>he's rich
>he still eats like a peasant
He's rich
Other urls found in this thread:
>he fell for the paleo meme
>not enjoying McDonalds
actually started eating like this
>meat on bottom
Enjoy your heart attack. All you have to do is follow the meme triangle from the 90s.
I had cold stone for dinner. Fuck the health meme
>i fell for not eating inflammatory foods
wew I sure feel stupid
7 glasses of water a day INCLUDES WATER IN YOUR FOOD
you fucking retards.
>not wanting yummy food in your tummy
>rice, beans and potato is nono
the fuck do i eat with meat then?
Paleo is such a fucking meme.
I eat pasta, rice, potatoes, bread or oats with every single meal.
I also drink roughly 1-1.5L of milk a day.
Paleo faggots need to leave.
What’s wrong with rice?
Broccoli, Avocados, Asparagus.
And you most certainly have a leaky gut among other health issues.
>leaky gutted cuckboi
If it's brown rice absolutely nothing. Don't let some loser tell you otherwise.
why that much milk lmao
Pseudo science fags never opened a fucking bio book in their lives
I'm trying to gain weight and it's a great source of protein and fat.
Being rich means that you can eat whatever you want whenever you want.
you are all so delusional.
carbs are your friend, i eat 500g + a day
and meat is murder btw
plant based diet is king
Thanks just bought 100k steaks
kys soyboy
How much do you squat?
Some people do better on more carb, others on low carb, depends on your body. Sugar is the real killer.
you are probably gay kill yourself
There is literally nothing wrong with potatoes, oats, beans, or rice. What the fuck is wrong with you?
the kitchen table
>Sugar is the real killer.
this. steroids+vegan diet masterrace reporting in.
>>>>>>not eating beans, potatoes or rice
bread was staple in nearly every culture for thousands of years
The only Illuminati pyramid you need
>Veeky Forums - Health and nutrition
>leaky gut
>made up syndrome that doesnt exist.
Its not. Hes just a delusional fatboy who is fat cuz he eats potatoe chips all day.. Your body literally runs on sugar. Sugar, starch, saturated fat, and salt are your friends.
this unironically except more fruits than veg if you workout enough to keep SHBG low and energy high
Absolutely retarded if you think eating fruit is going to squeeze out more free test out of you. Low free test is caused by ACTH activation and/or liver dysfunction. Stress less, eat more calories and especially carbs, sleep more and you will be good.
Did a reverse lunge with 140kg :-)
>hrrrrghhhlbbbllggll cave man ate dis so must be good for body ablblblbllllglllhhrrrggg
Amerilard detected
1/4 you meat intake and cut dairy and sugars besides dark chocolate from the 90's triangle. There.
>wasting time on diet shit
lol only women care about this bullshit. just drink water when your hungry and if your still hungry eat a meal. avoid sugar. why does it have to be complicated
This is pretty good but you need tubers on there as well
It is also okay to eat McDonalds from time to time.
How the fuck do I avoid milk, potatoes, corn, sugar and bread? They're literally in every food plus milk is good fo you.
>1/4 you meat intake and cut dairy
and replace then with soy?
You have no idea what you're talking about.
>inflammatory foods
I googled this and what a load of pseudo scientific bullshit, do you fall for anything user, how's your homeopathy going?
el abominacion
Add some soy to your diet OP faggot.
eat Food
mostly plants
Not too much
FPBP paleo diet is for chunky middle aged women with a 90 IQ and mental issues.
>Follow the diet that made todays males t levels drop into a never ending hole
Yeah sure
>he thinks he is smart
>he eats animal products and doesnt eat beans and tubercles.
This should be upside down. Sugary fruits? Enjoy your cancer.
>follow the diet that humans ate when we had a life expectancy of 30
This is your brain on meat.
actually 'cavemen' on average had the worst diets, there was usually only one food that they could get easily depending on where they were.
For instance I read some stuff about some people (actually from the paleo era) who literally lived in caves and subsisted on acorns they got outside. They did not live good lives.
I tried this but I got a data overflow from asking myself if I'm thirsty constantly.
>only women care about diet shit
>let me share a meme diet tip with you along with my fear of refined carbohydrates
that's a stack overflow dumbass
Fug, well I'll get it right next time. Thanks, lad.
how can I replace bread with something better?
>enjoying McDonalds
Are you retarded? Processed sugars are fucking awful. 0 nutritional value and it fucks up your blood sugar like nothing else
Any fucking diet that excludes potatoes is doomed to fail.
Potatoes are the best fucking food on this planet, just dont bath them in oil fatfucks
you can do anything with potatoes you can even make mockmeat with them.
A Whole food plant based diet is by faaaaaaaaaaaaar the best diet on this planet FOR EVERYONE
At least I have to say, paleo is still better than keto. I feel bad for keto people
no one is denying that processed sugars are bad, like no fucking person would recommend you to drink cola
obv sugar is not only processed.
>eating food
>no bread, rice, potatoes, beans or milk
>no wine recommendation
>salting beyond what is naturally in food
american detected
>my diet is the best
the thread
>Meat is good for you, don't worry about bioaccumulation, mercury, aluminium, cancerous heme-iron, mad cow disease, swine flu, h1n1, ecoli, oestrogen injections, bovine growth hormone, cancerous proteins, saturated fats, decalcifying of the bones or anything!
Sorry, you fell for the meat jew. We all know veggies are better for you, it's just that people are addicted to animal products. Cheese is on par with heroin when it comes to addictiveness.
>b... but muh proteins!
Yeah, those rhinos and elephants are all anorectic aren't they?
If you know what's good for you, you wouldn't TOUCH factory farmed meat. And what else is there to get these days?
Blacebo is good isn't it
I have no knowledge about this whatsoever but I feel like cutting meat from my diet would be healthier, but I just can't do it. I don't want to live without a nice burger or kebab every once in a while
>burger education
just because you're a fatass doesn't make you a LITERAL elephant, user
different organisms work by different rules, give a tiny bit of chocolate to a cat and it will die in the next hours
Also we need a food pyramid based on chainlink
>doesnt eat carbs
it's not the meat, desu. it's the processed crap and no veggies. eat little meat, about 2 to 3 times a week with a garbage can full of veggies every day for happiness.
>Enjoy your heart attack. All you have to do is follow the meme triangle from the 90s
Gov good pyramid is a catastrophe
this vegan soyboy squats more then you ever will
Scandi here, I solely eat potatoes, fish, chicken and eggs.
That's kind of what I eat already, if you replace the lower level of the pyramid with frozen pizza.
That faggot is for sure sub 5'6". Enjoy your Manley status.
>hating on clarence kennedy
you're a dumb nigger
>not getting 80% of daily calorie intake from aged cheese.
B-but I descend fro farmers who drank milk and wine and ate bread, cereal, and legumes... It worked for them.
Look up nutrition guidelines by Dr. Ray Peat for peak human nutrition.
Be a retarded burger
Could be worse but you need to incorporate at least one leafy green and eat it every day, user
What a waste of trips
Lol this. Not even vegan for health reasons, but ths shit is legit. Never felt better in my life
If you do some kind of high aerobic exercise daily (do Jiu Jitsu / Muay Thai / Boxing / Wrestling / HIIT) and run at least once a week you can eat whatever the fuck you want, in moderation of course. Obviously you will learn that certain foods fuel the machine better than others but it is okay to eat shit food in moderation just as long as it is not the sole source of nutrition.
>You're probably not gonna make it though cause all you wanna do is sit around and scoff at those who make themselves better via strenuous exercise. KYS now and do the civilized world a favor.
>t. I'm chad as fuck and fight daily. Also run 1-2 times a week. Weigh 165 lbs and am super lean all the time. Now if only I could find a woman. We all got problems eh?
>meat is murder btw
>plant based diet is king
Enjoy your Alzheimer
I've been doing alright with keto. Losing weight (though I was already at a normal weight), seems like I have less nervous energy.
Once you get get you protein out of the way it's a matter of figuring out the ratio of carbs to fat that you prefer
Exactly, it's honestly not that difficult. Just Exercise and eat what is gonna keep the machine going. These fat fucks are just too lazy to get out of the basement and make something of themselves. The reason some of you are KHVs is due to your lack of self motivation. Not that hard to change though. I work at a martial arts gym and have seen first hand some fat motherfuckers come in there and through consistency and hardcore commitment they actually better themselves.
Brussel sprouts good enough?
Rate my Paleo/hater hater diet
>grilled chicken and ocasionally pork and bacon
>lettuce with white vineger
>homemade squeezed orange juice
>black coffee (with sugar)
I want to buy a water destiler because i hate tap water due to high amounts of fluoride, so i am basically drinking only orange juice.