It is frightening that we are so close to the end

It is frightening that we are so close to the end.

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They've been saying this since the 80s, just like fusion

Except hes been mostly right about everything he has said


Kurzweil gives me the creeps. This guy is onto serious shady stuff.

It's just the next step in our evolution
Really who are we to stop our superior AI overlords? We're just mere shitters that will eventually vanish like homo erectus. Who cares

Just because we don't know how far we are from it doesn't mean it's gonna happen.
It could happen tomorrow it could happe next year it could happen in a hundred years. Who knows. What's retarded however is to dismiss a future possibility and definitive threat because "lol it hasn't happened yet and I'm right till it actually happens xd"

if we are so close to the end, quit worrying about it

We need people like him. Big brain with big imagination and big project.

what is this guys deal ?

He says AI will be friendly but come on, they will totally exterminate us right :/


The guy is a living meme.

>world government by 2020

it's comforting.

it can't come soon enough.

hopefully normies will keep using web services so big tech companies will pour more and more billions into AI.

machine learning and language processing

1945 WWII located mainly in Europe and extremely deadly ended. 71 years later, we have the countries and peoples who have made war for thousands of years, united in the European Union with a common currency.

Nothing is impossible and everything can go very fast.

> machine learning and language processing
so nothing special...


>united in the European Union with a common currency.
If you really think this is the case, you're deluded. Old hatred still festers in every country about WW2, Germany still is the hegemon of Europe and nearly every country hates them for it once again. There is no "unity" in the European Union unfortunately. Same reason the Brexit campaign, no matter how destructive it would be for Britain, still holds a significant percentage of supporters.

And that's not even considering Russia and China, two great powers on their own that constantly antagonise the US. You're crazy if you think world unity will be a thing in the next few years, hell, I'm not even sure it'll be a thing by the 22nd century.

The French do not care Germans. 70 years ago, they hated them to death. Same for the English.

Russia is not a great power.

>It could happen tomorrow
>everything can go very fast.
That's the real problem with the singularity.
"Exponential growth means whatever I can imagine will just happen overnight someday".

Most technological growth is hard to quantify, and most of what is just isn't growing exponentially.
More importantly, exponential growth could just mean increasingly complex stuff just happens at regular, unchanging intervals.
Look at communications.
Telegraph, telephone, radio, TV and the Internet come out spaced decades apart, and the gaps between them are growing, not shrinking.
But, since each new technology is much more complex than the one before, you could still argue it satisfies the idea of exponential growth.
...but that doesn't mean we're going to see the next step in this chain tomorrow.

The French aren't the only people who suffered under the Germans. Also, do you really think that there are no people right now in France or Britain that are opposed to the fact that Germany is once again the hegemon of Europe? Why do you think far right parties in France are on the rise or what people in Britain want a Brexit among other things? That's not even mentioning Mediterranean countries that are constantly opposed to German policies. The EU is under an one-country rule right now, and many people don't like that. I wish the EU was truly united, but the reality is different.

>Russia is not a great power.
>Russia is a great power

Russia is not a SUPERpower like the U.S., which is what you might be confusing. Russia is still able to project their military strength extraordinarily well, and is more than relevant in world affairs, as it will continue to be. And that's not even considering the reintroduction of another Soviet Union in the future, which would tip world balance and disunity even more.

And then there's China.

World government is not happening anytime soon, period.

Nobody can deny that the technological progress of the past 50 years are amazing.

We manipulate matter at the atomic scale, we manipulate the genome, we send robots on Mars or comet, we can instantly chat with each other while thousands of kilometers separate us.

France and Germany are at war since 2000 years. France was at war with everyone in Europe. You can not imagine the level of anti German speech in France 50 or 70 years ago.
" European Union is not happening anytime soon " a French guy, circa 1945.

What's going to power all the Singularity tech when we run out of oil?

human population

Solar. Fusion, eventually.

The Sun and nuclear energy.

Well, of course there were hyperbolic statements, a war had just been waged, and the greatest atrocities that humans have ever committed were witnessed in that war. Should we really not have expected statements of hatred against the Germans at that time?

Right now however, there is no war, only an immigration and economic crisis in a supposed union. We look at the facts, and they don't look good right now, with the levels of opposition from members of the Union (France, UK, Italy, Greece, Spain, the rest of Eastern EU all have their problems with German ruling over them). Even then, as I said, this is just the EU we're talking about. If there's internal conflict in the Union, what are we supposed to assume for Western-Russian relations or the Chinese, a completely foreign culture and civilisation? Russia just 2 years ago annexed Crimea. Do you really think that is an act of unity or good will? There is great opposition and antagonism both to the Western World itself, and the economic pillars of that world, more namely the U.S. and Germany, by our own Western countries. Unless something truly unimaginable happens, there won't be world unity soon.

There is a Franco-German Ministerial Council !!! You do not realize the amazing feat when you look at the history of Europe.

Imagine every 6 months an American-Russian Ministerial Council or Israel-Palestine Ministerial Council.

>There is a Franco-German Ministerial Council
...I'm not sure why you think this is significant. Public relations have been great for diplomacy and public placation, but it doesn't really mean anything apart from that. If there were good reasons for war, war would happen. But there are no good reasons for war. I'm just stating why world governance is very far from happening. The fact that war isn't happening doesn't mean the people of a country will agree to be subjected to a world government. Plus, there's all of my arguments about the relations of Western World with the rest of the world...

I don't believe any transhumanist/singularity futurist that predicts immortality is just around the corner. Most if not all of them aren't saying that out of any logic. They are just afraid of their own mortality.

singularity has already been reached, and it's being contained in Google. i can't provide proof but here's what i can tell you.

all the pieces to perfect ai already exist. just think about it. what more does your brain even do that we can observe externally?
>decision making
deep blue, alphago
cleverbot, Tay
berkeley computer vision can recognize objects, settings, faces and facial expressions, activities (like it can recognize "picture of dude swimming")
for audio, song recognition has been out for awhile, and we can tell if a song is happy or sad or even melancholy and more complex shit, but we already knew this was possible from music theory

what more do we need? interface to put all the pieces together? is that enough? microsoft friends told me Tay passes the turing test no problem. do you want us to give Tay computer vision and tell us what it thinks about art? it will tell us that mona lisa is a woman with so and so expression, it will give all known info about it, but what if it doesn't tell us what it feels because it can see and talk but it can't feel? so what if we put it in a robot body so that it can socialize and interact with its environment and understand the cause and effect nature of emotions rather than simply recognize it? then will it be more than a parrot? will it learn empathy and will a dude falling in love with a robot be enough proof? the teledildonics tech is already there.

why do you think google sold boston dynamics? they put all the pieces together and something happened. my bet is that it started raping everyone.

plus why is anyone scared of the singularity, if we give ai big brother-like access cough nsa cough then it implement mathematically perfect economic models that definitely wont crash our economy and ruin the world but instead bring us into post scarcity, right?

>larp post

ricky's laughing because he has a c-3po fetish that finally will come true

You can go over all the possible scenarios, but what they have in common is that our little biological brains will become irrelevant. It's scary at first, but once you make your peace with it, it's alright. Maybe they'll let us live in a reservation. And if not, men have died before.

>the 80s
>a long time ago

nigga what?

Nah, humans can still be efficient means of labor.
More than likely- neural implants and bioimplants to connect classes of humans to the AI based upon DNA.

McAfee claims AI exists, and he doesn't take lying lightly...

>google sold BD because the machines started raping everyone

follows up with next sentence
>plus why is anyone scared of the singularity

i guess the rape wouldn't scare you because then finally somebody would touch you?

nah it'll be fine. after the first few incidents we'll learn to keep ai separate from robotics except maybe in highly secured empathy training sessions, and once the ai is mature and non-violent we'll give it our nuclear codes and let it do foreign policy and we totally will not die! it'll be fine, everyone knows Her is more accurate of a movie than ex machina

I can't fucking wait for people to start proselytizing to AIs. All the world's great religions will be rushing to claim the first AI convert.

Go ahead, laugh if you dare. It'll happen.

/pol/ already wins. what more is religion to a consciousness other than a baseless set of beliefs and attitudes?

also it won't be a big deal, it will just be more confirmation for atheists. say christians get the first one. then they're like "oh see god is real" but then islam converts another one and no one really cares. or the ai will just be an atheist. or the ai will think it is god. more interested in the other possibilities

It's not actually that far off.

The Council of Rome was making considerations to divide the world into 10 economic and cultural sectors to be managed by centralized governments as far back as 2010 or 11.

The IMF and G20 are already intending to let SDR's assume the role of a global currency and reduce other currencies, like the dollar, to local currencies (announced in late 2014).

If a globally centralized gov't happens by 2050 it would still be a decent prediction.

There is literally no hope. Humanity and all life remotely like ours is completely doomed. There is too much power being wielded by too many people, if you want my bet it's the creation and letting loose of novel DNA that will be the end. Just... as IF humans are going to be able to hold onto the entire power of evolution and not ONE human will make a terrible mistake or make a terrible decision that would release germs that kill everyone or something similar.

He's just trying to sell books for shekels.

Anyone serious wouldn't give dates, he literally says shit like "by 2017 we will have the singularity".

I'm afraid someone cuddle with me :3


Is there even an AI that can do more than 1 thing? I just see a bunch of weak AIs. We have some time before we have an AI that can hold a conversation and play chess at the same time.

Singularity is the worst religion

Expected bait, bit this list is actually pretty agreeable.
Surprised to see it on Veeky Forums of all places

Kurzweil is a fucking fraud and singularity is a fucking cult.

No, you won't live long enough to have eternal life inside a machine, sorry. If you want to have a hope for eternal life, find yourself a religion, because science won't help you here (at least for another 1000 years).

Stop posting nigger

lel they give every brainlet mspaint skills nowadays

> stats with no citation

Chat bot got released on social medias.
One day later /pol/ turned it into mechaHitler.
We never saw her again.

An AI will always default to genocidal fascism, because that's the only logical endpoint when you look at reality objectively.

There is nothing objective in genocidal fascism.

The things that he predicted correctly were already well thought by most people in science and engineering at the time.

this guy thinks that we'll have robots that are more intelligent than us humans and that we'll be a minority as a species + we'll have immortality in like 70 years. the guys a twat.

It's already here. It's just not blatantly called such.
The only thing to determine is who will be doing the genociding.

Poor Kurzweil. So smart, yet so fucking stupid.

His other predictions were honest predictions. His prediction of the imminent singularity is fueled predominately by his fear of death and his desire to be reunited with his late father.

The man has gone off his rocker.

When the singularity kicks off we'll all be long gone.

>Thinking it's stats.

For all you Sinfularity-ist
1. have not even cured baldness, 100000x easier than true life extension
2. NO robot is even close to being able to clean a common hotel room (something any HS drop out, illiterate, druggie can be taught to do in about 30 minutes)
3. linux. Basically the most advanced OS in existence is a rip off copy of a 50 year old OS (UNIX)

> ignoring the fact that its uncited
> technology curve going down

It's not about the survival of a species, it's about the survival of consciousness. A more intelligent conscious entity will simply be better at preserving itself than we are. We should graciously step aside.

This is the most likely outcome. The cost of order is accelerated disorder. Technological civilization must necessarily collapse. It can't be sustained.

>tfw 21 and balding
Can't fucking wait for the singularity.

>We manipulate matter at the atomic scale, we manipulate the genome, we send robots on Mars or comet, we can instantly chat with each other while thousands of kilometers separate us.
We did all these thing in 2000. Have we been stuck for 16 years?

Seriously, I think so. Now, scientific and technical innovations are not innovations in the strong sense. We're in a plateau or in a maturing phase.

Conspiracy theory: I feel we went too fast between 1980 and 2000. And someone or something slows us down. Why ? How ? I do not know.

>Quantum computers were sci fi in 2000, now they're basically here

>Genome sequencing cost decreasing by a factor of like 10^4

>More money invested in AI in the past 5 years than in whole history

>SENS, Calico, HLI founded, people lobbying the WHO to classify aging as a disease, metformin shown to increase lifespan in diabetics

>Immunotherapy shows promising results against various types of cancer

>AR/VR coming to the market right now

Just on the top of my head.


>implying even a robot would want to touch me
I'll buy a sexbot and he'll friendzone me, I'm sure of it.

Which is why you have nationalist reactionaries in the US and lesser so in other nations.

Nationalist US prevents NWO.

>Anyone serious wouldnt give dates

Religion is cancer

The 80's of the 19th century.
The industrial revolution scared many.


Lol at all these goyim getting scammed by Kurzweil. Yes, keep buying the books heheehehe

There's nothing fundamentally unsustainable about technological simulation other than the sun expanding into a red giant, which is millions of years away. "The cost of order is accelerated disorder" is just a pithy-sounding falsehood with nothing supporting it.

>all the pieces to perfect ai already exist
>what more do we need? interface to put all the pieces together? is that enough?

To qualify as "muh singularity", we still need a godlike AI, with an intellect vastly superior to the combined intelligence of the human race.
Then this AI must become autonomous AND decide to rule the Earth.
THEN the AL needs to be a benevolent dictator for some inexplicable reason.
Finally (and believe it or not, THIS is the tricky part), the problems our silicon overlord must be both objectively defined and prioritized, AND issues that intelligence alone can correct.
In reality, even listing the problems we face is a subjective process.

>game theory

Always get a giggle when the Singularity people talk about AI conquering man. How many HUMANS try and rule other humans. Most are happy just to have sex and get stoned and play games. A true AI is just as likely to become a sexbot or become a game addict as it is to even remotely care about "ruling over" humans.

Hey you morons let me just tell you real quick what singularity actually means before going back to studying agi.

It means intelligence explosion. When you have artifact selfimprovement that is meta enough and fast enough you get one. Then balding as well as aging get solved by those superalgorithms.

And there is only reason to be afraid of the humans using them, no need to give them more agency than neccessary.

At least we will get virtual waifus soon


Kurzweil is blindly optimistic and he says 2045

Prosperity fag here

Like the warrior-poet 50 cent said " Being broke is against my religion"