Black Guy Here

Holding over 40k LINK.

Am I gonna make it?

Other urls found in this thread:

you'll get shot by the police before singularity

That would be unfortunate.

$1000 EOY 7 Sevens confirmed my nigga, were all making it

Only if you sell that shit

you are! congratulations


you're going to be able to afford so many crack rocks and purple dranks you gonna go cray and back to the booty house.


you're never going to make it

No thanks.

I prefer speed.

mah niggas kno whagwan, u got any of this too?

Only if you give me my bike back.

Why was it necessary to point out that you're black? Are you cryptically making fun of women for always having to announce, "I am le grrrrl ;)" (don't get any bright ideas boys!!!)

Please use your millions to end racism, we are all one race make the world a better place

Yeah you’ll make it

Nice job my guy now just stay away from cops and after singularity leave burgerland

Looks like Homo sapiens negronis is evolving

fellow black guy here, I've got 50k
we're gonna make it brah

black guy afrikaaaan?


is link the kools or dare i say crack of crypto

No. Now go back

its too profitable for (((them)))

finally a nigger comes on here

OP you are going to make it because there are pretty much no niggers here besides the stratis CEO.

I welcome all smart people into crypto! Dumb people too to pump my bags then leave in shambles. Good luck to you OP

I hope you make it back to Africa.

I'm a 10k niglet

op should look to bitmex ceo for inspiration
truly a beautiful example to follow

Not bad for half a human

Yes you will make it

27k cracker linky here

We're all gonna make it, niggerbros

kek sahasddfjdsoncdscdsc


numbers are raaacists so no you cant make it

Sorry OP you need at least 1-4% Neanderthal DNA to make it

Whether you're nigger, chink, epic, pajeet, kike, sandnigger, listerine nigger, or 100% pure alpine white, LINK will take us all to $1000 per token. Just hold. No weak hands

Welp. I'm selling.

Thanks just sold 100k

> Black Guy Here
sold 100k


>he fell for the pajeet scam.

Of course you're gonna make it

>Black Guy Here

Get out.

I wish I had 40k. You'll make it. Not sure I will.

I'm East African and I have 1.5% Neanderthal DNA, have made a million crypto so far since last year.

3/5's of a person*

Nope, blacks are only allowed to sell at $5 MAX because exchanges are racist.

you won't make it, as soon your profit doubles you should sell it and diversify

how the fuck does a nigger have 40k link

i thought blacks only invested in lending platforms. tron and ripple

ian balina dumped more than that on your ass lmao

>be black guy with 40k linkers
>try to stop the juice at their multi century scam
>gets suicided from the back

>ian balina
i just checked his twitter. he's self aware. he knows that being a nigger and being a crypto millionaire is bound to piss people off so apparently he posts about his riches to inspire people through anger. be like him if you're a nigger. inspire me to be my best version, nigger.

>jew DNA

Also a black guy.

But I hold 0 link because I work as a dev and am not a dumbass holding a fucking JSON parser that has a useless token.

Instead I bought NEO, HPB, CPC, NANO, ENG, WAN, and VEN.

I enjoy coming here to read about all the future LINK bagholders and to remind myself that as a 24 yr old making 130k in NYC, life could always be worse as an autustic depressed 4chaner.

I turn white bitches to my BBC slave. with ease and I’m sitting on 285k of crypto. The word nigger has no effect and neither does anything else you guys say cause you are all broke.

Sexy man out lmao

Congratulations black friend. I'm also holding link but not as much as you although I wish I was. Godspeed to both of us. Hold steady until the target

>nigger holding zero (0) LINK

Lmao future suicide victim too

Nice larp nigger. No self respecting white girl would fuck a nigger. You're fucking white trash or date raping them lmao.

And all those coins are doomed with no future. You'll remain broke while I'll be fulfilling my goals and dreams with the millions, no, BILLIONS I'll have made with LINK.

>I'm not a dumbass
>I bought NEO, NANO, and VEN

Retarded and a nigger, life handed you 0 cards.

fuck off pajeet

>ure. You'll remain broke while I'll be fulfilling my goals and

LOL Link is a shitcoin but HPB and CPC are gold huh?

HPB did an ICO to develop their node hardware that they are selling to NEO. HPB will literally never even have a mainnet.

But at least HPB is making something. CPChain is a straight up Chink Scam and that trash will be headed to zero before it goes up. They have no relation to Vechain (and vechain isn't even great. they will do something but they have basically been a marketing hustle these last few months while they CONSTANTLY unloaded coins on binance to fill their bags)

Even if you do you'll waste it all on gold chainz and lambos and come back here crying for gibs

Yes. Now stop spamming LINK threads, you fucking nigger.

One at a time is enough. You're destroying this board.

Unfortunately yes