Your move.
Well Veeky Forums?
> chemists
> having money
what about doctors?
>Not 300k starting
are you dumb
News fucking flash, academics don't get paid very well.
Any other seminal discoveries to share with us, OP?
> this is what mathfags believe
>what is an actuary
>This is what engineers believe
The rate at which engineering positions are being lost in the US is kinda depressing.
Math student here.
Not that I care but payscale statistics show that math majors earn 20k more per year than bio majors.
So you literally just pulled your paint edit of the popsci comic right out of your ass.
>Being an engineer
>When Pajit and Malik will work longer hours, for less money, and hand in better work
Yes, "engineering", punching numbers into a spreadsheet doing high school trig at best
t. delusional math major who thinks he can find a job
>t. delusional math major who thinks he can find a job
>mfw when I'm a math major with a job
>mfw when I most of my friends are engineer majors but they have no jobs
No hate to my friends or to engineers in general, I just love to taste the salty tears of engy fags like you who have improsoned themselves in a cage of lies where you just repeat to yourself
>they all fell for the productive member of society meme
>being paid above shit
>le stick figure science maymay!
>lel I'm such a le dork!
These comics are cancer.
Veeky Forums is for 13-25 year olds.
Reddit is for 22-35 year olds.
Very rarely are there any top level graduates online in forums anymore.
They jump to conclusions, straw man and contradict well known consensus-based concepts, and in some areas, they even reject axioms.
They don't seem to understand the importance of coherency or source.
In this case, user straw mans and then refuses to point to a source, just dictating anons memory justifies anons emotional retort and denial.
Debate etiquette calls for references, which I posted, and logical arguments without presumptions, which I posted, but I doubt anyone will take LOGIC for what it's worth when people can try to rely on self-serving biases and interpretations.
Pretty good, someone add a third dimension for "amount of pussy you get".
>Reddit is for 22-35 year olds.
Engineers literally created everything you use daily. What ever meaningless career you end up with serves zero purpose :)
>which I posted
what? really? where?
>Not to the right of Math
engineering more pure than physics? bull. I have a math, physics and engineering degree.
engineering is sloppy and ill taught compared to physics. They give your the basics with no development or proper theory
Yes. Engineers
Not spreadsheet monkeys