You've been warned so many times biz faggots if you don't hold this coin you will miss out on another huge winner. Don't even bother with the Fud now just save it for after the pump
Nuls will be the next Ethereum
Other urls found in this thread:
What’s the amount to own a master node?
This is a big money coin once the main net comes out. This year will be explosive growth.
i hedged in this during both crashes
bought 1650 of them because oracle told me to
So tired of Chink coins.
ok biz I'm in on this one
just grabbed 10 BTC of NULS, too easy at this price
Can someone explain in plain words what the fuck this thing does
You fucking shills are gonna ruin everything for this coin.
god. i mean, i hold nuls and stuff, but these replies feel performative and are sending me weird signals. im sorta worried
are we gonna ruin this one too, anons?
no you didn't
waltorncorn showed you. have you seen? stinky chinky
I really do like Oracle, I feel like grabbing a shitload entirely to appease him.
It's described as the WordPress of blockchain on their subreddit. Everything is module based where you can pick and choose what you need in a blockchain. What the fuck that means I don't know but right now is a perfect buying opportunity since it's near ATL and test net/rebrand is due this month with mainnet in May/June
it's a solid pick, but the shilling is just super awkward when it shows up in the middle of all the other scammy shilling threads
do you have Oracle's twitter by any chance, I can't find the fucking thing
almost every coin in the top 100 has a group that coordinates shill threads
think of this thread as the nuls subreddit
(twitter) / oracleofearthing
whoops, fucked that up
cold fingers desu
Good products don’t need publicity. Let that sink in for a moment.
This might go to $200 by eoy
Me too, user but for what it's worth this one seems to be the least chinky: not many if any shill threads per day and open source with tons of activity:
DYOR but imo that already makes it way more credible than the usual WTC/Ven/NEO shit
OP is on a mobile phone and turning airplane mode on and off to post in rapid succession with different ID.
Some people drive drunk, I still own a car.
Enjoy your nuls, whatever they are.
It's all right user, it's pretty cold outside.
Wait a beautiful day though. I just feel so good.
I must be incredibly lucky or serious blind because I've been in many discords/telegrams and been on every reddit for any coin I've even considered buying in the past 3 months and I've NEVER seen one coordinated shill campaign. I just think you give biz and reddit fags too much credit. 99% of the threads on biz are faggots screaming at each other calling every other faggot a retard and to unironically kys. No way I believer anyone is coordinating shit from here or on here with the level of echo chambers. Good memes tho.
if people are getting paid for shilling/fudding I want my motherfucking money rn because i do it more than anyone and not a single fucking person/group/discord has paid me what i'm apparently owed.
I think there does exist paid shills/fudders but I'd doubt they are told to target biz specifically. Probably come here out of their own merit to fuck with us if it does happen.
Team looks like a fucking joke
One dude named "moonlight"
Then their "English community manager" is literally a sand nigger with no actual resume
I'll pass
I think that's probably OP
Team looks like a fucking joke
One dude named "Vitalik". Yeah, okay, nice russian scamcoin.
Then their "English community manager" is literally nobody, just this child porn endorsing skeleton soyboy
I'll pass
Skeleton soyboy autist, who the fuck would invest in this shitstain. One day you will open your wallet balance and it will say null faggot.
Is he also an electrical guru?
100 rupees deposited into your shill account. thanks pajeet
Did the opposite of what biz says and bought it
Why do they have an 'English Community Leader' and an 'English Community Manager' and why are they both fucking sandniggers?
I’m all in on NULS, WTC and a sprinkle of RPX. Got in NULS when it was worth fuck all on Binance at listing. No idea why I held but happy I did. Got a strange feeling about it.
Don't shill this shit, these fags will just dump the moment they get 30% and ruin the potential gains, AGAIN
>Nuls will be the next ethereum
if anyone is willing to make a flippening bet through a smart contract and oraclize, i'll take the other side of that bet, up to 10 years