Be me

>Be me
> 24 years old
> work as dev making 130k in NYC
> Yep that’s really me from my vacation to Iceland in January
> fuck a lot of white and Asian chicks cause they are easy as a successful and in shape black man from the city
> browse here every now and then
> nigger nigger nigger nigger
> no effect
> you are subhuman
> no effect
> no effect because I see through all your harmless words and can see who I’m really dealing with
> realize this place is filled with autistics, fat fucks, virgins, losers living with their parents, broke dudes, and idiots who believe in a JSON parser crypto which has a useless token

Good luck making it. No seriously you guys are future millionaires lmao.

>> no effect
Pretty common in low-IQ people. Congrats on your diversity hire.

More proof thats actually you, and then you have my word. No more racist comments again, and Im sure that will go for many others on here aswell.

You'll always be a nigger though

friendly reminder that cuck posters like this are a canary in the gold mine in the sense of telling you that Veeky Forums is now nothing but shitposting and low iq

to put it another way, you're the wafting smell from a fresh turd

> no effect
And you had to made thread about it.

>nigger nigger nigger nigger
>no effect
fucking niggers never learn

Sage in every field

Why is this board turning more and more into /pol/ every day?

You fucking trisomy 21 victims don't know how to sage either just like the the dohnald refugees.

Lol he's literally larping being a nigger

good on you black dick

asian will say no to niggaaarrr

>be me
who the fuck else would you be

Congrats, but if you can't grasp why LINK is the tits then look forward to being a porch monkey :)

If you're so fucking smart you should have enough pride in your own race to continue it instead of wasting your money traveling around the world committing bestiality like the subhuman monkey you are




>implying this isn't a bait thread

but even then
>be you
>so "unaffected" that you feel the need to open topics, take pictures and brag about fucking white girls

>be me
>get called a smelly, cheese-eating surrender monkey by fellow burgers
>hear my country should get nuked every other week
>countrymen always bad guys or cheesy stereotypes in every media
>don't give a fuck
>don't build my life around resenting other people
>act normal
>socialize normally
>have american friends
>date american girl

whether you're a cuck larping a sex fetish or an actual nignog, you're a prisoner in your own mind


muh nigger word, your black your entire culture/race is 150y behind in evolution towards social standards, a white man is gona bring your entire capital down if u say this in real life, stay humble nigger

good larp faggot, oh I meant nigger nigger nigger

Don't even bother OP, just lay low and listen

nice user, this is top quality, guaranteedreplies.exe

Hell yeah bro. Im a suave asian dude and id even let you fuck me

you really going to get the word nigger get to you op? If you were jewish you'd be labeled kike all day, etc. Just

La creatura...

>be me
>not affected

That’s all I really do. the ideology here is just a way for Z tier social outcasts to pretend they're actually only F tier because they're "Better than niggers and women and pajeets" etc. they think
Veeky Forums cures that delusion. When you have money you don't need to lean on crutches like that any more unless you're actually so simple minded the only way you can function is by clumping people in huge generalised groups and then pretending they're all worse than you are.

I’m just shitting on them for a sec before I wake up.

Hey guys, here’s what working out and being black can earn you. Take notes you fat fucks.

if it was no effect, this thread wouldn't exist.

Have some more niggers, brother

You do realise it's a troll post, to shit on blacks right? r-right?
fucking monkey.

you're not successful because you're black, you're successful despite being black... never forget that. you transcended the herd, most likely by sheer luck.
and enjoy the temporary riches your people are able to enjoy in this period of human history... it won't last... one way or the other...

also: those 2 look like nice fuck toys. have fun with them. not my type though... i go for a minimum amount of self-respect in women... and that includes:
if you ever let yourself be degraded to fuck a nigger or a mudslime...
you don't talk about it and pray that the world forgets about it... because else, you'll never have a shot at a successful white man EVER again for anything more than a pump'n'dump...
and no, beta- bux steve raising two half-nigletts i do NOT consider a successful white man... despite net worth

not being a beta pussyworshipper has it's merits, let me tell you...

how ridiculously low on the human totem pole do you have to be to get successful and do nothing but live hedonistically and not refine yourself further...

yeah, cool. a bitch sucked me off because of my net worth. so now what? is that all you want from life? just to then dangle it in front of people who just happened to not luck out like you? what a pathetic lifestyle...

and the best thing:
with all the "brothers and sisters" this, and the "black power" that:
you'd be the last one to uplift anybody who shares your skin of color./cultural background.

because niggers in a bunch behave like crabs:
never lift each other up, always put the others down. guess what the nigger starts doing now, that whitey has thrown him a bone and he can live a life of semi-luxury

simply, ungrateful and completely bereft of humanity by the curse their own very being

ps: i don't care this is bait. i felt like writing.

>r/asianmasc have successfully psyoped themselves into being cucks

like pottery

couldn't even finish your comment, autismo
you are not special here for your skin color here
do you get that? tits or get the fuck out. seriously.

>be black
>spend the last 48 hours learning how to crop an image because all I do is smoke weed and listen to rap
>show off my skills on Veeky Forums
>be op


You are broke. Please do not reply to me

8/10 larp my dude

you've wasted your life getting triggered by /pol/ daily and now you are moving onto Veeky Forums
the real loser here is you

>Who knew Icelandic thots enjoyed bestiality

Nobody has time to read that wall bro. Go cry somewhere else

Being from r/cuckold needs to be a perm ban

nobody cares dude. Honestly I have never seen a more insecure post on /biz, the fact that you have to come here to prove how much better you life is in order to flex your status shows that you are afraid you cant do it anywhere else, you know that there are people out there who you will come across in your life that are going to be richer and more successful than you and also be white. Yet you come here to the depths of the internet to show that you have made it because you are too afraid to compare people of your own status because there are white people that have everything you have and more simply because they are white.

For the record nobody cares that you are a nig, the fact you have a job in a liberal city like that is more likely due to affirmative action than anything else. you are flexing on a japanese anime board, because that is the only place you can do it

Hey Faggots,

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

I feel like it's been so long since I've seen the actual original pasta of this.

b-but user, you are a biztard and you are not the pic related


Is it weird that I literally wake up every morning thanking God that I wasn't born a nigger? And I'm not even white!

>kissing whores

you larping as tyrone = incel poltard larping as chad

Even if you make it, you will never be white

>bestiality picture


ruined all believability there mate

>130k in NYC

Ok, so you have basically no money left after taxes and rent. You have no savings.

>hes black

Reverse image search proves that you, OP, sucks dick

Bud, you're not black you're mulatto. Be thankful for your White genes - your slightly above average intelligence and reasonable looks are thanks to them.

Didn't read, not your blog NIGGER

Lmao yup. Feels good working 6 figures in a boutique bank London at 22 along with a 6 figure crypto portfolio while these poor NEETS get off their 'nigger' comments

Feels good going to work and all the successful whites wanna be me and every female graduate wants to fuck me

They don't realise their online persona leaks into their real life and affects their relationships and how other people perceive them

They will never be a success

Your ancestors didn't mix with Neanderthals but instead stayed in Africa and interbred with an unknown archaic hominid.

This has set you back in the human evolutionary chain. No amount of muh dik can change that. Your source code is literally obsolete.


That didn't take long...

might be true for 90% of the population. not all boi. 6foot fit spaniard fucking 10/10 asians consistently both in vietnam and japan. 3somes are great. my secondary job is dominatrix for women, i strap them on a chair and make them cum their brains out, like therapy. oh black bois, they manage to get their soft untrained dickies wet and thats a milestone. what a jerk

>work as dev making 130k in NYC
Dev in which sphere? In sphere of opening other people's private property doors?



fukn lol those are NOT taken in Iceland. Different flora asswipe.

ofur faggi

> fuck a lot of white and Asian chicks cause they are easy as a successful and in shape black man from the city
you are rejecting your own subhuman race by doing this

The women on the photo are hookers most likely.

Also hahaha

> january
> iceland

Enjoying the warm weather in Iceland in Jan?


Yet here you are

only truth in you post is that you are a stupid subhuman nigger
that's it kek

ITT bunch of eejuts replying to a second-tier larp by a three-letter agency desk jockey trying to make people say nigger as much as possible to reinforce the stereotype that channies are all racist retards that went against Shillary because muh racism.

He's only posting because it's normie season due to bitcoin flirting with $11k again. Stop giving (((them))) and their security apparatus the satisfaction of falling for all the fucking bait threads you fucking cunts

I swear some of you niggas need to visit some leddit conspiracy to get with the programme, you're too fucking green for this Veeky Forums shit.

>inb4 gb2leddit etc, /pol/ has been coopted much worse and is getting forumslid into oblivion on the regular, same shit don't fly in conspiracy as easily

.t bonafide oldfag that's seen some shit

>Be me

100 replies guaranteed
why do americans fetishise niggers so much

Racism is wrong. You never know, one day your wife's son might be born black.

>says he’s successful
>calls everyone autism
>doesnt realise 99% is shitposting and not serious

Srsly op u the kind of person to end up a phsycho killer due to autism and taking shot seriously and internally


You're a superior black man. You were blessed with high IQ and common sense, unlike the negroid ghetto dwellers who cause nothing but havoc

here's a pic related for my first post, it's mfw I see your replies to threads like this

>ITT: State of Veeky Forums 2018

does it help cope with your failures, to pretend people give a shit about a place you're tangentially associated with?
yeah man there's a government conspiracy to make you say a bad word that's all over the place
and we're all sheep while you're enlightened
one might think a SMART man would infiltrate government agencies to see if his theories hold up to scrutiny
but no, better stay in the comfort of ignorance than face the possibility you're just a complete nigger faggot who doesn't know shit about shit