One good reason why ethereum is not able to adapt well with plasma and why it’s better to scrap ether and start anew with something like neo
The only reason I see is that there are a lot of programmers how are familiar with solidity and how creating smart contract works in that space.
Also NEO is a poor choice since network shuts down at BTC's level of transactions per second, not to mention ETH.
Is it it some kind of hidden eth fud? Because what you asking is not making any sense. I mean, yes, there's no reason.
I'm going to /s/, brb.
I made an art
Plasma is supposed to increase transaction speed isn’t it?
Yes but it will also make network centralized.
I honestly think that next step for cryptos is adopting block lattice for some kind of smart contract coin. If it is even possible of course.
not really. if you go read how it works you'll realize it's not like LN.
lmao. This is so accurate on so many levels. Well done. Detail on the ass is spot on.
>not shopping the ass onto the chest so it looks like boobs.
You have failed this city
wow underrated as f
Ooft. Fucking nice work.