Why are negroes and abos so stupid compared to the other races?

Why are negroes and abos so stupid compared to the other races?

'cus the white man keeping them down

Because "intelligence" is a meaningless racist construct specifically designed for the purpose of making non-whites and women look stupid.

/pol/ please leave

you know, I think Veeky Forums would be greatly improved if all /pol/ science threads (eugenics, scientific racism, race vs IQ, etc.) were banned except for one weekly thread called /polsci/ in which discussion of these topics were allowed

and "basketball" and "marathons" and "track and field" are meaningless racist constructs specifically designed for the purpose of making negroes look superior.

Nice try but it's impossible to be racist against majority races.

whites are a minority worldwide

Hi assholes!

Bye now. /polsci/. That's a good one..

Have you ever been outside?

They are in charge worldwide. You cannot oppress those who are in charge.

Why is op an uneducated misanthrope who bothers not to do research?

Why don't you enlighten me, mr. intelligent humanist.




This is actually not crazy, despite what some of you may think. IQ tests are proven to be racially biased.

I think you mean that niggers are proven to be intellectually inferior.

What IQ tests precisely measure is up for debate; but simply calling it racially biased utilizes nomenclature to appear as a legitimate 'out' from discussing the topic at all. More to the point, IQ and what it might measure, alongside the fact that a society should value this metric, is itself a social construct. Being a social construct does not necessarily make something illegitimate or not worth consideration.

Consider what our society values--that is a social construct, this value system. Currently, we live in a society where problem solving and technical ability are highly valued skills for our increasingly technological existence. This preference is a social construct; however, I would ask: what the fuck would the alternative would be? What other technological society exists that progresses at the levels we're observing without placing precedence/value on logical thinking, problem solving, etc.?

Hunting success and IQ probably do not correlate (i.e., it's not obvious to me that they should), so naturally I'd be surprised if IQ distributions were a global property even if all societies developed from a basic hunter-gatherer model. Those societies that began to place a great deal of value on technical challenges, which would become the future white-collar jobs everyone wants today (STEM, high profile business, etc.), would probably develop these skills as a society.

If a culture/society didn't place value on these skills or promote the success of those who had these skills, I'd be surprised if that culture/society spontaneously developed these skills alongside those who might place priority on problem solving, technical thinking, etc.

TLDR: of course IQ and logic tests are social constructs and what they measure will be biased toward western culture. The reason is that we live in western culture, and that culture has great use for the kind of thinking it's supposed to measure (what it's supposed to measure is another topic).

so are chinks the masterrace now

Yeah, that's one of the reasons anime is so great.


this is Veeky Forums, not /pol/
but you need to go back to ebola land

i'm just fucking tired of these daily "other races r stoopid cuz science" threads

They are though.

we dont need to be reminded every fucking ten seconds

Because they're still evolving

Is that why you open and reply to all those threads ? Coz they put a hide button for the threads you don't wanna see.