of a human penis.
the shaft was around 2cm long and about the diaemeter of an average index finger.
the most disturbing part was how the cum was very bloody, and it just kept cumming bloody semen all over the place for what seemed like hours
it was a very odd dream and one i hope to forget soon.
Go to doctor and check out you dick
Guy from
I would like to clarify.
There are 3 stages, and you want to reach each stage at different times.
Stage 1: Geometry/Pattern State
- Mild Hallucinations
Stage 2: The Hole/Tunnel
- Time Space Sensation Distortion
Stage 3: "Being" Stage
- Beings talk to you