Why does no one shill actual good coins on Veeky Forums?

Why does no one shill actual good coins on Veeky Forums?


They do; they are hidden in plain sight.

Only bagholders need to shill.

All I see are shills wanting to dump bags. It actually makes sense to buy ones that are FUDed


ah yes, because FUD is always 'FUD'...

Grasshopper, you have to see without seeing. Look without looking. For, amidst the chaos, there is great wisdom..

because there's only like 5-6 good coins

link omg nuls ... uh.... trx

dude wtf is nuls...

Massive shilling campaign today for this coin. NO CLUE.

honestly, shill me.

Havent a clue. theyre the top 3 shills that arent blatent brainlet shit. They might just be a more intelligent packaging of shit for all I know

Already missed the moon then.

At this point I'm happy waiting for NCash to triple me up for the weekend.

Never heard of it before

Shill me on it

Good coins get shilled here everyday you fucking faggot
Kill yourself you low IQ nigger

You're being too nice that's your problem

Maybe if you try being more forceful in your approach he'll understand better.

because you never ask it.


is this a good coin

it annoys me how lazy the shills are
they just post the name of their coins over and over again in every thread. they don't even tell me what it is or why i should buy it. yes, i will do my own research, but it would be nice if i had more to go on then a random list of coins 90% of which are probably shit. its at the point now where i don't even bother looking into anything

People dont know about powh.io yet, so how are they supposed to shill it


active github, just announced a partnership with Devery, maybe thats why it got an attention spike, idk.. Network effect?

its just another smartcontract platform/ consortium at some level of "decentralization" and progress along their roadmap...

in this market you pay a lot for hype and prospect...

their whitepaper is ambitious

The good coins get lost, here are some few which will make you 10x in a few moths,



and LINK obviously is thee one

OP is an obvious fucking low IQ cuckold

Look at the fucking top 10 for fucks sake. Look at the fucking top 20 even, every single one of those motherfuckers there have been shilled here.


there are no good coins, user