what does non-sentience feel like?
What does non-sentience feel like?
you and I will never know,
which is kinda sad, really
pic somewhat related
How did you feel prior to being born, or even how did you feel as a blastula?
i don't know. i can't remember such things, so i can't tell if i felt anything at the time.
How do you know you feel anything other than by experience/memory of it, if the memory is lacking how is it possible to tell if you did or did not feel anything, and with Occam's razor wouldn't feeling nothing be more likely?
It wouldn't feel like anything because feelings require sentience.
so then what does it feel like to feel nothing/not be able to feel? is it like an infinite neutrality to all things?
It doesn't feel. It doesn't feel neutral either it just is nothing. It's hard to understand when you are sentient.
i don't know, knock yourself out
this sounds odd to me. it's like when blindness is black, but then you're saying there's no black either. what is there then? what do you see? what is nothing in the case of blindness being more than the eyes, but to all your senses and cognition?
it's probably like sleeping
Non-sentient beings have no measure of time. Therefore, non-sentience feels like that instantaneous moment between lives; it's truly no time at all, and then you're awake again. Maybe.
so you just wait for an instant return from unconsciousness that never comes? that sounds like hell.
Non-sentience means you don't have the ability to feel at all. You wouldn't feel anything because that is the definition of non-sentience, being incapable of feeling or experiencing subjectivity.
As far as blindness goes, I'm fairly certain if you don't have eyeballs you won't experience "blackness" you will just not experience anything. And if you did it would be because you still have a brain.
I doubt it because you can dream in your sleep. It is probably more like a coma.
Better than immortality guaranteed
so being nonsentient releases you from the confines of time waning away at your existence? like how the big bang up till your birth was instant? but then you have no recollection of any of the events in space. no awareness of time is no awareness of space. and we go back into that, but the difference is that do we go into the cycle, or is it an infinite end with no rebirth or memory? hell, does memory in itself bear the only semblance of our existence, its destruction symbolizing how only a meager century bears more weight to our existence than the nonsentient constituents that form our body?
i'd rather live to see the world around me crumble than not be able to watch anything at all.
But that's assuming that there is a 'you' who is 'waiting'.
And I'd rather not want to live to see the end of our universe. Eternal boredom and suffering.
feels good man
>eat whenever
>shit whenever
>fuck whenever
what happens to that 'you' then if it isn't 'waiting'?
but think about this, you could just end up a stone, water current, or wind gust, with no connection to anything or any sensation or perception. you're at the whim of the laws of nature in their simplest form. no laughter or tears, you just simply move. it's a blank existence that is infinitely more boring and filled with suffering, because you have no mouth to scream with, no eyes to cry with, and no mind to think of reasons for these actions, or the instincts to trigger these actions before you can reason them through. how's this a better infinity?
>what happens to that 'you' then if it isn't 'waiting'?
It no longer exists
what are the results of this from an internal frame of reference? to transition from existence to nonexistent?
>asking sentient beings what non-sentience feels like
>hoping a non-sentient could have feelings or thoughts on those feelings
Senses and cognition require sentience. It goes right back to this user's answer
To feel anything from those activities would require sentience.