How would you explain quantum theory to an ancient without having access to scientific evidence?
How would you explain quantum theory to an ancient without having access to scientific evidence?
They would bash you with a rock, burn your house and rape your wife anyway
easy now try to explain GR or SR
It's easy: Either the cat is dead, or it isn't!
Can YOU show me the evidence? Of course you can't. You learned the theory from a textbook or from your teacher. You've never seen the actual evidence with your own eyes.
that's his point
Just hide it behind philosophical or religious bullshit and they will believe it immediately.
You can see interference fringes in light by peering thru a small crack between your fingers, you fucking moron.
using their terms:
Chance exists and impacts our world, but only at the smallest of levels.
or, metaphysically:
everything is made of Earth, but small particles of Earth are surrounded in Fire. Thus there is both a constant component and a changing component to the particles.
to a monk:
Everything is changing, yet it remains the same.
The same way you do now :^)
Democritus' atomic theory is right, with some nuance.
Ever heard of Empedocles?
yes but I had to refresh my memory. world moves in cycles of love and strife, when love is winning and order is maintained strife comes in and fucks it all up, when strife has everything all chaotic love swoops in and straightens things back up.
It's a pretty theory but I don't totally see its relation to quantum mechanics, what are you suggesting?
thats because light is a classical wave. now try to do it with an electron
By explaining how to acquire the scientific evidence through expirementation, assuming they won't burn me at the stake
If they are gonna burn me at the take fuck that, let them have a few hundred more years of their bullshit
It's chaos magic
>go back in time
>explain quantum theory to the greeks
>nothing changes
>hey guys I'm from the future also a particle doesn't have a specific momentum or position until we look at it!
You'd probably end up in an asylum.
The ancients intuited it already before we formulated it.
It's the theory of ideas
This peasant is the king.
This king is the peasant.
The first shall be last.
The last shall be first.
Hold me mister skeletal.
>easy to explain to greeks
They were still debating whether atoms are a thing. Same for space. Or if motion was possible.
They already knew about the atom
“Okay, very simply, normal computers work this way : either there’s power going through a wire, or not. It’s 1, or a 0, they’re binary systems. Uh, what quantum states allow for is much more complex information to be encoded into a single bit. Regular computer bit is either a 1 or a 0, on or off. A quantum state can be much more complex than that, because as we know things can be both particle and wave at the same times and the uncertainty around quantum states allows us to encode more information into a much smaller computer. ”
Tell him he needs to figure out how to measure the height of a flowing river at any point in it, except the dipstick he's using to measure the river is the size of the river.
I always envision going back and showing Lagrangian mechanics, then I remember...these fuckers haven't even figured out algebra or a decent number system yet
is this bait lmao
a meter is earth-equator`s 4th`s an10 millionth
Wut? Explain how to do this plz
There is likeness to the smallest unit - it is the induction of their history.
>classical wave
Clearly, you have never attended a lecture nor know what a photon is.