Why do you think we haven't been visited by ayy lmaos?
Why do you think we haven't been visited by ayy lmaos?
We are not ready yet.
Their science and their understanding of reality are too advanced.
because we are the ayy lmaos
its the only logical conclusion...
+ayy lmaos should have visited us by now
+we have advanced technology both a long time ago and present day
+they believe we arrived here as bacterias on a meteor
just think about it. all this time we've been searching for ourselves
same reason I dont visit africain tribes
what do you mean "we're not ready yet" as in, we're not capable of detecting them?
Obviously we're one kind of ayy lmao, I'm talking other ayy lmaos
Because the distances between planetary systems are astronomical and life is relatively rare.
every time someone reports meeting one no one believes them
'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence'
my fav is 'why don't they just land on the white house lawn?'
>implying they know what a white house is
Think of a timeline that represents the lifespan of the universe from start to end. The possibility that advanced space faring forms of life will pop up along that line will be sparse and scattered. They might seldom exist at the same relative time in order to make contact and even if they do the might be too far apart to ever encounter each other.
t. some guy
It's not difficult to find out who the top honcho is, even if you don't no a single thing about the other race.
>queen ants
>alpha wolf
If they're not capable of that, then they're not capable of space travel.
it's like when you observe the ants. This is interesting for you but they do not know they are observed and have no way
what about when you squash them
The other ants just pretend it's a tinfoil conspiracy.
This is the correct answe
Because humans are fucking assholes.
> constructing your answer to be correct by definition
jesus christ you morons, read a book so that you can understand how to form a coherent logical statement
>Why do you think
Just another circlejerk
People can think whatever they want
One time I saw a few UFOs fucking around. No way were they something any human could make, they defied physics as we understand it. Aliums? Dunno.
I've got an idea
Atheist universe - process of life appearing and evolving is so improbable that it's unlikely to happen twice even in neighboring galaxies, much less the same galaxy
Theist universe - if a creator didn't want us to associate with habitants of other planets we may have been purposely separated by a great enough distance to make it impossible
It's a shit idea
>Atheist universe
>Life is so improbable that it's unlikely to happen twice
What about that is atheistic?
Being an atheist doesn't mean you are a pessimist.
The milky way could have around 400 billion stars. 1 in 400 billion isn't improbable, thats fucking IMPOSSIBLE.
no, it's improbable.
there's also the chance that we're the earliest civilisation.
>there's also the chance that we're the earliest civilisation
these threads are pointless because retards make claims like this
you can make up any bullshit story you want and say "theres a chance" its true.
We probably are just too far from them,like 20 or 30 galaxies far.
I actually don't believe in other "intelligent life" outside of Earth. If there was, it would have been mentioned in the bible.
They're waiting for atheism to be crushed and the true church of the logos to unify.
Semi-related. If you had mastery of nanotech and AI, how much like a lifeform would your autonomous robots be? You'd want them to be self-repairing and capable of self-energizing from available materials.
someone messed up that space cash test
Because they don't exist
They are walking among us.
I remmember when /sci was about science
Unlike the typical /x/ user or Veeky Forums contrarian i actually dug deep enough to know that in 99% of the cases are not the lmaos period.
Now there are few events that really need to be considered as such so I say we have been visited but not contacted.
Hey I made like a hundred threads saying exactly this (1% of cases point to aliens) but I got shouted down every time. At least one person agrees with me.
Dont even bother for some reason people do not want to accept this.Newfags will go to the end of the earth to troll even tho you will provide sufficient evidence and interviews and insight of the event without the national geographic going AINCENTS HAS VISITED US WE WUZ THE SPACE RACE bullshit.
First plans for such planes were published in 1938 so its safe to assume efforts were made even before this.People just were not used to see superior aero technology.
Dont you know the Fermie Paradoxon?
back to wierdo
/x/ has nothing to offer user if you browsed it more than few minutes there you would have known that.
> aliens LOL xDD
yes it does. this is a science board not a fantasy board for manchildren
but is
Yeah whatever
how are they supposed to find that out?
Ignorance is a common choice.
> the only ones that don't approve ayylmaos are the only ones that work with evidence
>all the brainlets believe ayys visited us
i wonder why
Because space is too fucking big for them too?
they could be nearby
this is exactly why scientists shy away from the topic
>human skinned na'vi
I prefer the blue ones.