>see thread
>Bcash didn't pump



>he plays xbox
>will never know pc masterrace feels

Only when bch is sold off to zero (0), even then I won't still apologize, but will feel a bit sorry for you.

sympathy not accepted

Then fuck off

Roger, it's time to turn yourself in, man. Tyrone is waiting for you in prison

on chain scaling is an oxymoron

muahahahahahaha mmuuuaaaahhahaha

Halo 1-3 games are on PC now. Fun fact!


where did it go so wrong roger

Please tell me how off chain scaling where two nodes send tokenized between themselves with no public ledger is different from using paypal or any other horseshit?

Yet to have a anyone give a good reason why I wouldn't use faster cheaper paypal that has buyer protection over fucking lightning network. I would love to be proved wrong because I'd like to think this community is actually moving away from the old system and cares about that but I am losing faith. Feels more like a ponzi every day

Trash talk all you want, were tuff since we grew up out beating all the odds

again no one nice

Don't trust Ver


Roger Verygay is very gay.

Pretty sure he’s /ourguy/ and bch should probably be /ourcoin/. The whole decentralized control mantra and all.

Pretty sure anyone who thinks Roger Err is anything but a transparently slimy shitstain who should kill himself, should kill themselves.

because paypal uses funny monopoly money, that can be (and most definitely is) printed to oblivion devaluing the worth of those "tokens".
lightning uses sound money, that is cryptographically protected from manipulation by private or public sector, i.e. a bank that made a ton of stupid decisions cannot simply bribe a politician to bail them out while screwing over millions of taxpayers.

I don’t know the guy and don’t really follow him. What makes you say that?

already did. but i'll do so again. bcash is the real bitcoin. bitcoin is the fork. he was right

decentralized control by a single mining pool that is keeping this shitcoin alive?

>when you scale a blockchain by turning it into a mesh network

Bitcoin is trash and it's only value is the first mover advantage.
BCH is a fucking joke from a cockroach trying to suck some money from BTC the oldest shitcoin around

Have fun uploading your KYC details to the lightning hub (Money Service Business / Bank).

first of all its not necessary now and with congress hearing being quite positive arguing not to impede progress of cryptocurrencies, its possible it wont ever be necessary. and second of all, its still way better than the current system in which i have to give all my kyc details to banks and get fucked every 10 years for third of my money to bail them out and additionally fucked for another third of my money over next 10 years due to inflation.

Says pink date on his shirt?!?! What a faggot

He’s cringingly full of shit and trying to leech of the Bitcoin name by calling his shit coin that no one uses, “Bitcoin Cash,” and then begins referring to actual Bitcoin as “Bitcoin Core,” like people are going to start calling it that. Meanwhile his vagina explodes if you try calling his shit coin “B cash” for short. He claims the true Bitcoin isn’t the real Bitcoin, but rather his turd of a coin is the true Bitcoin. His scammy fork caused major turmoil in the market in December 2016, when obvious insider trading went on as soon as CoinBase added the faggot coin. Basically, the dude is one notch below the Shamwow guy. Watch one video of him on YouTube. I dare you not to cringe.