Does meat make you sick?
Does meat make you sick?
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If I eat it raw, undercooked, over seasoned, old or rotten, etc., yes, but other than that, no. If I eat perfectly fine meat too much, forcing myself to eat, I suppose I too would become sick then.
I'm sure meat has an LD50 value like everything fucking else does. No idea what it is though.
A lifelong surfeit of proteins (meatbased or not) can give you gout. Don't ask how I know.
The symptoms include diarrhea, headache, fatigue, low blood pressure and heart rate, and a vague discomfort and unstoppable hunger even after eating large amounts of meat. If fat or carbohydrates are given in time, the symptoms will resolve themselves over 2-3 days.
why overseasoned ? I always rape my rare-cooked meat with seasons and spices.
I have a meat allergy, so most red meats turn my insides into a slurry batter as hot as the sun, then my body pushes them out of my rectum at such speeds that even physics can't account for. So I can only eat fish and chicken.
in arabic, it's called illness of the kings, I guess it makes sense
no it doesn't. Meat is the absolute best group of foods the earth could bear.
>rabbit starvation
That's because rabbit is not a complete protein.
meat is terrible for you and heavily linked with heart disease. Limit your consumption of it or cut it off completely if you care about your health.
>meat is terrible for you and heavily linked with heart disease. Limit your consumption of it or cut it off completely if you care about your health.
no one on this planet is more full of shit than you.
read up the studies yourself on pubmed. Top doctors recommend limiting your intake of meat and plant based diets for a reason.
>read up the studies yourself on pubmed
sure, let me be done with something and give you a list of studies you should read instead.
>limiting means cutting off will also improve your health
Why don't you stop all your salt intake and see how well that goes
yea. cut it out entirely is what they all say
no, bullshit. what they actually say is limit the intake. if you cut it out entirely you're at a SUBSTANTIALLY higher risk of iron deficiency and anemic related health problems.
here is a meta analysis
>The association between unprocessed red meat consumption and mortality risk was found in the US populations, but not in European or Asian populations.
while processed meat consumption is a big factor, red meat is fine for the vast majority of humans.
You're retarded, it's called that because they modeled it after a rabbit, and since rabbit meat is very little in a rabbit and very lean, it has almost no fat. Since it's almost all protein, and protein is a poor form of energy your body suffers malnutrition.
Only red meat is proven to be linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer and other negative health effects. Chicken and fish are healthy alternatives to red meats, since the only negative impact is mercury and other heavy metal poisoning. Unless you're eating a mountain of fish you're at very little risk for that.
That's why you supplement IF needed. Plenty of top doctors are vegans themselves (see Kim William, Neal Barnard, etc..). You won't be "malnourished", that's just a myth. Just supplement with B12 if deficient. There is so much wrong information against vegans out there because meat eaters want to justify themselves.
Meat eating is just culturally accepted so you guys will always try to convince yourselves that's it somehow the right choice. It's pure cognitive dissonance.
Btw, I'm vegetarian myself but eat meat on the occasion.
So you're not a vegetarian.
>just get B12 supplements.
So natural, wow
>top doctors recommend
>but I haven't read the studies myself
you are fooling no one
read up and stfu
>Meat eating is just culturally accepted so you guys will always try to convince yourselves that's it somehow the right choice. It's pure cognitive dissonance
meat eating is what allows humans to develop brains.
No wonder so many females are retarded now that I say it.
>implying the foods (and meat) you eat aren't fortified with vitamins artifically
Your logic is laughable. Eating meat allowed us to develop brains because in ancient times we didn't have the variety and amount of food we do now. Meat was the easiest way to get nutrient dense food. There is nothing in meat that makes you develop a bigger brain. I wonder what's your IQ if you can't think deeper than that? 143 IQ here :^)
What standard deviation?
144 IQ here
get rekt normie.
IQ 140 or possibly 143 here from mensa's own online test (i got all the answers right)
i concur
I have been thinking about going vegetarian for a period of time, I fucking love meat.
I work out twice a day 4-5 times a week (yoga/strength training) will going full tonto vegan affect my strength? I don't care about size, I just wanna be healthy
Hello retards