Will science invent immortality in our lifetimes?

Will science invent immortality in our lifetimes?

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Its possible but unlikely.

Immortality is impossible because something will eventually get you.

We will have the ability to live for a very long period of time, though. (thousands of years, etc.)

>We will have the ability to live for a very long period of time, though. (thousands of years, etc.)

How long do you think it will take? Also, do you think we will be able to revert old age? I don't want to live thousands of years as a grandpa.

>Also, do you think we will be able to revert old age
I'd wager never.
>How long do you think it will take?
Your grandchildren's grandchildren will be long gone by then.

Take your pedophile cartoons back to .

Maybe, they already had some success with telomere regeneration but I'm more interested in living forever young.

At any rate has anyone seen that new "second skin" they created? I'm desperately searching for something besides surgery to get rid of saggy skin, and while the second skin is basically a fancy make-up I wonder if it means we may get a decent treatment for flaccid skin in the short future.

This. You can't prevent every form of death you have, not in a lifetime, not a million neither.

Then call it unlimited longevity and answer, you understood what faggot OP asked. Also please someone answer this I was surprised to see there's no thread about this second skin.

>1. make perfect self-replicating nanomachines
>2. bond them to your immune system
>3. they use energy you get from food
>4. you can now instantly remove tumors, diseases, and foreign objects
>5. you regerate at speeds that would eliminate aging
>6. try not to go grey goo or some shit lmao

honestly though is there any way of immortality that is more plausible than medical nanomachines

Nothing is immortal.

Everything in the universe is dying, it just takes billions/trillions of years.

If humans figure out a way to negate the effects of ageing then we are literally greater than nature, and as we are a product of nature it will never be possible.

ok fags, you defeat aging etc, but what about the nerve system including your brain how do you come up with the idea of not aging it and actually developing some sort of crazy loss of memory etc ?

>Daily reminder that Veeky Forums's first boards were /a/-Anime General, /b/-Anime Random and /c/-Anime Cute

We are already immortal

what's with the literal bitch

>Your grandchildren's grandchildren will be long gone by then.

That's disappointing

hair clip a best

>Your grandchildren's grandchildren will be long gone by then.

That's disappointing

hair clip a best


With the current technology and advancement immortality is not far fetched.The reason we grow old is due to the decaying of our regeneration rate.The current technology probably has the capability to overcome that factor but they would never release it to the public as it would cause a havoc(population explosion ,lack of food etc).
However overcoming regeneration is not the only way of gaining immortality.The other way we can be immortal(my idea), if we find a way to transfer our memory into a device and store it there continuously till we die or for however long we wamt and then when we choose brainwash the host and replace the hosts memory with your own memory hence you live again.(less humane but science requires sacrifice)
text me on fb-parikshith.pradeep (the nerdy guy with the glasses sipping cappacino)

Sure, if everyone chips in


The Emperor is already immortal

tru dat

>Will science invent immortality in our lifetimes?
>our lifetimes
no, at least one of us will die before that happen.

What about memory?
Human brain can't extent forever, so we will run out of room unless we jam hard drives into our skulls.

Don't just talk about it and wait for someone to do it

If you're really interested in solving this then become a researcher, become a biotech entrepreneur or venture capital worker or donate to or campaign for the cause.