If we keep zooming out to the end, what does the Universe look like?
If we keep zooming out to the end, what does the Universe look like?
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isnt it eerie? i think the universe is somewhere we go when we sleep.
Like the entire universe is just created by my mind?
no we just go there when we sleep. our mind is connected with the universe and when we sleep it can fully go there
thats why we cant see beyond it, because all we would see is ourselfs
You're aware we're actually in the universe right now, right?
you're speaking total bullshit, bruh
Like trying to look into your own eye
This... this makes perfect sense!
no this isnt the universe, this is just our flawed and simplistic perception of a reality that we cannot fully comprehend in our wakened form.
when we sleep we transcend into the true universe, where we are all connected and equal.
you don't remember your dreams, do you?
it often feels like you have only been dreaming for a fraction of the time you were actually asleep, right?
that's because your waken mind cant fully perceive the universe for what it is - ambiconsciousness
why do you think ALL living organisms (even microbes) sleep?
haw con murors bur rur of oor oos auorn't rur
It's likely just an infinitely vast web of matter.
Like your pic.
According to space engine it is a cube.
because we get tired
A sphere. In all diections we look there is a point that we can not look any farther. Because the speed of light is finite, when we look far enough all we see is the beginning of the universe. That is not to say that there is no more to the universe than what we can directly observe, it simply means that the observable universe is an ever-expanding sphere.
>If we keep zooming out to the end
we can finally see your mom
Every living thing except grad students
Oh shit
actually its an ovel due to light distortion by gravity
just google "the observable universe" to see the shape
an atom
with another atom in the horizon
My mistake you are correct
Cotton candy
Alphabet Soup?
can confirm
>neo-Veeky Forums
>If we keep zooming out to the end, what does the Universe look like?
It would look like all of time ever in a sphere
Idk where it gets more 'time' from though, like would the sphere contain the future too? if time is affected by gravity can we theoretically use gravity to change the future?
the darkness around it would be time that we have yet to expand/move into
that oval is a projection much like maps of the globe.
If you somehow teleported to the exact edge of the universe instantaneously, you would get to watch the big bang happen again, just redshifted to fuck. Now that I think about it though, you'd probably get obliterated by the first wave of energy released by the big bang though. The big bang was some crazy shit.
you wouldn't be able to see anything because not even the light from the big bang would have reached you yet.
What I want to know is what would you see as that original, very-much-weakened "blast-wave" from the big bang goes over and around you?
Exactly the same everywhere. There is no special place in the universe.
Think of it like this: time, and the universe, to humans, is just an expanding wave of light, matter and other energy that pushes outward in all directions from the point the universe began. The "edge of the universe" as we know it is the farthest point that matter and energy has reached at the current time. It is moving and expanding.
The surface of a 4 dimensional torus if it happens to be finite or [math]\mathbb{R}^3[/math] otherwise.
so there is no edge of the universe and the universe just goes on forever? How did the big bang expand an infinite amount in ~14 billion years?
so on the other side of this edge, is there no such thing as time or space? How does that work?
does time exist outside of the universe?
If light were to be faster than the expansion of the universe, would we not know because the universes light is held back by gravity?
The big bang didn't fling shit everywhere; it is the expansion of space itself. So, the big bang event is the point in time where space started expanding, everywhere.
how can space be seen as nothing yet have the capability of containing shit in it? Surely space is more than we perceive it to be
Its infinite
Space has a structure defined by its metric. The big bang expansion can be explained as the evolution of this metric with time causing distances between stationary objects to increase with time. How do you think GR describes gravity as the curvature of space-time?
oh ty. so without gravity time and space wouldnt exist
Which ever you like
That isn't what I said, at all. I used the modern theory of gravity as an example of how the structure of space-time enters into modern physics.
>the big bang event is the point in time where space started expanding
But how can there have been time without space? Space and time are two sides of the same coin. There should be neither outside of the expanding borders of the big bang; just literal nothingness
you cant have time without space because time cant exist if nothing is happening/happened.
time and space were created in the big bang, assuming the big bang happened at a point in time would mean the big bang was already apart of something
ur mums anus mate
It's a big universe.
black hole is answer to everything
you cant have space without time, you cant have time and no space. the matter which made up the big bang would of had to of come from a place where time and space no longer exist, like a mega black hole.
Basically, black hole has to be great enough to suck in all matter in existense until space and time no longer exist because they have nothing to contain. then it explodes (big bang) creating everything again
The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. There is not going to be a big crunch.
at this point it is accelerating atleast
For human.
Webbed system of galaxies is actually just a brain network of some network engineer. You got your own too, buddy
imo it depends on the wavelength you view it at and the resolution
look up at the night sky, in a small area that isn't showing stuff in the milky way but distant galaxies. that's probably what it'll look like.
also, we barely see any of the electromagnetic spectrum, so that's just assuming you're looking at the visible light part.
sorry for double post but think of it this way
your eyes allow you to see a near 180 degree view in any given direction both horizontally and vertically. that number may be off, but it doesn't matter. when you look at the sky at night, minus what you see due to you being in the milky way, you're seeing that ENTIRE part of the universe.
so why should it look any different than that? at the most, it would be 50% more populated than the direction you can presently look at that is furthest from the edge of the known universe.
Underrated post
nigga you high
are there any other galaxies named after chocolate bars?
The Milky Way Chocolate bar is named after our galaxy.
what about mars?
Drop the bong brah
had idea do point at any actually point self in ass
Because for fuck's sakes you're literally saying
>I don't understand something
>It also happens to be a state which alters my consciousness
>Therefore it's anything I want it to be, right?
im high too bruh
intergalactic space is totally black
maybe faint light from some galaxies would be visible to the human eye
but for the most part just nothing at all
there is no such thing as a universe
It looks exactly like it does everywhere else, including here. And there is no end to zoom out to.
i imagine it would just be a lone, quiet, twinkly sphere of light in the distance
you can look into The Space and see a supernova right now can't you? and it's just like any other twinkly star
You're full of shit. Put down the Deepak Chopra shit and read a textbook
How do you look into something that's not real?
Is OP's pic the cosmic background radiation? Looks like neurons.
Like information processing network. The universe is a cellular automaton.
itt: highschool freshman that smoke weed
You end up seeing an amoeba like microbe...
And behind you...
Many other amoeba like microbes...
>tfw you were living inside a giant ass creature all this time...
>tfw there are other microbes made of universes...
>tfw there are predator microbes and macrofauna
>tfw mister bones wild ride...
>If you somehow teleported to the exact edge
There is no edge of the universe, believing that is meme-tier stuff
Lovecraft, please.
i must be a genus to also have found this same truth in the unverse as lovecraft has
this makes me feel a lot more confident now
thank you
Space and time are part of the modern theories that also imply a complete break down of laws at singularities. It's irrelevant whether one can be w/o the other if the circumstance makes shit not work by the standards we have today.
>zooming out to the end
what did he mean by this