Do we really need a blockchain to track wine?
Do we really need a blockchain to track wine?
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Sunny Lu of VeChain is literally preventing counterfeit grapes from entering your kitchen. What are YOU doing about counterfeit grapes?
Yes you fuckwad muh wine , I need it on Blockchain
No, maybe as a part of another blockchain or service (like using LINK to track shipping, produce, temperature, etc.) But a dedicated blockchain with "partners" just for this shit? No, not at all.
Yeah, but only big red bottles that like dropping in value.
I see the sentiment has changed on this issue. A few days ago it was:
Where is the fag who keeps linking to all my other threads?
Best invastmunt
yeah why not? Make sure dem grapes are juicy.
>all this coordinated fud in the past hour
wew lads
5 stages of bagholders grief. We're at stage 3 now
>shady and scammy coin goes up in flames
>Veeky Forums has some fun shitting on its grave
Not everything is a conspiracy you fucking fag.
good digits and unironically correct
i know this is overbearing, but link is one of the only tokens that has a reason to exist.
invest in eth, link, eng, nano and btc.
there are probably a few other ones i'm forgetting/not aware of.
ride VEN for gains. do not during the great crypto cataclysm that follows the omega pump
anyone who speaks against ven is an FUDDER
hahahaha the literal state of ven shills, this shitcoin has not done shit in a bear market, all its value that it gained was thanks to the bull market when every other obscure shitcoin was gaining.
this FUD always happens at the same time and there's always 3-5 threads.
oh fuck off
this guy literally rips ven to shreds and all they say is "hurr durr fud"
its literally over for them
discord walties
I'm all for the FUD. Let's get this down to ICO price so I can get another MN.
^ literally every chink