How do we know for sure that Earth doesn't have a twin planet opposite of the sun?
How do we know for sure that Earth doesn't have a twin planet opposite of the sun?
Because there are spacecraft round the back side of the Sun with side-ward looking cameras called STEREO.
because of lunar and solar eclipses.
For many reasons. The simplest being that it would be plainly visible to all space probes that have traveled beyond Earth orbit.
>believing what nasa tells you
>because of lunar and solar eclipses.
I know you're joking, but it's still worth noting that NASA is not the only entity that has launched space probes.
Yeah I was joking.
It would be clearly visible from earth, as our orbit is not a circle.
Most elliptic depictions of Earth's orbit are waaaaaay exaggerated. Earth's orbit is as close to a circle as it gets
Even so counter-earth has been debunked.
Where are the fucking aliens hiding man?
>mouth breathers who think a "theory" means its open to debate in the science world.
Read about the discovery of Neptune.
L3 is unstable, so had it been there the pertubations would have brought it out of position and then made visible.
Tutankhamun built a pyramid on Mars, read about it, open your mind.
>only resonable answer in the thread
>ignored as usual
Veeky Forums rly is full of shite these days
>believing what _____ tells you
How do you even know you are standing on Earth? It could be Jupiter and everything else might be a lie and incorrectly named.
I mean it's up for debate but you would have to prove scientists have missed some important shit. Or there is a better way of looking at the phenomena; or our perspective led to bias?
I'm from there, I'm there right now, my name is "Dave".
What do you want to know?
Even though our language and tech are exactly the same [highly unlikely? how about shut up] we look different.
We're better looking than you and we don't ask stupid questions.
Earth #1 > "Earth" [your shitty planet]
Our probes have caught it 500000 times already
How is that a reasonable answer
What do eclipses have to do with anything
That's it? You would have had me with 5000000 or even 600000, but that's really not enough to convince me.
i madea a typo. i meant 5000000000000
are you baiting?
do you even know what eclipses actually are?
Gravity, buddy.
nice fisheye lens curvature there
The movie or the force?
don't cut yourself on that edge dude
the theory
Why not law?
no idea. its still just a theory (a gauss)
I gauss it's true
wew lad have another
damn, I always thought that enceladus and europa had similar sizes
what a pleb
go back to 3rd grade
ya, pretty isn't it
Gravity doesn't prove that there is nothing on the other side of earth's orbit, since it's one of the lagrangian stable points
He... probably was? The kind of people who go "sheeple" about NASA are not likely to change their mind over a single rebuttal on a korean puppet theater BBS.
/aaaand thats a thread, folks.
>one of the lagrangian stable points
Not quite.
L1, L2 and L3 are on saddle points. In practice this means that a perturbation will bring an object in one of these points out of position. The effects of Jupiter is probably sufficient.
L4 and L5 are stable, not strictly points either, more of extended areas. However these are visible from Earth.
Seems you and I are the only physicists in here today.
Because the Solar System is geocentric.
>thinking science involves debate
I'm posting from the other Earth, too. The weird thing is, the two Earths have the same internet, but other things are different. For instance, we have a president named Barack Obama. Isn't that crazy? Anyway, hellooo all other earthicans!
I made a program this semester that simulates a trojan. It does tadpoles and horseshoes, it's pretty cool.
It wasn't coded in the Matrix but if you leave your jar and send a spacecraft to space, you would find it.
Has anyone else said that about your program?
Because counter-earth is actually Mars, you dumb calot.
You can also "lean in" using the solar wind. It has been proposed for use with L2 mirrors (or one gigantic annulus) to permanently delete the night.
Pic related, from a discussion years ago.
Yeah that totally won't play havoc with life on earth. We'll have everything in warehouses by that point, have everything down to a science.
Havoc? Actually, in the summer, north of the polar circle the sun shines 24 hours a day and life goes on splendidly. OK, so some humans have problems.
From vague memories I believe the idea was to reflect blue light and rely on the atmosphere to scatter the light into a diffuse blue sky, just like the evening sky just after sunset.
I guess the Earth is flat as well.
Peer review is the closest equivalent. If you can't prove that you're right, your theory doesn't matter and will be summarily rejected.
Because when we look in that direction during the night time when the sun is out of the way, there is nothing.
i cant believe people actually remember that exists
interdimensional hyperpredators from all timelines
>since it's one of the lagrangian stable points
Since our solar system is not a 3-Body system those points won't be stable as you think.