>mfw people think time travel is possible
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>mfw people think time travel is possible
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Check my timestamp OP.
wow impressive! How did you manage to travel to the future?
See? I did it. It's now a very different time from before.
If you asked a caveman if computers were possible of course he would say no, but look at us now. Who's to say that we literally don't have the frame of mind to comprehend time or FTL travel because our current frame of mind prohibits it
A moment in time is defined by the absolute position of every single particle in the universe.
You can't go back, it's over, she doesn't love you anymore, you can't travel back in time to stop her from killing herself. Your dad is disappointed and died disappointed, you will never get your life back, this misery is yours and only yours and cannot be undone.
There is no hope.
A caveman doesn't even know what a computer is, so he can't decide if their existence is possible or not. Time is something we're all experiencing, and everyone has the same level of authority to give it a logical analysis, scientifically or not.
Just because something we thought was impossible, turned out to be the contrary, doesn't mean everything is possible. Take flying machines as an example. Time travel carries a shitload of logical inconsistences and weird implications; flying machines don't. There's a difference between denying the possibility of something due to a lack of imagination / not taking into account other possible factors that reality can be ruled by, and straight pure metaphysical stuff that challenges your entire conception of existence, logic and the way you experience everything.
>A moment in time is defined by the absolute position of every single particle in the universe.
>this misery is yours and only yours and cannot be undone.
i know you were joking, but didn't you just contradict yourself there?
You can not be 100% certain that time travel is impossible.
U can not be 100% sure of anything in physics.
Who knows? maybe gravity will cease to exist tomorow.
Of course it's possible. I'm time traveling right now, although very slowly.
Aren't there solutions to the general relativity equations that include closed time loop?
Can you provide evidence / explain your reasoning for why we can't acquire certainty of it?
I'm currently traveling through time one second per second and you can't do shit about it.
i like your argument on time travel.but plz help me im confused a bit.What if time is more like a frame being played simultaneously.i mean like every event like our childhood, adulthood etc is taking place all at the same time oh GOD i dont even know how to explain this.
Fuck this if anyone can understand what im geting at text me at parikshith.pradeep on facebook?(im the guy with the galsses and blue shirt)
Relative to what?
by that same token we can also assume that, if time travel does exist, there could be a mechanism by which these inconsistencies are physically prevented from manifesting, given that we've not yet encountered them. there's more than just a few theories on how this could work.
best to just assume nothing until proven otherwise
we're already traveling forword in time dumb ass
NO you retard.
To time travel, you would have to put every single particle in the same exact place, and every particle has to have the same age as it had in the past. aka impossible.
Anything is possible if you don't define the question well enough. Things only begin to become impossible as constraints are added.
You can't just ask 'is time travel possible' without providing the method of time travel. There are many methods of time travel, with mostly all of them being impossible. Really, there is only one way to time travel - build the past (or the future) as how it once was, or how it will be. Then move there. This is the only way to time travel. There is simply no other method than to construct the past or the future and move there. The past and the future don't exist anywhere. How are you going to go somewhere that doesn't exist anywhere? You can't unless you build it. Building it is possible. But when you add constraints, such as time limits, it becomes impossible. So, time travel is possible. Be more specific with your question though and it'll become impossible.
>Who's to say that we literally don't have the frame of mind to comprehend time or FTL travel because our current frame of mind prohibits it
It isn't perspective that prohibits it, it's the laws of physics. Computers were an engineering problem for people of the past, but nothing they knew fundamentally forbid them creating computers. That isn't true of FTL and time travel, and we'd need a new theory of reality to allow for them.
Lorentz invariance has been tested up to one part in 10^120, so any violation allowing for FTL would be very difficult to exploit, or even observe, if such a violation exists at all.
There are solutions to general relativity that include closed timelike curves, where going forward in time leads back to the past, but they violate various conditions we know our universe to satisfy (like causality, energy conditions etc.). Even then these solutions don't allow for time travel - they correspond to situations where you have something like a bug laying an egg, dying, being eaten by the baby bug, which then grows up, reproduces parthenogenetically, and the process starts over - the bug is its own parent and time goes around in a closed loop. Okay, but if this is going on in some part of the universe, how can you use this, from your part of the universe where time goes normally, to travel back in time?
If there's a possibility for time travel or FTL, it has to go beyond known physics and you cannot compare this to the engineering problems of the past.
>A moment in time is defined by the absolute position of every single particle in the universe.
No it isn't. If every particle goes back to its original position it doesn't mean you've gone back in time. In classical physics you have different momenta, and in quantum physics you have different relative phases to distinguish them, but even then you cannot say your position in time is determined by the positions of the things in space.
This is especially problematic in relativity because different observers will disagree about these positions, and even about what is and is not simultaneous.
what if we picked up time and pushed it somewhere else?
This. Also, the only real big problems with these are the inherent Causality violations them selves.
Whether or not Causality holds true in all cases or can be manipulated is a matter of further discussion and analysis
Fuck off back to the engineering faculty faggot
The problem is that time travel is logically inconceivable on its own. The only way you could justify the idea is by imagining that everytime you time travel, you arrive in the past of an "alternate dimension" or "universe", and the one where you traveled from is unaffected by your departure and goes on as normal. And even then, that's carries more problems such as having to explain the existence of multiverses.
For the lazy on mobile:
Fermi Paradox with timetravel:
If time travel is or will ve possible, where are all the time travelers?
>>mfw people think time travel is possible
Time travel is possible. Unfortunately we can only travel in one direction.
Daily reminder that we are currently traveling through time at a rate of 1 second per second
...not revealing that they're time travelers?
Okay fucktard go back to dreaming about something that will never exist. But hey dont feel too bad, its not like you could change anything in your pathetic life even if it were possible.