still making booze reviews, this one is better than the last. reviewing Brother Thelonious Belgian style abbey ale
Still making booze reviews, this one is better than the last. reviewing Brother Thelonious Belgian style abbey ale
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bumping this truly excellent thread
a perfect bump for a perfect thread
I am ashamed to admit it but I am a glutton. When I was 13 I asked my dad for some chicken tendies. We lived way out in the middle of no where so he had to pick them up on his way from work cause I was not going to walk for an hour to get them. When he got home I was excited cause I was starving. I emptied the paper bag and there were 5 tendies, fries, ketchup. I got angry because there was no honey mustard sauce though. I yelled "what is the point of tendies without honey mustard!?!?" I called my dad a faggot and tried to hit him. He sent me to my room. I gave him the silent treatment for a month and then to my utter dismay he died from a heart attack (undiagnosed heart condition). So now I eat tendies with honey mustard sauce on a daily basis (at least 20 strips and 4 orders of fries divided into 3 meals). I will often incorporate chicken and french fries into other meals like sandwiches, pizza, macaroni and I only ever use honey mustard on my pizza and in my mac instead of ranch. I am 5'6, 300lbs and won't stop eating until I double in size and die. I am 19 btw
fuck off samson.
no u
well meme'd my friend
even more bumps for my wonderful thread
You remind me of a dump I took last week. Useless and full of shit.
Is he the cunt who fucked r9k attention whores and got an STD?
no u
I fucked your mum and gave her an STD
all superb posts and responses
thanks for posting
no, thank you
still bumping
wait a while, Veeky Forums is a very slow board
you aren't even hitting page 2
I have 2 dads you dirty fuckin poof
no u
I tracked down your biological mother and fucked her hard. and no, I'm not going to tell you who or where she is
reviving this thread
more bumps
eve more bumps
How long until you an hero?
only when every single faggot like you dies first
Based Pickel.