>allergic to garlic
Allergic to garlic
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good idea
>that one food you love but makes your stomach burn in hell
Pasta and bread.
>Wife hates onions
>Have to omit onions, green onions, and leeks from all my cooking
>She says "Just add it in at the end if you want it"
Just kill me, please
>marrying someone with the palate ofna literal baby
Your fault idiot
Don't I know it
Why did you marry her? How old are you? What the FUCK is wrong with you?
35, married at 24. I'd known her for 8 years before we married, and we get along well and enjoy each other's company. It's a stable relationship that I enjoy, she's into many of the same hobbies I'm into and has similar views, but cutting out onions from my diet for years makes me crave them more than a gay man craves dick.
I guess there's always a downside to every relationship, and mine is an onion outlaw.
>allergic to garlic AND shellfish
Why live?
Not OP
Also allergic to shellfish. Just found its 2 different allergies. Red shellfish(what I'm allergic too) is your crab, lobster and shrimp. White shellfish is your muscles clams and such. You should talk to your doctor and have a allergic test run. There might be hope.
>addicted to hot, spicy food, especially Indian and Thai
>eating it more than once a week gives me diarrhoea for about 2-3 days after the fact
I'm a brown man in a white body.
You can be allergic to that?
You can be allergic to pretty much anything.
I've met a man allergic to corn. Corns in god damn everything.
OP is using that as a retarded excuse when we know he's clearly a vampire.
just make her leave the house for a day, buy 2 pounds of each type of those bad boys and fry those fuckers all day, then pig out on dat dere french fried onions. seriously, dude, cutting fried onions out of my diet for years would make me hear voices in my head, that tell me to kill that woman
My wife loves onions, sometimes eats them raw. However, she is allergic to tomatoes. She likes them fine, but they give her hella stomach pain. Why live?
>not seasoning it with zyrtec
are you even trying
>only allergic to ragwed pollen
I sometimes forget how lucky I am.
My wife is in that boat. Living with that is a bit of a hell.
>11 year age difference
Hot damn you won the lottery
Say what you want about that, pretending to be allergic to shit got me out of eating so much nasty stuff as a kid.
fuck off vampire
I would literally an hero. I put garlic in fucking everything. Never come over to my place unless you want to die.
Is this bait?
allergic to eggs over here
fuck my life in the butt
Eggs are gay anyways. What a shit food
We know it's you, Fieri.
>mild allergic reaction to avocado, watermelon, and walnut
Fuck the rest, I just want to eat some guac
They're a super cheap source of protein. Especially now that egg prices are going down (at least in the US).
you communicate like it's still 2009
allergic to watermelons
I too dislike onions.
The thing with onions (to me at least) is the following:
If it's well cooked, and not a big piece, it's fine, it blends in the food just fine and just enrichs the flavour.
Raw onion is not an option, the texture and juice of it are too much for someone that dislikes it.
Fried onions or onion rings are fine if they're thin enough.
Onion flavoured snacks, such as cookies, bread or whatever are fine.
I found out that it's mostly the texture of it that I dislike and the taste of it's juice when it's raw.
But watermelon is like 90% water, there's so little there for you to be allergic to
>tfw not allergic to anything
feels good desu
>hates onions
Does she hate onions or the texture of onions? This is what most people mean when they say they don't like onions. Just cut the onion to powder
>raw onions
i get this tandoor paneer dish from the local indian joint and it comes with almost raw onions and it's fucking GOAT tier
its just a mild allergic reaction but still enough to cause rashes and inflamation in my throat.
I used to eat watermelon all the time and it was my fav fruit to eat but as soon as my balls droppec i got allergic
>allergic to mint
>okay, this sucks I can work with it though. Kids toothpaste for fucking ever, carry epipen, I will be fine.
>develop rice allergy
>fuck my life
I miss rice so damn much. At least it's not gluten or corn, I'd never eat again.
> Onions are one of my favorite foods
> Also love tomatoes
> Develop GERD
> Tomatoes and Onions are top acidic foods
> MFW after lots of tomatoes and onions.
Fucking sucks man
>allergic to eggs
Are you also allergic to cake, and cookies, and generally anything with egg as part of the ingredient?
Your not alone, OP. My mom and I are both allergic to garlic.
>brother is really allergic to wheat
wew I fucking dodged a genetic bullet there
Who /noallergies/ master race?
>onion flavoured cookies
Sick reference bro! Outta bounds!
>allergic to nothing but dust or pollen and even then it just makes me sneezy
>mfw I can eat whatever the fuck I want
>Being allergirc to something
All this untermensch
>used to eat cherries nonstop
>suddenly allergic to cherries
I thought I could get rid of it by eating more cherries, but that made it worse.
I have a friend with diagnosed coeliac sprue who found out either last year or the one before that she is also allergic to corn.
She subsists mostly on grass and ice cubes.
Reporting the fuck in brotha.
no he's allergic to eggs
>Just add it at the end if you want it
The idea that this is possible sends chills down my spine. I eat enough garlic that bugs won't even land on my skin.
I am, however, allergic to black pepper and sulfites. Makes eating out a bitch.
Are you from Spain?
West Virginia
Jesus, do you live off crackers and water?
> tfw eating any meat other than fish gives me diarrhea for a full week
I just want to not have to work with only fish and veg fucking kill me
I can say i have patrician aryan genes
Listen up, kids,
A lot of these allergies/intolerances are due to various heavy metals you get from your environment.
Heavy metals fuck up your metabolism and enzyme production, which in turn fucks up your metabolism some more, making you unable to process normally harmless foods.
Garlic allergy/intolerance can be due to sulfate intolerance, as garlic, onion, eggs,... contain a lot of sulfur.
Source: Timecube
Shit looking website, and sells supplements on the sly,but it does provide you with information on how to start sorting yourself out. There is probably better info out there, but best I could find in 10 seconds is some dude feeding copper to sheep and publishing a paper on it.
Copper comes into your system through tap water, as copper sulfate is used to kill green slimy shit on the cheap (Very common in Europe).
Estrogen helps with copper absorption:
There's also shitton of estrogen in your tap water, as filters don't clean it out. Again, much more common in Europe, as you get fucking government mandated estrogen pills from your doctor as soon as you start squirting blood.
And if you're prone to yeast infections and other fungal shit, copper is going to linger on in your system for longer, making it all worse, but at least your lack of hygiene won't make your shit fester as much.
In short, make your own fucking water, 'cause the shit you're drinking is killing you.
The only thing I'm allergic to is dumb baby garbage like antibiotics
> make stew
> sister eats with her fucking mouth open
> pops a tomato in her mouth ejecting burning tomato juice all over her chin and lips
> screams like I branded her
>get vaccinated while I was a kid
>last time I had to get a mandatory vaccine was when I was like 16 or 17 in school
>get the fuck outta there as soon as nobody is looking, nothing bad came out of that
>never had to get shots for anything really
>never get sick
>barely any medicine at home because we're never fucking sick at all
>I never knew people would get flu shots or shots for infections and the like
>meet gf and hang out with her at her place
>as soon as she gets sick (which is pretty much every fucking month at least twice) her mother takes her to the doctor to get a shot
>her parents do the same as soon as they get sick
>house filled with medicine and her mother sees herself as some sort of illness expert or someshit
>mfw I realized people put shittons of antibiotics and medicine and other shit they have barely any knowledge of what they really do in their bodies as if it was nothing
They made fun of me once for not knowing how shots work or how you get them or whatever. Yeah nah, I'd rather not know any of that shit from experience. That's why I stay healthy.
>Allergic to Cashews and Pistatios
>But Macadamia nuts, Almonds, and Peanuts are OK
>ywn be able to fully enjoy trail mix unless there isn't ANY cashews inside
>there are always cashews.
> asthma
> literally die if I don't have an inhaler
>lmao lets give you limited refills and your insurance covers only one a month so no saving up and lmao good luck if you run out before refill date hope you live next to a hospital!
> sixty bucks per inhaler without insurance even though they have been around for just under a hundred years because they literally print money for big pharma
Fairly certain they put shit in those fucking things that make your body require that shit. Asthma worse since I started using those things
just cats
[spoiler]I can't eat chinese[/spoiler]
>>"intolerant" to tomatoes.
>>still eat them bc delicious.
>>diarrhea/projectile vomiting several nights a week.
>>no fucks given.
user, do you have a gluten intolerance? You probably should look into alternatives, like killing yourself.
Wasted quints.
Damn shame.
Bananas and macadamia nuts make my mouth itch. Also have lactose intolerance but only when I eat straight ice cream or have shakes. Cheese is safe for me.
For all anons with food allergies: I'm sorry your ability to enjoy food is inhibited. But hey, at least you're not an old fuck who literally can't taste food, right?
Or one of those people born without a sense of smell.
>bc delicious diarrhea/projectile vomit several times a week
No need to hide the fact that you get pleasure from vomiting and shitting out tomato diarrhea user.
reporting in
All these pathetic genetics. Consider yourselves lucky, 200 years ago you people would of been pretty fucked. You'll be fucked and the first to go if shit ever hits the fan.
>being out-survived by a peanut
look up oral allergy syndrome
No allergies #life
People going to the doctors everytime they're sick is what's ruining medicine.
idiots who go the EMERGENCY room for common colds/non emergencies are the ones ruining medicine
faggots don't know the difference between pcp/quick care/emergency room medical issues
Yeah, that too.
It's mostly foreigners in my home town that do that. Absolute waste of time, best they can do it give you paracetamol.
I like onions a lot but I have to eat them on the spot. Leftovers with onions in them are out of the question, they get stringy and mushy and disgusting and I hate it.
I go to the doctors office and ask my doctor for pain killers for my back. He refuses everytime because I'm diabetic and it'll kill my kidneys apparently.
Can I go to the ER and get pain killers? Tho it would be short lived.
The moment they check your charts they'll say no and you'll be out the door. People at the ER also have access to your medical history, user.
Move from the states and corn becomes a novelty item you sometimes see at farmer's markets.
>200 years ago you people would of been pretty fucked. You'll be fucked and the first to go if shit ever hits the fan.
You think allergies didn't exist 200 years ago?
>would of
Oh I see now.
Does that thing where cilantro tastes like soap count?
Some current research seems to indicate that allergies have more to do with your bacteria stack as a child then genetics. Just like the 'fat gene' it probably doesn't exist.
I get this with garlic, onions and tomatoes
I call it the master clear
I must be allergic to something but I'm too retarded to pay attention while I'm stuffing my face with delicious food
>thread about allergies
>post that you have no allergies
What's the point? Are you going to visit a forum for disabled people and brag about how you are able bodied? Do you dance in front of people in wheelchairs?
Tfw citrus allergy
What am I missing out on?
Lemon pepper chicken sounds great
I read about a baby born allergic to water. She lived for two weeks.
vampire please leave
>visiting a forum for disabled people
nah i'll stay off tumblr and reddit, thanks
Tuna, but only canned tuna. The fuck is in there? I don't start dying or anything but my stomach does not want that shit inside it and I always vomit, sometimes immediately, sometimes after 10-20 minutes. What's in canned tuna that's so bad?
I love larb and papaya salad but evertime I eat it I pee out of my butt for 2 days.
I still go to my thai place every few months and get it as hot as they make it.
Only allergy is hayfever, no food alergies
I am allergic to normal penicillin.
hay fever is food allergy