if the evolution is real, how come horses didn't evolve above needing horseshoes in the last 50 million years?
If the evolution is real, how come horses didn't evolve above needing horseshoes in the last 50 million years?
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Because you don't understand what evolution is.
No one knows. It's a mystery why horses never adapted to cobblestones 50 million years ago. You won't hear biologists taking about it though because the cobblestone industry pays them off, because they don't want people to know cobblestones occur naturally.
Have thy been forced to walk on paved roads for 50 million years? Are horses 50 million years old?
This, pavement has been around since at least early cretaceous period. If evolution is real horses would clearly evolved steel hoofs back in the days when their triceratopticorn rainbow ancestors first rode themselves to Bethlehem.
>Are horses 50 million years old?
The horse family is
Because the evolutionnary pressure on blacksmith was higher, so they killed horsewho evolved horsehoes so they could sell horseshoes.
Checkmate atheists.
Picture confirms it. Why would a 50 million year old horse have cement under their hoofs if there where no roads?
Christians one, lions zero.
>this thread
Whenever we discuss evolution you must take into account multiple variable. Among them are 1) is there a significant stress to justify evolution and 2) is it physiologically easy
An example for 1) is the fight against bacteria using anti biotic. Because we put a huge stress on those organism their evolution is favored. And by stress I means change is critical for the survival of th specie.
2) in order to acquire useful trait those said trait must be ( and that's obvious) physiologically possible. Ex it doesn't matter how stress you put on a humans the chances for them to develop bullet proof skin is highly unlikely.
Now ask your self these 2 question and you ll be able to answer about of the evolution check mate type question, ( ie: why can't human fly)
Hope you find this helpful
I came in here to talk about hard pavement, but I see that one is taken.
Instead, I'll talk weight: A modern horse is about twice as big (and therefore 8 times as heavy) as a horse 10k years ago.
Hooves developed for running a low weight over soft dirt ground are not as good for running 8x as much weight over paved ground.
I heard it's because the way we keep them makes their hooves soft.
horses have 4 legs. of course, so do most other mammals. raccoons, dogs, tigers, elephants, all have four legs. however, humans have 2 legs, and since they are in the mammal family, that means they had a common ancestor (according to evolutions). the mammal-human ancestor must have had a number of legs such that the least amount of change happened between humans and other mammals, which means the ancestor would have had 3 legs (+1 for mammals, -1 for humans). unfortunately, whales are supposed to be mammals as well, and they have 0 legs, arguably 1 if you count the vestigial bones/flippers as one leg. if you find the least amount of change between species there, you get an impossible fraction number of legs, which implies that it is actually incorrect to include whales in the mammal family.
i bet these guys couldn't wait to evolve
>8 times as heavy
Horselets, when will they learn?
>if horses evolved form horses why are there still horses?
checkm8 atheists
Its not even just a matter of walking on the roads, it needed to suddenly start running on roads carrying people and large loads, the real question is why haven't people evolved Nike's on their feet since we could have always used shoes?
I don't care much for heors, but isn't it amazing how the banas fit so well both in my hand and ass ?
Truly, G*d is a mighty engineer.
Dubs of truth.
I'm personally an ADIDAS man though.
OP is autistic.
Humans evolved to help their lifestyles