You want a hot, hot pan here

>you want a hot, hot pan here
>now add olive oil

why is Gordon Ramsay retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:

in Britain we have 3 heat settings. Hot. Hot hot, and fucking hot

I bet you Murricans have numbers for your heat settings. Try frying chicken on number 1

nothing wrong here

if you don't use EVOO, high heat is fine

Onions, in the pan

Gordan specifically states to use evoo and says to add food when it starts smoking

Literally advising people to cook in oxidized evoo. What the fuck

I doubt it

do post your sources



SEASON beautifully

Ghastly, just...ghastly




Why does Gordon love hot pans so much?

cuz too many retards try to cook when their pan/oil hasnt heated up.

everyone's cringed in enough Ja/ck/ threads to know this by now.

Olive oil having low smoking point may be true but it's a truth that's overstated often.

I hate Ramsay so I exclusively cook in cold pans now to spite him.

He always came home to his mother getting a pan hot and ready to make him some food.

Everytime he gets a pan hot, it reminds him of his mum and he gets rock hard.

>Olive oil having low smoking point may be true

but it isn't.

refined olive oil generally smokes at only a couple grades celsius lower than canola oil.



guess he's german

No he doesnt. He specifically states to use olive oil, every time. He even remarked that EVOO is a finishing oil, not a cooking oil

what is a finishing oil?

oil you don't cook. think salad dressing etc

When I grill vegetables, I mop them with vegetable oil or peanut oil. When they're done cooking, I bring them in, slice them, and then toss in EVOO (and salt and pepper) to finish.

Post your sauces or OP is a faggot.

"air is the new oil"

- Gordon Ramsay

>implying anyone uses legit refined olive oil

regardless, even "refined" meme oil has one of the lowest smoke points, so you're still wrong.

heat closes the pores of the steel so your oil doesn't fill them up.

Olive oil's smoking point is high enough to start cooking in it. If it starts to smoke it's a good indication your pan's getting a little too hot.

If you chuck your food in just as it smokes, it'll drop the temperature back down to a good cooking level.


I cook in almost exclusively olive oil and never had a problem. I think you might be the retarded one.

>even "refined" meme oil has one of the lowest smoke points, so you're still wrong.

Not really, most list it at at higher than sunflower, coconut, peanut, almond and other nut, corn, sesame, soy and some other oils.

Canola and avocado oil are preferable to olive if you want the hottest possible, but olive is still very high on the list of oil smoke points and is very much suitable for frying.

just don't use EVOO or some of the middle-ground olive oils.

I remember him having done things like adding olive oil to boiling water or salting the water before it's starting to cook. He's dead to me for a long time.

>salting the water before it's starting to cook

Nothing wrong with that, you autist.

>adding olive oil to boiling water
That's indeed silly

>Spiting someone so hard you arbitrarily deprive yourself

I mean it's not a big loss but that's still pretty pathetic dude

>he doesn't exclusively cook in cold pans

Lol fag

That's beside the point


What's difficult to understand about "hot, hot pan"?

He quite obviously means as hot as you can get it, since the application is steak.

no matter what, cooked olive oil taste like garbage, you have to be a heavy smoker to not notice the problem.

>implying cUcKs know how to cook

>cooked olive oil taste like garbage,
You can cook perfectly well below smoking point temperature of olive oil. In fact butter has lower smoking point that EVOO but you don't hear anybody complaining about cooking with butter.

This I can confirm

>I bet you Murricans have numbers for your heat settings

You'd be wrong. Number settings are for Brits who never bothered to advance past grade three.

dont be a retard user

perfectly normal to add salt.

adding olive oil is actually good when you make rice.

dont be a retard, think before you post

i also thought that it's full retard behaviour, oil burns and is good to throw away
but a cook here told me that's the right way to do it, didnt ask him why tho. Any real cook here knows why?

hot pan cold oil


yeah, but he says it needs to start smoking to cook meat the right way, i dont get that

'cos cooking something in a cold pan doesn't work.

>I got my learnin's from Veeky Forums so a Gordon Ramsey is wrong


I'm pretty sure mr. Ramsey have sociopath tendencies. Diagnosed or not, it seems pretty clear he dont think he can be wrong and have no problems yelling and screaming like a teenage girl.

OP is referring to using olive oil, an oil with a low burning point, at high heat you fucking shithead.